eBay’s $150K Bigfoot Hunter Id’ed
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 16th, 2008
The eBay Bigfoot hunter has been identified. The $150,000 man first discussed at Boing Boing yesterday can be more fully revealed here today.
TPeterson6969 is Tim Peterson, the owner of Hawk Creek Taxidermy in Maynard, Minnesota. The business address of Hawk Creek Taxidermy & Archery is technically 12640 890 St. Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55401 , a mere 25.4 miles from Young America.
This is public information, so I’m not sharing data that is private. Two of his 320 area code telephone numbers are public info too, but I won’t be posting those.
When asked for a comment for an interview, Tim Peterson briefly told me that he is a “big game hunting guide” for A Double J Outfitters in Buffalo, Wyoming. He claims to “have been hunting big game for 34 years” and is “experienced in the back country.”
If Tim Peterson helps you bag a Bigfoot, it is obvious he can mount it for you. He can also help you with the skull too. According to the links on his taxidermy website, it appears a relative of his, Rorri Peterson, runs Beetle My Bones Skullworks, a business preparing heads for trophy animal skulls displays.
Other than a couple skeptical comments about the Norway House Sasquatch video, Tim Peterson is relatively invisible online, as to any interests in Sasquatch. Peterson did briefly surface on a non-Bigfoot forum in 2005, so he could call the Norway House Cree First Nation Bigfoot eyewitness/videographer Bobby Clarke a “Goofball” because he didn’t go looking for tracks immediately. (As it turns out Clarke did search for tracks and found some.)
Here is Peterson’s posting on the FishingBuddy.com forum:
Seen the whole deal last night and the Goofball that took the pic’s,does not convince me.You would think after taking the video during the day,watching the creature or whatever wonder off in the woods that they would have gone to the location and looked for tracks along the shoreline.Grainy,Blurry or just wackey someone made a quick $.
NSO Field Staff – Tim Peterson | May 5, 2005 10:40AM
Interesting that Peterson should mention money being a motive.
The eBay auction appears to be ending soon without any takers for Peterson’s $150,000 Bigfoot hunt.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
But does he really believe in the existence of Sasquatch?
I would like to quote Hunter S. Thompson because it describes how I feel about people who has come up with ideas like this. “There he goes. One of God’s own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die” (Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The movie -98).
pre-cbs, I love that movie 😉
He should just go out and bag a BF for nothing. That would surely be worth more than $150k.
Hey, maybe he can be compelled to come here so he can explain himself…
I would love to have him clarify his motives.
another Minnesota BF hunter out for the big $$$$ Dream big or stay home and surf
Well, each to his own…
Oh man I was not thrilled to see he was from MN, don’t get me wrong I love where I’m from and it would be awesome if the man who finds concrete proof was from MN but I’m just skeptical of this, I am not familiar with this individual but even I can’t help but think this is a ploy for $$$. Just because you have big game experience doesn’t mean you can have that much confidence of results, look at how many people and how much money has been invested in the search for a Squatch over the years.
On an unrealistic yet intriguing idea, what if he can guarantee this because he has a body already? Say the original Minnesota Iceman? 🙂 I have no proof of this and it is completely unfounded (just so that’s clear) but wouldn’t that be something? After all a lot of people think it has disappeared into a private collection.
A rather unique way of seeking grants, no?
But hey, I bet that Loren or Dr. Meldrum, etc., would do a field expedition for $150,000?
In spite of my previous post I’d actually like to hear what he or anyone has to say as a different approach that he feels would be successful.
I’ve never been a fan of the tree banging, rock banging, speaker blasting, middle of the night with lights on tromping about routine.
I’d like a lot more analysis of sightings to come up with a composite that might indicate where and when to look. I know it would be conjecture and supposition but gotta start somewhere.
>>”I would love to have him clarify his motives.”
LOOK. For any and all of these off-the-wall propositions, there are only two motives: FAME and FORTUNE.
Let’s look at FAME: do you think the owner of a Taxidermy Shop in Maynard, Minnesota might enjoy a little FAME? What if he actually found, captured or killed a Sasquatch? No matter what public opinion said, he would have all the FAME he could handle, along with a huge potential FORTUNE!
And FORTUNE? Follow the MONEY. A “Big Game Hunting Guide for an Outfitter in Buffalo, Wyoming” would certainly appreciate the COSTS involved in mounting a prolonged expedition into the wildlands of North America in search of an unknown cryptid. Think about it: camping equipment, food, water, fuel, transportation (horses or ATVs), communication, audio, video & thermal recording gear, trap and containment apparatus, clothing & personal stuff, accessories, at least one assistant, etc…
Where would all that MONEY come from? I’m goin’ Squatchin’ in the local mountains for three days next month, and even that will COST me several hundred DOLLARS!
So a savvy Big Game Hunting Guide would need the FUNDS up front, to properly equip himself for the Quest. Give the guy a break with the questions about his motives – FAME and FORTUNE ane enough motives for anyone, and appropriate up-front FUNDING might just get the job done!
I wish you luck, Tim.
That is a wise thought. It is always to rush over head when someone is coming up with something controversial. The whole idea is peculiar to me but it might be me who has to think outside the good old famous box.
Perhaps the conventional approach to field researching is ineffective. Or as you put it “tree banging, rock banging, speaker blasting, middle of the night with lights on tromping about routine”.
nearly every follow up on field trips I have read and every documentary I have seen has been carried out very much after your “check list”. So far the result is a very clear zero. New ideas must be considered and perhaps those could be a fresh re-start for field researchers. Who knows, the result might be positive! Also we might want to learn from other discoveries and how they were found. I am not sure but I think that the search for new insects in the Amazons is performed with a different approach (correct me someone if I am wrong) than the search for bigfoot.
Time to learn from the past 30-40 years and realise it has not brought up any conclusive evidence.
I actually tend to agree with ya, buddy.
We don’t actually know what’s on the guy’s mind, so it’s not bad to speculate. But I’m with you that that’s what it ultimately all comes down to eventually. Money does tend to make the world go round. And fame is like crack.
I gotta another theory:
Maybe the guy’s just crazy? A delusional, full-throttle wackaloon?
Maybe he thinks he’s “destined” to discover Sasquatch and assume his place in the pantheon of world pop culture celebrities?
One guess is as good as any. But I get what you are saying. Like I said before, I’m alternating between amusement and disgust at this. and disgust is winning.
>>CamperGuy: “I’d like a lot more analysis of sightings to come up with a composite that might indicate where and when to look.”
Sasquatchin’ is largely a do-it-yourself operation, sooo…
Go to the BFRO Archives for your State: list EVERY Class A sighting according to time, day, month and location, also making colored dots on a state map. Make time, day and month graphs.
Then do the same for the States surrounding yours. Soon, patterns will emerge, perhaps revealing favorite habitats or seasonal migration routes.
Go to the best of those areas on-line and in person. Search for recent activity. Check the Libraries’ Staffs, 001 books and their Bulletin Boards for notices of local Talks. Check the newspapers for articles, and their classifieds for ads – if there are none, run one.
You will develop a personal wealth of private information about your favorite cryptid, data which nobody else has in such graphic form.
I still have my topo map detailing the movements of a creature ranging around the wilds of Maryland in Winter ’77-’78 which, combined with other info, enabled us to chart his path and to try to predict where he might show up next, what he ate, how big he was, what time of night he appeared etc, and that was only for ONE SEASON!
Do your due diligence, run the data, make the charts, talk the talk, and then… take a deeep breath, and walk the walk.
You can do it!
Well, word has it that there is a body already on ice. Groan. The sad thing is that I don’t think this is even the strangest thing I’ve ever heard of being up for auction on ebay.
Hey Artist, have you considered to input all the data you’ve gathered into Google Earth or something? That would be cool! 🙂
red_pill_junkie ~ Nice compliment; thanks!
Maybe I should do a Blog?
That WOULD be cool!
Nah – nobody pays attention.