Georgia Gorilla: Bigfoot Body’s First Photo!
Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 12th, 2008
In a news conference on Friday, August 15th, to be held in California, the DNA results of a probable new species of primate, call it “Bigfoot,” “Georgia Bigfoot,” or “Georgia Gorilla,” if you wish, will be announced. You have read the press release already.
Also a photograph of the body was to be released, but a mistaken uploading and premature release of the photograph tonight on the Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. website has rushed that timetable.
I, Loren Coleman, author of The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates and Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America, was given an exclusive first look at the body, via an early email delivered photograph today. With the mistake at the Biscardi site, I have now been given full permission to post this here tonight.
Click on image for larger version.
Is it real? It certainly looks like the real deal, and with a surprising variety of features. But that’s what it is suppose to look like, so read on, all the way to the end.
The alleged hominoid (please note, not hominid) body, found in the Georgia woods, is now in a secure location, under armed guard, and set to be examined by a battery of academic scholars, skeptical scientists, Bigfoot researchers, and debunking writers.
Who is to say the discovery of Bigfoot won’t happen this way?
With offers of millions of dollars, just for the photographs of the body, Loren Coleman and Cryptomundo was given one copy of the first image to share with you, our readers.
The body doesn’t look exactly like people thought it would, because the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot has been the model in our minds. However, this looks as if it is an actual apelike primate. Indeed, the gorilla-like facial features, the alleged lack of canines, and the grinding surfaces shown in the teeth suggest a bulky vegetarian with a mixture of higher primate characteristics.
Will further tests and the proposed live capture of others prove beyond a doubt that Bigfoot is a new species? Stay tuned. And read on.
Here are some enhancements and other views of the amazing photograph:
The decomposition has caused the tongue to stick out from the mouth. (Or at least so it appears.)
Compare the nares with that of a gorilla:
Tom Biscardi will appear on Fox News at 7:45 AM Pacific, 10:45 AM Eastern, on Wednesday, August 13, 2008, discussing the carcass, with the image above and probably additional photographs.
Below is Tom Biscardi with the two Georgia gentlemen who discovered the body.
Every alternative must be explored, including comparing it to known costumes. Could it be an elaborate hoax? More physical examinations of the body must take place. (Posted as soon as we could get this costume update uploaded at about 9:40 pm, after much crashing of this site, due to traffic.)
Credit: Ryan Thrash
JJ Analysis
I have been an unpaid and am in no way joined with those who say they have this “body” in their possession, regarding my conversations with the principals and my examination of the materials sent to me. I hope to examine the body (if it is real and does not mysteriously vanish) at a future date, along with other consultants who will be named via forthcoming releases. I retain my skeptical open-mindedness and nonaligned objectivity with regard to this “carcass.”
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Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
In fact it reminds me of some film, where a guy in a monkey suit gets locked up with an amorous gorilla, it’s that obvious.
there is only one way this could be a hoax- certain individuals who have access to human body parts. start with the costume shown in this site(fake hair removed). Somehow fix or adhese human skin to inside and outside of costume.fix human hair to entire costume(not unlike a wigmaker).Piece together human body parts of arms,legs,torso,including head.Then somehow
secure outside”skin” to skinless body parts,possibly by means of natural protiens or polysaccharide extracts.Sure it would take a a very long time to pull this off, but if it could bring you millions of dollars and notiriety, what better project for,say, a group of Med studentsw/ to much time on their hands. I truly hope this is for real as there will be several skeptic,and ridiculing friends of mine who will find me hard to live with-
To be honest, it looks like an ape to me. I have’nt had much experiance with these big foots but i do belive this looks like an ape.
Hi. I really want to believe this is a Bigfoot but the photo looks like a fake. The face looks too much like the mask. The nostril line is exactly the same. I’m not sure what these guys are trying to pull but I lay odds that they cancel the press conference before Friday.
I hope it is a fake. If science gets a body to chop it will mean the end of another happy mystery. Bigfoot could become another creature that we take for granted. I can’t stand the thought of it.
Any animal in a state of decay would show similar traits, sucken eyes, bloated body(undoubtably opened up to assist in reducing the bloat), tongue fallen out and drying up, if this animal is real, we’ve gotten what we wanted… proof
My guess is they came across this animal in a diffrent scenerio that they have stated.
If this is a hoax, I wouldn’t want to be the one doing it.
This is really interesting! I sure hope I’m proven wrong when I said it HAD to be a hoax! I am praying this is the real deal here! I so want this mystery to be solved once and for all, even if it means a Bigfoot has had to die because of it. But wait, it’s not even that…they found it already dead in the woods? That makes it even more incredible. And the pics look much better than I thought they would as well! This has to be either an eleborate hoax or the real thing here! Just like the Patterrson film was/is! I said I wasn’t gonna get my hopes up but it’s kinda hard not to now, this is getting exciting! And things are moving along at a greater pace than we thought they would as well which is nice. Just hope this is not gonna turn out to be a disappointment! This is gonna be absolutely enormous if not a hoax, the lead story around the world for weeks I reckon, it’s gonna change so much, wow it’s hard to take all this in. When I first saw the tiny thumbnail I got that feeling like “someone walking over your grave”. It just looked so real! And spooky. It could also be a gorilla or chimpanzee I suppose. I think it does look quite chimpanzee like, but still nothing quite like i’ve seen before. Just hoping and praying this is not a hoax! And waiting with baited breath for hopefully only better things to come and soon!
Bigfoot, Hmmm.. 🙂 i say it’s Legit. for Many Reasons:
1. Of course Gorilla Like Nostrils, for it is an ape.
2. Decomposition is really what’s going on Here. Yes have you all heard the Decomposed basking sharks, whales..etc. that resembles Plesiosaurs??? this decomposition may resemble the pic of the costume.
3.It doesn’t even look human like
4. the Description of the Teeth and Such is what triggers me into thinking it’s Legit.
5. If it’s indeed that Costume in that add, i Find it strange that Tom would put that in there, knowing we seen that costume before on the add and tv… that wouldn’t be a great idea for a hoax and to go on FOX NEWS.. i wouldn’t want to be in His shoes if it was the Costume.
6.Loren Coleman well.:) If He believes in IT, i most likely wouldn’t have doubts on this Bigfoot.
***7. i just noticed that…if it did resembles the costume, makes me wonder. The Person who did the Costume must of saw the real Bigfoot and remember exactly how it looked or took a photo/vid of it that keep it a secret from the media…..I would of done that.
yup, i have to agree with the ones before me … after getting really excited by loren’s statements yesterday, i feel pretty much disappointed by these pictures. the body has no real structure / substance, it looks like a badly stuffed blanket (costume) thrown in this box and then some oddly fresh intestines placed on top of it. the way the head is angled hints to no real muscle structure in the shoulders and neck that you would expect from this kind of animal. it simply lays there like a stuffed mask. well, i could be wrong of course. i would love to be wrong. but i find these photographs rather fishy to say the least …
Fakie McFake.
I am not convinced yet. Still looks sort of “costume-ish” to me. If it is real, then someone may have to explain to me how they got a gorilla to shoot to pull this off.
I believe that the DNA will show surprising results, but not what we think (or hope) it to be.
If it does turn put to be real, and something new, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.
Interesting photo. I predicted they would leak a photo or two and that is exactly what they did. I don’t believe it. I do believe this is a hoax or some kind of vague money making endeavor.
Loren, please be very cautious and keep your skepticism here!
Let’s recall just a few things that have transpired.
First, the individuals in question were trying to go into the business of BF expeditions. They claimed to have a BF body. They tried booking “expeditions” and selling T-shirts. Then, mysteriously, as Cryptomundo readers accused them of hoaxing, they said they were planning the announcement. When criminal activity was mentioned, from them booking expeditions based on the assumption that they had a BF body, they then said they had a lawyer. The police chief distanced himself and the department from the police officer. Then they started attacking you personally Loren in video posts and the readers here at Cryptomundo.
Secondly, if they had a body from the beginning as they claimed they did, then why would they be worried about selling T-shirts? Why did they refund the booked expeditions when fraud was implied? This happened after they consulted their lawyer. As they continually attempted to demean and belittle you Loren and this site, they showed us their lack of intelligence and juvenile behavior. This went on for a while. The videos got more and more abusive and their stories kept changing as time went by. They said they were flying in an expert and went through the trouble of an elaborate hoax of bringing in a biologist who later turned out to be the police officer’s brother. He was ticked off and surprised when he was found out so readily.
Thirdly, if he had a BF body the entire time, he was set from that point on. It would be worth millions. But he was more concerned about increasing the number of hits at his site in an effort to sell T-shirts and expeditions. Why do that if you have a body of a BF? You wouldn’t if you were a normal person.
Fourthly, they announced a date of October 1st and then September 1st as they continued to attack you Loren.
Fifthly, remember, the brother is no biologist but actually a photographer. And many here predicted the police officer would be having his brother photoshop some photos and release them or leak them prior to the September 1st date. They did that!
Sixthly, Tom Biscardi became involved. That is when things quieted down just a tad. Mum was the word. And then we find out, Biscardi is indeed involved and has partnered with them. Hmmm, I find that interesting and convenient.
Seventhly, if there is such a word as seventhly, none of the actors involved in this “finding” have ever taken Loren or Cryptomundo on in a one-on-one session. Be it posting or otherwise. After the biologist scam, with the biologist being his brother, and we found out in seconds, he dared not get involved in a battle of wits with people here at Cryptomundo. He was at least smart enough to figure that out. The hoax would be up or the money making scheme or whatever they are doing.
Eighthly, that photo is clear enough to give some detail but not enough resolution to be telltale one way or the other. Just as people had predicted. It could be a mask and a fur suit or fur from a known animal.
Ninethly, didn’t they say they found it and it took a couple of days to carry out of the woods? They said it was dead when they found it. I assume in that part of the country, in that heat, after that amount of time, that rigormortis set in. I think it is very convenient that the creature died with it’s head tilted in just such a way that it fits nicely into that freezer. If it supposedly weighed 500 and took a couple of days to get out of the woods and had been dead for a day or two, and they are using ice to preserve the remains, we can safely say that the body would have been in a moderate state of decomposition. I notice entrails or intestines in the photo. The intestine does not look to be of appropriate proportions for a creature that size. And if it were a couple of days from death to freezer, one would think bacteria would have taken over the intestines and turned it a bloated purplish black. Those intestines in the photo look very fresh and pliable.
Lastly, Loren, you are the person that they seemed to have it in for the most–with burning your books and taking swipes at your beard. You may rule that out as their juvenile behavior, but psychologically speaking, I think it goes deeper than that. And if they have this hatred towards you, why would they release the photos as an exclusive, before any other agency? Hmm, interesting!
So let’s use our common sense here. If it is an elaborate hoax, and you want to make a name for yourself, while making fun of others whom you may despise, wouldn’t you play it out like it is playing out now? Think of all the mistakes and backstories told along the way. Was there more truth hidden in those stories than there was fiction and other motives? I believe so!
I can see that the tide here as turned from one of skepticism to one of belief or wanting to believe. I guess I will remain in the minority and be skeptical of all this. I will continue to say it is a hoax until they show us a body, a body of DNA evidence from reputable scientists. Until then, I will call it a hoax!
Use your heads and common sense. And other people have brought up some very good points about the way the photo appears and how did they get the body out with the BF’s family hanging around nearby. Think of all the things that have transpired. Do you really think it is for real just because Tom Biscardi partnered with them financially? Wouldn’t you be calling National Geographic or the Smithsonian to document the event? Of course you would. But they have a small film company doing it? Does that make any sense? Have they ever made any sense?
This sounds like something out of Ringling Brothers. And I believe it was PT Barnum that said a sucker is born every minute. I am not going to be sucked into the hype. I would rather be wrong than be a fool. If they do produce a body, I will just be wrong. But if they don’t produce a body, I would be a fool. Given the circumstances surrounding this ordeal, a scheduled press conference is not going to change my mind. DNA proof will. I am no fool.
Loren, please remain cautious and keep your skeptical radar up. Why would they include you, of all people, to release photos to, after they have attempted to ridicule you over the last couple of weeks? Do you think they had an overnight change of heart and just need a skeptical cryptozoologist involved, in order to keep things fair? Or do you think they are drawing you in to further attack you or your character? Remember what all saw and were dealing with on those videos.
I appeal to all Cryptomundo readers here to remain cautious and use your better judgement and let past history be your guide for judging their future actions.
Long time reader first time poster here:
Just wanted to say, wait and see. I’m going camping this weekend so I guess I’ll see what happens when I get home. And I’ll definitely keep my eyes open.
The similarities to the mask ARE pretty Eerie.
Wow… reading these comments is like a psychologist dream, watching you people leading each other all over the place. Its real, it isnt, its a costume ,it isnt. Reading these as a whole it becomes obvious how few can think for themselve. Rather than second guess a photographic image wait a few more hours. Most of us have waited many years, give it a few more hours.
If it is real I just wish Bernard,Ivan, and so many others that laid the groundwork, and spent there lives searching could be here to see it happen.
also just noticed, and wanted to say, there are still differences… the facial profile, especially of the jaw, is flatter for one thing. And the brow ridges look to be smaller and composed more of hair in the BFT pic.
Just an observation…. I’m wondering why the fur looks so sketchy. Like no indication of proper ‘skin’ underneath, unless it’s been rendered the same color as the fur by freezerburn
I’m going on faith here, faith that Loren Coleman wouldn’t seem so optimistic about something he didn’t believe…. and the fact that these guys were rude to him before makes this sudden about face even more interesting.
If this IS the real deal then let’s take steps to get it classified as Endangered, so this is the last one we see in a freezer.
Lifetime searcher of cryptids here and first time blog post. Let`s hope these two gentlemen aren`t pulling the wool over all our eyes as Bigfoot and others very obviously exist and it would put us all back years if they are hoaxers ! But if true it will be very useful for all the searchers of other cryptids too. Stay sceptical until it is proven but here`s hoping !!!!
Keep up the great work Loren. London, UK,cryptozoologist.
(chuckles), i do agree with you at a certain extent.
Let’s be real here shall we.
1. If he’s really wanting millions, and then wanting more hits on his site,. Has it occurred to you that, if He wants millions, and the more hits he gets. Don’t ya think he might be thinking the more hits he gets, the more money he’ll Get??? some people actually think this way, and i was one of them…
2. As for selling items, i understand that if i had a Bigfoot body or Nessi at that, i would sell items, so i can draw people into my site and get to know me a lil, so they can trust me or at least have an open mind on my possessions..
3. As for a Fake Biologist. Makes me think that.. that the person who was a fake, wanted to Help Him, and is wanting to get people to believe the Body is legit even if it is legit. Remember Friends Help Friends out. And some Help out by Planning Strange Plans to do things.. like This one. Although i would of done the same thing if i was the same person i was long ago, now i understand lies get us no where, so i wouldn’t do what He did. 🙂
4. No, not everybody would be calling national geographic.. I wouldn’t.. i would of gone straight to youtube, myspace, Loren Coleman, Yahooanswers, and Find My way to the news.. Since Myspace has a lot of hits, and so does youtube. Yahooanswers may get lots of hits, depends on your question, but this would of been a spam in yahooanswers.
5. I do agree that Just cause Tom Biscardi is in it, it seems legit.
6. when you said “The intestine does not look to be of appropriate proportions for a creature that size. And if it were a couple of days from death to freezer, one would think bacteria would have taken over the intestines and turned it a bloated purplish black. Those intestines in the photo look very fresh and pliable.” I agree in some point… to me, the picture isn’t clear, so the intestines may seem small, plus you got to remember, Bigfoot is unknown to science. So this animal may have unusual characteristic and body, guts structure..
You got me there, when you said it looks fresh, but then it’s just an unclear photo, and it probably didn’t get black from being frozen?
To me the body hair looks fake.
Looks like a hoax–the similarities to the mask of the costume shown are just too close to be coincidence.
If it is a hoax, I hope that some sort of law against fraud will be brought to bear.
They are about to be on Fox & Friends. The ridicule factor for all anomalies research is about to be set up for a major tumble.
I hope I’m wrong, but…
I really have to say that the lack of any coverage in the mainstream media so far is a little odd, if this is indeed such a groundbreaking discovery.
PhotoExpert- You very nicely detailed some of the behavior and dishonesty that makes me distrust these guys so much. I also agree that it is interesting that they have not engaged us here at Cryptomundo and that after all of the vitriol brought against Loren, they would choose this site as an exclusive. I don’t know what it means, but it is strange. Anyway, like I said, there is no guarantee that the people who find Bigfoot (if it is to be found) are going to have any common sense, manners, or knowledge of scientific protocol. I’m just going to say follow the evidence here regardless of the claimants’ characters.
It is true that these photos do not exist in a vacuum. There have been a lot of other questionable developments surrounding them, so I think absolutely a cautious approach is prudent. Maybe there is some information that I am not privy too, but so far with these photos this case is merely an escalating curiosity. Very interesting, but if they have solid physical evidence, I’d say now is the time to put it forward. I will consider anything released for public scrutiny or peer review. I’ll keep an open mind, but my brain isn’t falling out here. They have not proven anything conclusively yet, this is important to keep in mind.
There are still a lot of idiosyncrasies to this case to be skeptical about and the evidence is not overwhelming so far. Very interesting photos but I can’t stress it enough, follow the evidence. It will speak for itself if it is there.
It’s hard to tell just what in the world is going on here. Wait and see. That’s all we can do.
If it’s a hoax it’s even worse for the bigfoot research than the whole Johor fiasco last year. After comparing the head of the creature with the mask of this costume I’m pretty convinced that it’s a fake. This is just sad…
But I’m still interested: What made you turn from a nonbeliever into a believer in this Georgia thing, Loren? Just the picture?
I only have one question: is it possible to uniformly degrade the proteins in a specimen this large by some means (lets say, microwave irradiation) so that any form of DNA analysis would be rendered “inconclusive”, and therefore meaningless?
Please don’t take this as closed minded nay saying. “I want to believe”, as much as anyone else out there. All I am saying is, be prepared to listen very carefully as the investigation progresses.
I think that if a DNA test is performed, the results will show that John Edwards is the father. Oh, wait, that’s the other DNA test I never expect to happen.
The biggest sign that this is a fake is that we can see intestines, yet no sign of pancakes in the digestive tract.
I don’t buy it. Comparing it to the costume, most notably the shape of the nostrils and their placement near the eyes, it’s far too similar. The features are awkward and unnatural in my eyes. It doesn’t look nearly similar enough to any sort of ape I’ve seen.
If it weren’t for that costume, I’d be much more convinced. However the fact that everything lines up perfectly is just too much of a coincidence.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out.
What has Tom Biscardi done to negate his credibility? I ask this sincerely out of ignorance. Just genuinely curious.
I want to believe this as much as the next person, but we’ve pretty much established it’s a total hoax with the people involved and the YouTube videos with the fake scientist.
This is a total hoax! Biscardi’s Fiji Mermaid, on the other hand, is totally real. I poked it with a stick and everything! 😛
I don’t want you guys to be too bummed out when this unravels. It’s exciting to believe, but don’t get your hopes up again!
It looks FAKE. The fur looks like Bison or Bear, not Hominid. I think Tom Biscardi said on FOX news that these two guys came upon the dead body, and that it is partially decomposed. Well those intestines should be bloated and black and blue, not small and pink. If I’m not mistaken someone claimed to have a bigfoot body a few years ago that was 8FT tall and 400LBS, isn’t that the exact size of this animal? Coincidence?
Has it occurred to anyone that the costume is based on observations made of animals in the field?
There are simply too many details, too many niggly bits for me to accept the hypothesis that it is a hoax. Why include a protruding tongue when most people don’t know such a thing happens with decaying bodies, and so would never think to look for it?
mystery man, I think the reason they have chosen this site is that Loren has a fair amount of respect in all camps, whether believer, skeptic or neutral. Also, despite their vociferous complaints, this forum has been fairly even handed in the comments.
Gut reaction – the appearance plus the activities of the promoters involved add up to a fake. Dead animals can look odd in any number of ways, and no one can say exactly what a dead sasquatch should look like, so it’s possible (and I hope true) that I’m wrong. But so far, it doesn’t feel right.
How should a decomposing bigfoot corpse appear? Like the decomposing corpse of any large animal. The mechanics of rotting are not species dependent. You’ve studied how a horse decays, you’ve got a pretty good idea of how a bigfoot decays.
This is a fake. This could not be a hoax if it was alive. When alive one could confirm whether it real or not. Dead allows the special effect wizards of Hollywood to their magic. There have been so many stories of Bigfoots in freezers I have lost count. It has become a joke. A few years Coast to Coast AM, Art Bell had a caller who claimed he had bigfoot in a freezer. It was a hoax. This could be a typical carnival trick. One peek and the lid is slammed shut. These people think we are all fools and suckers. I cannot wait for their explanation on why they killed it. That should provide a great laugh. Unless some reputable person could do an autopsy, which I doubt will happen, then we can assume it is not real. Remote viewer Ed Dames’s explanation seems more believable. On a previous show with Art Bell, he claimed that a remote viewing research study determined that Bigfoot was some type of holographic image sent by some alien species near earth. That is probably why it so hard track Bigfoot. It there, yet it isn’t there. To me this latest Bigfoot story reminds me of all the typical female scammers on dating sites who all claim to be living in Guana or Africa and whose only interest is taking some single guy’s money. There is a sucker born every minute.
I see mixed feeling’s and opinion’s on this subject. Until we have the fact’s the authenticity shall remain in question. I personaly hope it is true and one of the greatest mystery’s will be solved. We can then move on to true scientific study of an elusive but proven new known specie’s. I would rather see a dead specimen than capture and remove one from it’s family. Nowaday’s there’s no proof in photo’s. As I see it these guy’s stand to lose alot if it’s a fake. The precaution’s they’re takeing guarding the body seem’s credible as if it go’s missing then so does their credibility. My question is, what if it turn’s out to be just a gorilla. Then they could make claim’s that they didn’t know and it was just an escaped(?) primate. I threw that in though knowing that the average height of a gorilla is around 6 feet. Just thinking about how they could perhaps weasel out of a false claim. But for now the ball is in their court and I look forward to (Friday) tomorrow. For those that hope it’s false but turn’s out true, new book’s can be written and sale’s are going to boom. Cheer’s Everyone.
Ceroill- I agree with you. My comment was made without really thinking through what I was saying. In my opinion, this is the best places out there to break this story and the respect Loren has in this field is undeniable, of course. I actually would like to retract my statement about it being odd that the story should appear here first, before the mainstream media. It was a foolish thing for me to say.
I agree with some other commenters that this is a hoax. The proportions in the face are not right. The bridge of the nose is not long enough to be an ape, but it is identical in length and shape to the costume. In fact the “creature” and the costume look almost identical to me. I wish it were not a hoax, and that hoaxers would stop their infernal hoaxing. I’d like to belive that Bigfoot is real. After all, if 150,000 lowland gorillas could go undetected until now, why couldn’t Bigfoot have been hiding out all this time too?
Well, I have to tell you it looks pretty darn fake to me.
Trust me I would like to believe it’s real, but the fur looks a little to thick without any imperfections. I looks almost like a fake bear skin rug. I know they mention the state of decomposition of the tongue, yet the intestines are still a bright pink and look almost fresh. That and they look a little too conveniently placed.
So all we have to do is wait to see if it’s real or not. I mean why can’t it be? If “evolution” created us why can’t it create something that is almost similar. Yeah the intestines may be pink, but remember they did freeze it and the point of freezing something is to slow decomposition, so wouldn’t that be a major factor? And besides the face doesn’t look exactly like the costume, if it was the costume wouldn’t it be the exact same? And yeah the similarities of the fake from a couple of years ago, well a couple of things. If its a costume besides shaq have you seen any 7’7″ people around for the costume to be that big? And maybe this lady saw a bigfoot once. Animals of the same species usually seem to be around the same size and weight as eachother. I once watch a show reguarding bigfoot, they explained why more bodies haven’t been found(scanvengers, so these guys must’ve found a newly dead one), that famous video(possibly could be real due to bigfoot looks with his upper body, something gorillas do because their shoulders are to big to turn there heads to look over). So why can’t this be real, because 2 guys are getting mocked for what they found and so they want to keep it hidden. We as people always doubt what is new. I mean if there is a bigfoot in almost every continent why isn’t there some truth to that? My mom knew a lady that lived down our street who said that bigfoot would come through ever summer and he smelled really bad, she even saw him once. But that migration changed when they built more houses and they changed the path of the creek. So the saying goes everyone is a critic
*****oh and i really haven’t heard anything else about it so I hope this isn’t late
This was proved a hoax they sent the body to be observed they said everything on it was real but unfortunately it wasn’t a real creature but the remains of different species of animals. They said it broke their hearts but it was true that it was a hoax. It broke my heart too. I finally thought that we have proved scientific history. Until it was proved fake. And know its just making me push further into finding Bigfoot and capturing or trapping it (without harming it) and show the world that there really is something out there and if people want to find one we don’t need to kill it!