Update: New 2008 Nessie Video
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 9th, 2008
Above, one of the two photographs of the original uncropped “Surgeon’s Photograph[s]” from 1934.
A new video of the Loch Ness Monster has been taken. Here is the footage:
The Garside video appears to show three or several disjoined darkly colored patches moving along on the surface of the Scottish lake.
What do they show?
Nessie? Otters? Waves? Wake of a boat? A toy?
What do you think?
How was it obtained? Here’s what is known:
David Garside, 31, and his dad, Graham, of Glenside Road, Slaithwaite, were on holiday in Scotland in April 2008, when David saw what he took to be the Loch Ness Monster.
During a tourist boat trip (I wonder if the boat operator was someone I know?) on the loch, David saw an unusual object in the distance, and zoomed in with his video camera to get a better look.
I couldn’t really see what it was but I thought it looked sort of like a crocodile’s back or something. I was videotaping the boat tour though, so I used my zoom lens to get a closer look and luckily I caught it on camera. David Garside
His father added:
When we got off the boat, David told me he had seen the Loch Ness Monster and I told him to keep quiet or he’d get locked up. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later when I was having a pint and he showed me it and I could see it was real. I was a sceptic before, but I believe it now. I told a few people, including the holiday company we went on holiday with, but some clerk I spoke to probably thought I was mad so it didn’t get any further. Graham Garside
During Sony Pictures Entertainment’s recent Scotland staging of the projection of the Loch Ness Monster to promote the release of their new DVD, The Waterhorse: Legend of the Deep, they learned of and unearthed the new footage.
This was originally published at Huddersfield Daily Examiner via their video site here.
(Thanks to Cryptomundo correspondent Francis E. Murphy who alerted me to the above being uploaded onto YouTube.)
The radio controlled Loch Ness Monster toy.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Looks like a boat wake to me, but not enough detail to determine. The clip is also very brief, which always makes me suspicious. If the guy thought it was something significant at the time, why did he not film more of it?
Interesting video.
I do agree it looks like boat wakes, but a naive question:
Wouldn’t the waves be closer in distance to each other if it was a wake?
Like I said, naive question. Agree footage is too short, though.
Well, the quality of the video is not the best, as usual. But looks kind of like a log with cut branches to me, which might explain the “serrated” impression of the crocodile back the said he saw.
I believe that this video shows two wakes colliding, creating the serpentine look, as MANY “nessie” videos show. Nothing new here…it’s too bad.
doesn’t it look like he is zooming into the mountains in the last shot? am i seeing things?
I do not think it is waves…in the first few seconds there appear to be three dark objects and a few seconds later one of the three disappears altogether. If it were just waves, it might disappear, but as a wave pattern, it would reappear again.
Secondly, it looks to me like there is a wash coming off of the objects in the water at the back, suggesting to me that it is something moving through the water and not just waves from a boat wake crashing into one another.
Catching Second-13, I’ve looked at it several times, catching it at different points through Second-13 and it does look like something solid cutting through the water that is partially blocked out by waves periodically.
The footage is WAY too short…should have followed it much longer so that we would have something solid to go on…
We can’t really get a good idea of size, or animated movement (though the first set of dark objects do look to be making independent movements…my first thought was that there were three dark shapes and the first at the lead was moving independently of the back two…either two things or three things), speed, etc.
Again there is not enough information in the footage to say, “Yep, it’s NEssie”, but it is interesting—will somebody PLEASE teach people how to hold their fingers down on the ‘record button’ for longer than 15-30 seconds…most cameras will record for hours…:)
As for goochcamper’s comment–I was going to ask too, what he thought he was zooming in on, on the far shore…looked like a mess of gobbledy-gook…
Doesn’t look like waves to me. Unless waves are a different color than water. Looks like at least one if not 3 objects in the water…Could be (dare I say it? ) 3 otters or seals in a row…or 3 unidentified animals…possibly one creature with parts dipping deeply under the surface. If it’s one animal, then it is incredibly long. Some of the most compelling footage of this sort that I’ve seen. Then again it could be a log (or three in a row).
Poor video and not enough of it, looks like schooling fish or boat wakes.
it was nothing as usual, every little ripple and such is not a lurking monster. has anyone noticed the surgeons photo looks alot like some one holding there arm out of the water, try posing you arm and hand to mimic what it shows, at the time the photo was taken plastic toys weren’t available.
High quality video. No reason why the unusual objects can’t be wave phenomena. Interesting though.
Could be otters? A computer-aided analysis might be useful. The zoom into the background at the end, would have been to help show where the video was taken, in my opinion. (Including identifiable landmarks is useful for that.)
I have tons of short videos like this, taken with a Sony digital camera. Depending on the chip, it won’t take a video more than a minute or so at best, so I end up with short, little clips. Might explain the length of this video.
As soon as the camera zooms in on whatever this is, it cuts away to another place entirely. Isn’t that a hallmark of a fake?
Nice video.
Here are 3 important questions one can ask:
1) Is it impossible for these “objects” to be wake phenomena? (Lakes, especially deep lochs, have a peculiar hydrology. Cold deep water wells up and produces wave patterns that almost look solid.)
2) If #1 is Yes, then is it impossible for the object(s) to be non-biological?
3) If #2 is Yes, then is it impossible for the creature(s) to be a known animal like otter(s)?
If #3 is Yes then we have a video of a potential cryptid.
There definitely appears to be something in the water, but what?
Perhaps some digital manipulation would help determine just what “it” is.
I just hope that whoever does the video analysis does not come up with a new theory after the analysis–such as Nessie was carrying a stick. Or that Nessie has a gunshot to one of her humps. Or that the scales form a braid pattern, etc.
Boat wake or other wave phenomenon. Waves can look very much like there is an object under the surface and tend to move together in groups viewed from the right angle.
My first impression is wake phenomena.
Cool video. Wave, otters, the beastie herself? I doubt we are looking at an attempted hoax.
This, like the Holmes video, is instructive if it turns out to have a mundane explanation. We have on film phenomena that mimics what people have interpreted as a “lake monster” since the 1930’s.
At about 6-8 seconds in, doesn’t it look as if a few small waves are forming in front of the two things? But the third objects does look like there are a few small waves/ripples coming off of it. But that could be the displacement of water that’s going into the bigger wave, if indeed that is what the object is.
I have to agree with everybody else on the board, it looks like boat wake or wave phenomenon to me. If you slow down the image, you can see the objects rolling as a wave does when it approaches shallow or shallower water. Nothing too unusual here.
This looks very interesting. I can see a large back in the video, This is the best video I have seen of the Loch Ness monster if this is not a hoax.
a wake from a boat
Boat wake, and the exposure is all blown out on the ‘nessie’ segment. That hides all but the darkest water, making it look more like a critter, but it looks exactly like a wake, and they showed us one immediately previously in the clip.
… I’ll go with interesting .. I will file this under “interesting” and I think thats fair
If anybody has the ability to correct the exposure on this, that might be worthwhile. There looks like something odd with the leftmost ‘thing’ in the latter portion. But I figure that is human pattern-recognition playing tricks, since everything else about it says ‘wake’.
It looks to me like something comes OUT of the water in the first half of the humps, then I could swear I see a serrated spine in the second group of humps that stays equadistant apart, which I would not expect from a wave. having said that, serrated spines are drawn on cartoon dragons, so…I am confused.
Beats me. It’s as good as any Nessie footage I have seen, if not a spot better.