Massacre Mania Continues
Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 25th, 2009
Yesterday, to expose the unsupportable claims being sent around the Internet that John Green and Bob Titmus were involved in a coverup of the killing of Bigfoot at Bluff Creek in 1967, an introduction to the latest from M. K. Davis was posted here. It was demonstrated, for starters, that John Green, shown above in one of Davis’ “yellow lines & arrows” claims, was not carrying a movie camera, long lensed or otherwise.
Within hours, Davis had disabled his videos, and closed his YouTube account. As noted in the discussion on Monday, this has been the standard operating procedure for Davis when confronted with questions and concerns about what he is seeing in the Patterson-Gimlin film and other footages. He lies low until he feels the heat is off, slowly engages people with his “new discoveries,” and then begins giving slide shows, sharing YouTube videos and other so-called “evidence” with a chosen few, who then pass it on to more people.
These scenarios have become a concern within the Bigfoot community, because Davis’ past “film stabilization” reputation carries him along, often without questions. People who have not fully investigated or even seen what Davis is conceptualizing wonder, “Maybe he’s got something.” Whispers begin, and rumors circulate.
When Davis is told the sources of his “vision” is based on false realities, he merely moves on to other people and “new” items he sees in the films.
For example, recent tries to inform Davis of the proper origins and facts behind the films that John Green and Rene Dahinden used on their speaking tours in the late 1960s/early 1970s, have been ignored by Davis. Instead, the analyses of these films by Davis and his associates have been circulated and shown publicly calling into question Green’s, Dahinden’s, and Titmus’ reputations.
This is part two of the continued effort to give a fuller airing of this issue, not in some back room or email exchange, but in the light of day, so all may see this “evidence” being proposed for the Davis-inspired claims.
All images from M. K. Davis’ slide shows below have been shared with Cryptomundo by the “accused,” to clear the record and, instead, to reveal the witch hunt of the “accusers.”
The man identified as Bob Titmus is not him, but presumably is the pilot of our chartered aeroplane, who didn’t want to sit around in Orleans with nothing to do and joined up as one of the two people carrying rifles that the dog owner insisted on. Titmus was then living on the British Columbia coast, either at Klemtu or Kitimat, and was not in touch with what was going on. ~ John Green, August 24, 2009.
On Facebook, [Davis] tells how he manipulated Rene’s film by intensifying the red element in specific spots. I don’t do that sort of stuff, but I would expect that would make anything brown, orange or purple appear to be red. ~ John Green, August 24, 2009.
The owner [of the dogs] had been along on the first trip and had seen the tracks at Onion Mountain. That is why he insisted on protection for his dog before allowing it to be used to follow such tracks. ~ John Green, August 18, 2009.
There is a good account of the occasion on which Rene’s film was made in the chapter “Blue Creek Mountain” in On the Track of the Sasquatch.
MK, who certainly does exist, and Dave Paulides’ “experts”, who perhaps don’t, were not finding things that don’t exist in the movie Roger Patterson took, they were finding them in a movie Rene Dahinden took, at a different place, with the leaves green instead of red, with different people in it, and with no relationship whatever to the Patterson movie.
I can’t understand how anyone could imagine that frames in which all the leaves were green were exposed at the same time of year as frames where all the deciduous leaves were red. I can see nothing similar about the two sites except that a large log appears in each, but at different elevations above the ground, which MK seems to consider evidence of the sandbar having been filled and compacted before Patterson took his movie, to cover up the buried sasquatches.
I can’t think up any time line that could make sense and haven’t encountered anyone else’s explanation of it. It appears that I am supposed to have heard of the massacre somehow and taken the tracking dog to try to find the site, then having found it having joined in the conspiracy to cover it up. That would get me there while there was still red blood all around, but would have to be after the actual shooting and before Patterson and Gimlin buried anything–but Patterson’s movie has to have been made after the burying to raise the level of the ground.
The more I try to explain the stranger it seems that anyone could think this stuff up, let alone actually go public with it, let alone have anyone else believe it. ~ John Green, August 24, 2009.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
It is a shame that someone like Mr Green has to defend himself against such BS!!!
It’s great that he takes the time to defend himself and intercept the BS before it becomes a part of the legitimate conversation. It’s also great that Loren provides a place for him to do it effectively.
Hang in there Mr. Green. I am just as surprised that anyone could come up with such fiction.
Since the sasquatch is clearly and obviously the source of the legends about trolls and ogres, killing them is a public service. I’m impressed by the modesty of all the troll killers whom MK is finally giving their just and deserved fame. But where are the photos of Angelina Jolie as Grendel’s mother? Surely she should be in here, as well. That would shut all these naysaying troll lovers up!
Wait, Angelina Jolie wasn’t born when these actions took place? That’s just what the government wants you to believe! Truthiness rules!
Looking at these pictures makes me wonder just what sort of mind-altering substances were being used by the preparer…
I watched the YouTube videos before they were taken down. I agree that these claims are pretty ridiculous… it’s as if someone went crazy with the features in Photoshop and then concluded that they are “evidence” of blood ( it’s a good thing he didn’t play with the “Impressionistic” effects, or we might end up with a theory that bigfoot bit off Vincent Van Gogh’s ear ! 🙂
Anyway… does this imply that we should no longer treat the Davis’ Patterson stabilization seriously?
I have dealt with, and seen, many fresh animal skins. They don’t look anything like that blobsquatch hide on the ground; not even if you squint. I know that those who wish to believe it won’t be convinced, but I know what I know.
Its hard to believe that this man was taken serious at one time.His dedication and hard work brought stability and clarity to an important piece of evidence,No question about it. His undying devotion for this film has made it possible for us to see things that were once hazy and indistinct. I’m sure his efforts are appreciated by most researchers as well as the buffs.I know I’m grateful.
Now for the problem. I think what’s going on here is that he should have left good enough alone .Davis would have been best off by calling it a day after the whole digger Indian fiasco went down.He didn’t score any points with that nonsense. I think he said somewhere that he has been working on this film for the last 10 years of his life.Talk about being obsessed!! Any one can see what transpired. After viewing the same 60 second piece of footage thousands and thousands of times, he began to see things that weren’t there.The Patterson film became Davis’s own Rorschach test to some degree and his psychological interpretation of the off screen action draws big laughs from most. I do feel sorry for him because I think he really means well. His problem could also be that what he had to work with wasn’t enough and he wanted more. After bleeding this footage and milking it for all it was worth, the closure he was counting on never arrived. He once said that “I was prepared to go where the research took me.” I wonder if that included the nut house?
I think Davis really needs to close the book for a little while.Go take a vacation,play ball with the kids or do anything for that matter just as long as it doesn’t involve Bigfoot.This poor guys obsessive compulsive disorder has probably taken a toll on his private life as well. Jesus, I’m surprised he’s not in divorcee court. His imagination brings new meaning to the word speculation. O yea,and one more thing, remember kiddies,”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Doctor heal thyself !
Good explanation given by Green.
If there was any legitimate evidence to support Davis’s claims I would (maybe) give this a shot. But as such, there is none.
Oh well…
Better “luck” next time, Mr. Davis. 🙂
I have heard MK personally state at one time, that he quit his regular job and was planning on making a living at Bigfoot. Pretty ambitious considering that you can count the pro Bigfooters on one hand that can do that, and their tactics are somewhat suspect to say the least. My old gut tells me that MK is being paid perhaps $80,000 per year to keep the Bigfoot massacre alive ad infinitum, no matter how confused and ridiculous a story he can concoct. For instance, if a Bigfoot skin was available, why not photograph that Bigfoot before it was skinned, instead of a live one calmly exiting stage right, apparently completely oblivious to the alleged massacre that had just taken place. Nothing makes sense with either the first or most recent massacre concoction. MK further claims that it is all self explanatory, in order to dodge the burden of lucidly explaining it. But he doesn’t have to explain it because in my opinion, his hidden agenda is to taint as many of the great names in Bigfoot history as possible. Soon the other paid scoftics on James Randi, will start quoting MK in order to shore up their own endless “research by proclamation” arguements. National news agencies will begin quoting MK, in order to tell the public what they wanted to hear all along.
A lot of slow thinkers in the US cannot deal with either a F&B or a paranormal Bigfoot. Not because of clandestine timber interests, but rather because they have insufficient field experience to realize that Bigfoot is not a threat to either them or their children. Bigfoot knows that he can always walk, run, or fly away, in order to avoid a confrontation with man. Man is a creature that the Bigfoot is not particularly interested in getting too close to. Because Bigfoot knows that mankind cannot be trusted, as MK repeatedly and inadvertantly offers up some pretty compelling evidence of.
I would just like to turn MK over my knee and give him a spankin that he won’t soon forget. But I don’t think that I could hoist him without putting a run in my hose and a tear in my girdle. So I might just have to settle for burying my shoe, where the sun don’t shine.
MK has been fermenting this latest steaming mess since March 24, 2009.
Come On Guys!. Why are we listening to this clown. He’s as bad as Tom Biscardi. MK, if you are reading this, I have some beach front in El Paso to sell you real cheap.
If we’ve just found out our lottery ticket’s the winner of the jackpot, and it begins to rain, we might start into a recreation of Gene Kelly’s Singing In The Rain routine, exulting at how glorious life is.
However, if our beloved’s just kicked us out the house even as they’re moving our replacement in, and it begins to rain, we may feel the world is weeping with us – or maybe even God’s gloatingly compounding his lack of mercy to us by taking a leak on our head.
The point is, our frame of mind powerfully influences how we interpret the world around us, and MK’s interpretation of the Patty film(s), tells me he’s become increasingly identified with the idea of a figure who’s supposed to be the ‘star’ of the show (Patty/the Patty film stabiliser – i.e., MK himself) but who instead has ended up becoming the victim of what he perceives as a treacherously murderous ambush.
If the next MK version of the Patty Story has it she buys herself a load of guns and ammo and sets off in pursuit of vengeance on those who wronged her and her kind then, hell, Loren, I’d suggest you and some of your colleagues might consider going into retreat yourself for a bit!
I’ve been visiting Cryptomundo for several years. If I had to bet my money I’d say bigfoot is real, and I have a few other opinions about the different topics covered here. This massacre thing is a huge embarassment to the crypto community. I don’t believe this for a second.
In 1967 attitudes weren’t as enlightened as they are now, most people would have jumped at the chance to claim to be the first person to kill a Sasquatch. Also, the kind of people who would gun down a group of sasquatches in cold blood would be the first to boast of their exploits. Such a brazen and violent act would be the work of narcissistic sociopaths who would enjoy being the center of attention. There’s no way someone would do this and then cover up the evidence; they would brag about it, it’s human nature. M. K. Davis’ claims are illogical and implausible, and hurt cryptozoology as a whole. At first I didn’t know whether to be angry with him or pity him; now all I feel is disappointment. Let us never speak of him again…