Time For Transformation, Transition, and Transmutation: Loren To Change His Blogging Presence At Cryptomundo
Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 22nd, 2013
I wrote the following posting on April 12, 2012. None, absolutely none of my criticisms in this posting have changed a thing at Cryptomundo. I am uncomfortable with the evolution of my presence here, and if I don’t change some things, I will begin to de-evolve.
The time is near for me to engage in metamorphosis, on my own, or die.
Stay tuned.
Loren Coleman, in his younger, pre-Cryptomundo days. The dazed look, no doubt, was caused by a producer asking the oft-heard but disliked question, “Do you really believe in the Abominable Snowmen?”” Screen capture of a “In Search Of” appearance, 1991.
Loren Coleman, after the aging processes caused by blogging daily and museum building set in. Image by photojournalist Greta Rybus, 2012.
It continues to get crowded at Cryptomundo. Have you noticed? Mostly a couple guys named Loren and Craig, along with infrequent pieces by Rick Noll and John Kirk, started this journey here in, what, 2005.
I wonder if I should leave? What do you think?
What is really getting to me is this continued confusion that ever freaking word that appears at Cryptomundo is mine. Not true, of course. As you have seen with the recent addition of various other bloggers who are using CM as a signpost to drive CM readers from here to their own blogs, this is much different that my blogging on Cryptomundo. What has traditionally happened is that I have written original material for CM first, and then alerted folks on Facebook, Twitter, yahoolists, and via emails back to my piece here.
Additionally, mistakes by critics are still being made that Cryptomundo is “me” and that I own or control it. Do you know how tiresome that is?
Let’s look at this most recent example:
Recently, just a few days ago, one of the people directly involved with the Flipper Picture visited the International Cryptozoology Museum.
The museum is operated by Loren Coleman, who has a blog about cryptozoology matters. Now the blog itself—in my opinion—is dubious. It spends a lot of time huckstering bad, really bad, TV shows. But I’ve never seen anything there that casts doubt on the character of Loren Coleman himself.
Anyway, so Martin Klein visited the museum. Martin Klein in an MIT-trained engineer who developed a great deal of the modern technology now called “side-scan sonar.” Klein designed a lot of the hardware that was used to capture the Flipper Picture.
Loren Coleman has a long blog post about Klein and his visit to the cryptozoology museum: Loch Ness Expedition Member Marty Klein Visits Museum
While I appreciate this writer seeing that my character is intact, why am I constantly blamed for things I don’t do that are written at Cryptomundo? Okay, I get it. It is due to the same reason, I suppose, that someone can tell you they hate such and such a book, and frequently then cannot tell you who the author of the book is.
I toil at producing some in-depth thoughtful essays (see all the early 2012 ones on Yetis, for example) at Cryptomundo, have fun now and then, celebrate the lives of cryptozoologists and other associated with the field, as well as dealing with the popular cultural impacts of cryptids in the media and movies.
I can be accused of many things, but “shilling for” or “huckstering” bad television shows is really not one of them. Read the name of the authors, folks, please. Criticisms are taken well by me, if the critique is pointed in the proper direction.
I should hang in a bit more. That is, as long as these people begin to learn that Cryptomundo is a tent. While I happily acknowledge that with all my postings six years ago, Cryptomundo reflected a lot of me and became established. But sites change and this place is not just “me,” any longer. Cryptomundo, in general, today, houses many points of view.
Thanks to all my fans.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Loren has been the heart and soul of Cryptomundo since its inception and what a fine job he has done. Craig Woolheater is to be admired for the pieces he also contributes. Back when Cryptomundo began I wanted to contribute more than I have done, but I realized what a difficult task it was to write something for this esteemed blog every day. I just did not have time.
Loren has displayed herculean fortitude here, by having something to share with the cryptozoological community virtually every day Cryptomundo has existed. This is a titanic effort on his part and he does this gladly and willingly because he is a good guy who cares about people.
Skepticism is healthy in the right doses. Cynicism isn’t. I am a skeptic, but the people who so harshly put Loren down are not. They are cynics. While I do not always agree with some of the ideas Loren has shared on Cryptomundo, I do respect his opinions and am glad that Cryptomundo is a vehicle for respectful free speech where he can air his views and I mine and other readers theirs.
Even when you disagree with Loren you will always find Loren a gentleman with no ego, who lets you have your say as long as it is said respectfully and thoughtfully. He used the analogy that Cryptomundo is a tent and I see many people happily bringing their camping chairs and sitting in the tent with Loren and their fellow co-Cryptomundians to blissfully discuss cryptozoolgy.
Cryptozoology would be worse off if Loren stopped writing for Cryptomundo and judging by the incredible response from the readership here, it is clear that you all want him to go on and so do I.
Brother Loren, do not fold the tent. It is an oasis in the midst of a world teeming with ego and cynicism. Cryptomundo is a place where one can usually, openly and happily opine about what one thinks about cryptids. Yes there are a few denizens here who don’t always behave respectfully, but they are usually excised quickly. The fact that the tone of Cryptomundo is so open and respectful says a lot about Loren and Craig. They are shining examples of what gentlemen should be.
So Loren what’s next on the blog sheet? I look forward to the next tasty morsel of info from you to devour with my morning coffee.
If you find it a hassle to blog here than I would say definitely move on. As much as I love to read your articles I would not want this to be a frustrating experience.
Having said that, if you did go I would hope you would continue to write on a blog of your very own. It would be one way to guarantee no one would mistake who wrote the content and (selfishly I admin) we would still get the benefit of reading your articles!
Either way, thank you for the efforts you put into your writing, I for one am greatful for the time you spend!
I haven’t the time to read all the preceding posts so forgive any gross redundancy contained herein.
I do want to encourage you regarding your blog. The world is full of unhappy, vindictive people that enjoy attacking others; of this you’re aware. There are many bloggers on the internet who want to be seen as scientific minded, intellectually gifted, gurus of all things unexplained. They pretend to possess a superior ability to employ logic yet fail to objectively apply it to their own diatribe… nothing new here.
There are many blogs available to me on the internet. Some are interesting, most all contain elements useful to the serious investigator, the armchair researcher or even the mildly curious. As someone with some knowledge of the sasquatch topic for many years I consider Cryptomundo an extremely useful platform with which to discern the pulse of community of believers and naysayers alike. Additionally; Cryptomundo is indispensable in keeping me abreast of current developments in the cryptozoological world and as well several of the resident posters (frequent) there offer very insightful observations regarding the areas of great interest to me.
I know it’s difficult to see your sincere efforts unjustly misrepresented, to be misquoted, taken out of context etc. by people who presume to know something about the issues being discussed on the blog.
But take heart; the enemy is far outnumbered. The cynical naysayers are among the minority; and although they are quite vocal, many readers see them for what they are. I looked at the article in the “Mad Skeptic”; (appropriately named at least); and I fail to see how anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of zoology, or any of the earth sciences for that matter; would fail to see the ignorant, illogical diatribe there for what it is.
Let’s not let the hateful illogical “madmen” at these kinds of sites get the upper hand by allowing ourselves to be discouraged by their hateful, stupid, and ignorant rhetoric.
Keep up the good fight.
“Illegitimi non carborundum” (to quote General Joseph Warren “Vinegar Joe” Stilwell), Loren; your interesting, insightful and occasionally humorous posts are what keep me reading.
Mr. Coleman,
Although I don’t really buy into most of the cryptids that are out there, and I think whatever evidence there is happens to be flimsy at best, I would like to make a point. First, if you don’t enjoy blogging, and it causes you stress, then stop doing it. Life is too short to have to worry about unimportant things. I will say, however, that if you remove the main ingredient in the receipe for Dr. Pepper for example, then it loses it’s magic….it’s appeal. I think this is what would happen to this site if you made the decision to leave. All points that I disagree with you aside, the site wouldn’t be nearly as interesting if you left. I wish you the best in making that decision, and of course will understand either way you chose.
Don’t quit, Loren! Unless you would then start up your very own blog!! I think there is plenty of room in the www for more cryptid-related blogs. Maybe the ICM can have a blog you could run. We need you. Thanx for a great job!! Maybe you just need a nice vacation…..
No. Without Loren, the site is nothing. His contributions dominate the blog because he somehow manages to cover every aspect of cryptozoology (I suppose because he has been doing it for over 50 years).
Loren, without your voice we would lose a lot of context. Topics would come and go isolated and without the unique insight you bring to the table. Your books reinforced my interest in Bigfoot. When I found out you were writing topical stuff online, I felt I didn’t deserve the fortune.
Just wanted to say how much I appreciated your perspective and your thoughtful essays.
Wow! Look at the comments, Loren. Unless it makes you desperately unhappy, YOU are very much appreciated.
Stay Loren!
Perhaps if the format was tweeked a bit to have an image of the author or some other type of identifying image or signature next to the article link might help with getting the point across there are more writers than you. Maybe having a link to the article of each person under their bio link might show a more “group” effort. I have followed this blog for a long time and am a more casual reader. I thought it was your blog as well and then when I looked closely I saw Woolheater etc.. had penned some of the articles. It is just some ideas but something that differentiates the authors might help your stress!
Mr. Coleman:
When I first discovered this blog, it seemed that you were the only one writing it. It wasn’t until I noticed the tone of certain posts differing from your own that I actually looked at the author’s name. (It might seem creepy, but I’ve read Mysterious America so many times that I can actually notice the difference in tone with regards to the writings by other people on this blog.)
Largely, I still think of Cryptomundo as “yours,” but I recognize that Craig has given others the ability to blog here, too.
Truthfully, I’d be much happier if it were only you; even if you only blogged once every couple of weeks. I “trust” you. The others…well, I really have no way to end that sentence.
If Mr. Coleman leaves Cryptomundo, then so will I. I come here because Loren’s involved and without his involvement, I don’t really want to stick around either.
Hello Loren. I see that all of the following responses were from a year ago. I rarely, if ever, comment on this blog. I have, however, come here almost every day since the beginning of 2006. I eagerly await each and every story/item of news that makes its way into our little world we call cryptozoology. For me personally, not that it will have any bearing upon your decision, I would hope that you would continue with your presence on this blog. I have always enjoyed your commentary and trusted your insight and judgement on every thing brought to your and our attention. The acute sense of honesty and integrity shown by you over the years is what brings me back every day.
Our own little personal “earthquake” from a few years back, the horrible “Georgia Bigfoot Hoax”, comes to mind as I write this. As I look back on that, I can vividly recall your calls for logical thinking, how you presented an expert opinion and plea for all to just wait and let things work themselves out. We know how that ended but we also remember your told us so. I can only speak for myself, but I’m sure there are others here on this blog daily that would truly miss your guidance and thoughtfulness within this blog.
I was shocked to see this entry today. I hope and pray that your decision is based on the positive feedback you’ve received since it was posted. I feel as if you are a mentor to the majority of us here and you would be greatly missed if you were to go away. Thanks for all your have provided us in terms of information, insightfulness, and yes, entertainment, as well. God Bless.
Same here, as I only visit to read Loren’s awesome news tidbits and articles. I’m sure it’s that way for a lot of people as well.
Loren, I do hope you keep blogging in some shape or form, even if it’s limited to Twitter and Facebook. Perhaps you should start your own Cryptozoology website/blog/forum type of deal?
Loren,I know we have not seen eye to eye on a number of things. But despite this, I have always had respect for you. You are extremely lucky having mentors like Sanderson, and I only wish I had the same as things would have been very different.
As they say, my friend, that is not the age its the mileage, you were quite handsome young man (and I don’t mean that in a funny sort of way).
You must do what feels right for you. One alternative is to create something very similar to cryptomundo yourself to showcase your books, research and museum.
Anyway, I hope this change of direction works out for you.
With great respect-Tony Lucas (New Zealand cryptozoologist)
Sadly, we see an example here at Cryptomundo of people, reporters, et al, who are just not doing their due diligence in research by simply attributing a thing to an individual; it shows laziness in doing a job that has grown to epidemic proportions throughout our media and inattention to details by people in general.
One wishes better when it comes to reporters/journalist and the comprehension of casual observers but one is usually disappointed when it comes to mainstream science, politics, etc. Cryptozoology has grown in acceptance largely due to you, Loren and a handful of others but until it sits firmly alongside “legitimate” science, there will always be those who casually report and misinterpret; after all, only Loren Coleman represents cryptozoology, correct?
Perhaps Craig should put a banner on Cryptomundo’s homepage that reads: “Craig Woolheater presents Cryptomundo: a gathering place for cryptozoologists and those interested in it.”
Post anonymously and only post as yourself to link to an OFFICIAL LOREN COLEMAN WEBSITE complete with a decoder ring. I’m getting ridiculous here not because I don’t understand your stress level but because I do. Trying to make people understand a thing is like herding cats. Don’t try, just keep on doing what you do best and post when the spirit moves you and screw the idiots who refuse to see.
If you do decide to leave Cryptomundo, please don’t stop blogging (and let us know where you decide to blog). I find your articles informative, interesting and I love that you stay away from the more controversial things that can cause the subject to receive negative attention. I’ve always respected your work and coming to the museum is something I look forward to one day. I also have a lot of respect for your ethics, something I noticed with the infamous Georgia bigfoot scandal a few years back. When I first heard about it I immediately wanted to know what your thoughts were about it, but you remained pretty impartial, leaving me to investigate and make my own opinions. I like that you try to leave out your own opinions or assumptions until all the facts are in, by doing so, you avoid causing undeserved hype or attention. After the scandal mentioned above, it became clear to me that you take what you put out and publish very seriously and understand the power of media (or bad media). I understand that sometimes things change and those changes may not leave a place for you here, but don’t stop sharing your research, thoughts and wisdom that you have acquired from working in this subject/field of research for so long.
Two things.
First of all, I notice several posters are writing in and saying (in effect), “If blogging is really causing you so much stress, maybe you really should…” etc.–but my own sense is that’s missing the point, that it’s not the blogging that’s problematic or stressful so much as the misunderstandings arising around it, and the lack of clarity as to who’s writing what.
And it seems to me there’s a simple solution to that, namely–just make the names of the authors more prominent. As it stands, they’re fairly inconspicuous, printed in green and easily overlooked. Make the names larger, and more visible. (And yeah, it wouldn’t hurt to also state something in the top banner about ownership, though I’m not sure how best to handle that…)
Loren, as Bill Murray said in Stripes, “You can’t leave! All the plants will die!” But, seriously, if you go, you’ll be leaving the rest of us to suffer nothing but BS stories about giant black cats, mermaids, and UFO probings. The HORROR!
Maybe it would help if the top of the website read “Craig Woolheater’s Cryptomundo?” The name Cryptomundo would be bigger than Craig’s name, but the owner of the website would be clear. Just a thought.
This is my first post although I have been coming to this site for a long time, daily. To me, this site would not be the same without you. I enjoy your articles and your insight.
I truly understand your feelings and concerns and I share them with you. I value your insight on the unknown and appreciate your candor, sense of skepticism and values. Truth be known, there are too many bloggers here just posting links (Redfern) to other sites and books. Craig, MysteryMan, and yourself frankly are the only value reads on this site. Go with your heart young man and do what is best for you but for the reader like myself, you being here is truly best for me 🙂 Best wishes!
No! Please don’t leave Cryptomundo! I understand why you’d want to. I’ve noticed more and more that the blogs I’m seeing are from others and that so many of them are just re-directing to other webpages. I for one have become annoyed with this, I come here to read Cryptomundo, not some other website, if I wanted to go to anther site that is where I would have gone in the first place!
I greatly appreciate you Loren! I’ve gotten so that your blogs are the only ones I read at Cryptomundo! If you stop blogging here, I’ll stop coming here at all.
I agree with woodknocker, as i have always been under the impression that this WAS your site Loren.
No offense to the other bloggers here at Cryptomundo but Loren, you are the only reason I come here. If you leave, that will be the death knell for Cryptomundo in my opinion. I know I certainly won’t be visiting very often. So I think you should stay Loren, pretty please?
I too would visit less frequently if I didn’t have posts by Loren to look forward to. But I see his point exactly about the blog. Everyone concurs that the author names should be more prominent (and I like the suggestion of a thumbnail profile picture next to the author’s name to draw more attention to it). I agree with Loren about the dubious nature of a blog post that is nothing but a teaser link to another blog (Looking at you, Bigfoot Lunch Club!). A better format would be to discuss the topic here, with a link to a bigger piece elsewhere if necessary – for example, I don’t have cable and so don’t get to see Finding Bigfoot, but I would love to read reviews of the episodes, rather than just a short preview piece on the air date. One of the best things about Cryptomundo is the thoughtful discussion of a controversial area of science, and I want to see that continue.
Loren: CLEARLY, you are not responsible for what you don’t say here. But I always believed a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. I certainly understand.
C’mon, Loren, you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from blogging about Cryptozoology if you tried! Since you seem disillusioned with the format and recent practices of Cryptomundo, not to mention Craig’s unwillingness to change, the solution is simple. So simple, in fact, that I hope I’m not stealing your thunder!
Here it is:
AFAIK, there is already a website for the International Cryptozoology Museum, correct? So… simply publish all of your original material, going forward, on the ICM website. That way there can be no misunderstanding regarding “who” wrote “what.” Any guest commentary could be clearly labeled as such – perhaps with the author’s picture on the byline, as others have suggested.
In fact, for the first month or two, you could take a page from some of the other CM “writers;” grit your teeth and use CM as a signpost to direct readers to your “new” blog – hey, when in Rome… Let’s face it, most loyal readers of CM tune-in for your input and, if it goes, they will follow. Others will find their way via Facebook, Twitter, yahoolists, etc. as they have in the past.
Part of the reason, I suspect, that many people considered CM to be “yours” were the occasional-to-regular Museum updates and requests for donations – they weren’t exactly “CM-centric” but appeared on CM, nonetheless, sowing seeds of confusion. By blogging exclusively on the ICM site, necessary Museum updates and requests for donations would be more apropos and clearly related to your endeavors. You might even want to consider occasional contests with the prize(s) coming from the gift shop…
By your own admission it would seem that you’ve ridden the CM horse as far as it can take you. Now it’s time to move on, take control of the process and focus on what is most important to you: Cryptozoological research, blogging and the ICM.
Cryptomundo was the first stage; now light the second stage and don’t look back – the sky’s the limit!
Loren, stop pussyfooting around. Leave Cryptomundo and set up your own blog. Go, and do not look back!
Hey boy…man up – just do what you want to do and don’t appologize. As for Cryptomundo, you are and have been the glue that holds this site together. Besides, us over-60’s got to stick together.
My worthless two cents after not reading most of these posts. But…
I totally agree with AreWeThereYet & Ragnar. Tie your blogs to the Museum site. “Branding,” Loren. You understand that.
Only my opinion, but over the years cryptomundo has slowly evolved from a site about cryptozoology into Bigfootmundo and Paranormalmundo. Loren, you generally add all the mainstream cryptozoology content here and aside from mystery man’s blogs I personally don’t now find any difference in cryptomundo than from all the other countless Bigfoot and paranormal sites all over the internet.
Loren, please do yourself and this site a favor. Move your blogs and let this site becomes what it obviously wants to be.
corrick: ” Move your blogs and let this site becomes what it obviously wants to be.”
And WHAT WOULD THAT BE? Is someone keeping you here against your will? Need help finding your way out?
As I did last year, I ask you to stay.
But it obviously has to be your decision. If you leave, I’ll understand.
Just echoing what a lot of others have already said. If you truly enjoy being a part of this sight, request (re: demand politely) that Cryptomundo include a small picture of the author next to each entry and feature the author’s name more prominently. If they refuse, start a blog that IS your own. You’ve obviously got a sizable following and plenty of name recognition within the field. I’m sure some of your technically knowledgeable supporters (myself included) would be glad to donate some time and effort into setting it up and maintaining it. If you’re interested let me know. Good luck!
Loren, i think this would all be solved by having authorship for each post…. like the authors name and a headshot… so ppl can easily tell who’s writing what post.
so this way you’re not blamed for anything you didn’t say/write…. people could easily see who’s posting what.
I’m a web designer, I’ll be more than happy to donate my services to CM to help solve this problem for you guys.
And Loren, I’d hate to see you go dude… just wont be the same here without ya 🙁
Loren, I enjoy a good mystery/puzzle and in trying to solve that by using science and good old fashioned common sense is what you bring to the table. You are not the type that if a tree falls down in the woods are immediately thinking that it is Bigfoot or aliens. You have a special gift.
Hopefully the confusion can be cleared away by enlarging the bloggers’ names and adding thumbnail pictures of each blogger to each post. I just realized that some posts I thought were by Loren Coleman were actually posted by others. If you leave Cryptomundo, please continue to blog about cryptozoology someplace. I don’t like Facebook. But millions of others do so if you post at Facebook exclusively, a few Luddites like me would be left out, I guess. Mr. Coleman, I am a life long fan of yours and your work. Your posts on Cryptomundo enlighten me daily and their absence would leave me slightly depressed, to tell the truth. There would be one less little bit of informative fun to look forward to in my day. That said, it’s understandable that you would consider taking action in order to lessen some of the stress from your life. I’ve always seen you as a heroic figure.
Calm down folks, when Loren first spoke of http://www.loren-coleman.com going away all together and that a lil website called ‘CRYPTOMUNDO’ was coming…. panties were in bunches, shirts were coming off….tisk tisk people. Let’s be civilized about this. It’ll be ok. Loren knows what he’s doing and I highly doubt he’d leave us all in limbo….ain’t that right Mr. C??!! ;p
Cryptomundo meant nothing ten years ago, and may mean nothing ten years from now. However, two things won’t change:
1. cryptozoologists will always be a target for lazy journalists, and
2. thousands of curious folks will always search for answers.
Your voice, Loren, is miles above so many others. Your insight and opinions will always be sought by us. Where you go, we go.
Hey Loren,
I guess because you regularly “own” some of the other bloggers on here they think that you actually own the place literally. I’ve always thought of Cryptomundo as a village made of several camps, with specific tents pitched within each camp. You might say I’ve pitched my tent in the Coleman camp as it’s basic precepts most closely mirror my own (as opposed to the more mystical Redfern camp, for example).
I agree, the linking to content on other sites rather than creating content here gets tiresome. I don’t think anyone wants to see Cryptomundo as a clearinghouse for cryptozoological content rather than a source for it. I enjoy most of the stuff on here… Loren’s most of all. I would follow him if he decided to go elsewhere.
Loren, no one – including those of us who disagree with you at times on specific cases and approaches – can deny you have been invaluable to the popularization of cryptozoology and the sharing of information. To a large chunk of the media, you are the face of this business. Looking at the posts so far, I suggest going one of two ways. One is to stay on this blog and differentiate authors more clearly: not just with prominent names and photos, but even something like different colored text, if that’s workable.
The other option is to sign off and start the Museum blog (something like “CryptoSearch: Loren Coleman’s International Cryptrozoology Museum Blog”) . Best regards, Matt