Bigfoot Reality TV?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on February 6th, 2007
High Technology Bigfoot Expedition
The Granite State Paranormal Society
Dates: March 28, 2007-March 31st, 2007
Location: In a swampy area that looks prehistoric, in the vicinity of Paris, Texas
Expedition: to be conducted by The Granite State Paranormal Society, Contact Jim Snell,
New Hampshire: 646-652-6529 for info
Expedition: to be led by Bigfoot Explorer, C. Thomas Biscardi and his Searching For Bigfoot Team
For additional information: Robert Barrows, R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising and Public Relations, Burlingame, California
Tel: 650-344-1951
Despite countless “Bigfoot” sightings all over the globe, no one has ever captured the creature popularly known as Bigfoot.
Now, a New Hampshire company, The Granite State Paranormal Society, an organization that investigates the paranormal, has put together a team of scientists that have developed very special technologies that will be used in a Bigfoot Expedition that will take place in a swampy area that looks prehistoric, in the vicinity of Paris, Texas from March 28th to March 31st, 2007.
Bigfoot explorer C. Thomas Biscardi, Founder of Searching For, headquartered in Menlo Park, California will lead the expedition.
The expedition will be open to the public and journalists on a fee basis. The Granite State Paranormal Society will handle reservations and expedition details.
Searching For Bigfoot, Inc., in association with Big Cat Productions, plans to develop a new reality TV series, “Capturing Bigfoot,” based on Searching for Bigfoot, Inc.’s latest expeditions to find and bring “Bigfoot” home alive. This new series, which will feature cutting-edge high technology equipment designed to locate, capture and contain Bigfoot, will be produced, directed and written by Ron Lyon and Jenny Paschall, whose collective creative credits include ABC-TV’s “Ripley’s Believe It or Not,” Discovery Channel’s “Would You Believe It!!” as well as Travel Channel’s “Most Haunted in America” and “Strangest Remains”. (For more information, go to
“Capturing Bigfoot” will be a co-production with Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., headed up by Tom Biscardi, founder of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc., in Menlo Park, California, ( Biscardi will be joined on the expedition by his search team, as well as leading academics and amateur participants who believe they can handle the challenge.
The television series will be based on the upcoming March 28th expedition and a series of future Bigfoot expeditions currently being planned around known Bigfoot migration routes. Bigfoot is a migratory creature” according to Biscardi, “so whether we capture one on the Paris, Texas expedition or not, they will continue to seek out additional creatures to find out more about them.”
“The key to capturing a Bigfoot is knowing where to look and how to catch one,” according to Biscardi, “and after all our expeditions over the past two years,” we think we know where the best places are to look for one, and now we have this new technology that will help us locate, capture and contain this elusive creature!”
Two different scientists developed the technology that Biscardi is talking about. Dr. Ron Milione, Ph. D., of Huntington, New York, developed the locating technology. Milione developed two devices. One is a special helmet system that will deliver real time audio and video data back to a command center. It uses a special infrared camera system that uses an infrared array that will project out to a large distance. Several trackers will go out into the field at night with these helmet systems. In addition, several more electronic and tracking devices will be mounted along known game trails, watering holes and other locations where footprints and other evidence of Bigfoot creatures was found by Biscardi in a recent expedition to this same area last summer.
Plus, Milione has also developed the “BF-ELF” (Bigfoot – Extremely Low Frequency) Receiver system that is designed to monitor very low frequency sound waves and look for communication patterns. It is believed that these creatures may be able to communicate with each other at very low frequencies, and teams of trackers will use these handheld devices to pick up audio communications that would be undetectable to the human ear.
The other technology that will help make it a lot easier to capture and contain a Bigfoot is called the “Talon.” The Talon is a non-lethal takedown device that was originally developed for use by law enforcement and the military. It can be operated by remote control and it is a device that will launch a Kevlar/nylon net that will be used to contain and capture the creature. Dr. Daniel Sherman, Ph. D., of La Quinta, California, worked on the development of the Talon.
“With a combination of motion sensors, infrared helmet devices, audio frequency monitoring devices, and with several teams of trackers out in the field, it is going to be a lot easier to finally track down one of these creatures,” says Biscardi.
“There will be real danger, drama, personal interaction stories, scientific research, discovery, discussion of Bigfoot myth and fact, extremes of temperature, the fear of the unknown, things that go bump in the night, plus plenty of snakes, bugs and mosquitoes,” says Biscardi, “and hopefully, we will be able to capture the creature and then be able to do an extensive study of their nature and capabilities.”
“The expedition itself will generate tremendous interest as an entertainment and curiosity factor because it is a chance for the public to join us as we go out and try to catch Bigfoot, ’America’s King Kong,’” according to Biscardi. There will also be auditions for people to join the expedition. “There may be many people with special skills who will be able to assist us in this continuing hunt for Bigfoot,” says Biscardi, and we will soon be putting out a call for participants who wish to become involved in the television series.”
“This expedition and the broadcast will become a worldwide event,” says Biscardi, “and we hope to be able to prove to the skeptics of the world that some kind of creature called Bigfoot exists.” With so many sightings over so many years, in so many countries, there are Bigfoot creatures in many different habitats,” says Biscardi, “and we’re going to go back into this swampy area near Paris, Texas and hopefully capture the creature we found, but could not capture, last summer.”
Biscardi himself has seen Bigfoot creatures six times over the past 34 years of tracking and studying information about the creature. The materials that Searching For Bigfoot, Inc. has collected and acquired over the past year, plus materials that will be forthcoming from this expedition are being categorized for inclusion in a “Bigfoot Museum.”
For additional information and for reservations to join this expedition, contact Jim Snell at The Granite State Paranormal Society in New Hampshire. People interested in joining the expedition should be in excellent health and experienced in the outdoors. Additional details on releases and waivers will be available through The Granite State Paranormal Society ( at 646-652-6529.
Discussions are currently underway for the media, merchandising and ancillary rights to this expedition and the “Capturing Bigfoot” series. For further information regarding television, film and related media, submit all inquiries to Robert Barrows, President of R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising and Public Relations at 205 Park Rd., #208, Burlingame, CA 94010, Tel: 650-344-1951.WebWire
We mustn’t forget the photo that Biscardi’s PR man, Robert Barrows released for him several years ago.
An adult male Bigfoot is shown here eating the entrails of some kind of animal. This photo was taken in the Shasta area of northern California, from a distance of about a hundred feet with a 135 mm lens. Other photos from this encounter with a group of four Bigfoot, including a baby Bigfoot with white fur, are also available.Robert Barrows
Lest we forget…
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
It looks like the Circus is coming to town! Too bad, it seemed like serious research was just gaining momentum.
William Dranginis
Manassas, VA.
I smell Tom Biscardi…
Send in the clowns.
There’s no way I’m watching this unless they have some very attractive women in the search party.
(And that’s the funniest fake photo I’ve ever seen.)
“The key to capturing a Bigfoot is knowing how to catch one,”
Hmm, radical. Wish I’d thought of it. This is why Biscardi gets the big bucks!
Oh boy, here we go again.
Like it or not, Tom Biscardi is inadvertently acting as a D-8 Cat that wipes the landscape clear of Bigfoot Bigotry. Bigotry is the method whereby local old-boy networks act to keep bigfoot researchers as poor as possible and/or run them out of town. Their purported purpose is to protect their wives and children from fear of a real bigfoot, when typically, it is the man of the household who is scared out of his wits while the women and children are curious and open minded.
Will Biscardi succeed at capturing one? In my opinion, he is just about as likely to capture a bigfoot as TAPS is likely to catch a ghost. Will he succeed in at least making it easier for the rest of us bigfoot researchers and in increasing public awareness? Quite likely.
Craig, I honestly believe your group would be better suited to do that show. JMHO
With Biscardi, it wouldn’t be a reality show, it would be a sitcom.
I am nearly speechless; the words that do come to mind are unfit to be reproduced in this blog.
The money wasted on that huckster could be better spent doing serious research. I doubt public awareness will be raised, rather the public will see a mockumentary series and therefore be unamused.
In my opinion, Biscardi mirror his own “evidence/photos”: neither are true.
Gosh…Biscardi planning another worldwide media event! Who’d a thunk it?
Hee, hee, ha ha ha! HA HA HAAAA!!
Oh, my God, make him stop! It’s hilarious, almost as good as the Art Bell Comedy Hour…
Is it just me, or does that bigfoot in the picture have a head the size of Stonehenge? lol
Joke all you want, but Biscardi is OUT THERE, and it’s the searchers who are OUT THERE, who slog thru the mud, squat in the dark, freeze in the woods etc, who put themselves in position to get the definitive images that we all want to see.
He may go about it in his own hokey, eccentric, unprofessional, non-scientific way, but he has the connections and the all-important FUNDING, and he and his ”Team” are OUT THERE.
Wish I was.
Almost as funny as that tremendous pressure that makes logs burst out of the water in Lake Champlain – in shallow water.
I would like to know when Tom has time to sleep, or eat, or shower.
Fuzzy wrote: “He may go about it in his own hokey, eccentric, unprofessional, non-scientific way, but he has the connections and the all-important FUNDING, and he and his ”Team” are OUT THERE.”
I find it interesting that unprofessional, non-scientific, eccentric go hand in hand with FUNDING. Obviously being professional, scientific and normal don’t seem to do it. Shame to say, but that is a reflection of society today.
Pete Wilson
A more apt quote for Biscardi should be “A sucker is born every minute”. What a load of hogwash. This clown sets bigfoot research back by decades.
It might play on America’s Funniest Home Videos…
Just when you think TB has done his last BF Circus. He comes back with a bang. I thought after the Happy Camp/Coast to Coast thing and the Webflogging he took from it TB’s Media day’s were over?
I wonder why he could not get a Texas BF group to help instead of a Paranormal group from New Hampshire? I hope he has Clowns in his new Circus. I like eating Popcorn and watching funny Clowns 🙂
If these guys are going into the woods at night to catch Bush Apes with flashlights and cameras, I’ll watch them on t.v.
That picture is hilarious. I just can’t stop chuckling over it. The enormous rubber looking head, the troll like appearance, and I know people who don’t sit up that prim and pretty when they are eating a homecooked meal let alone animal intestines.
It worries me greatly that Tom and his tactics used, under the guise of Research, will tarnish the hard won reputations of serious Sasquatch researchers. I’m also very concerned that he will kill one to “be first” in proving they exist, where integral groups don’t consider that an option for any reason.
Until we know for sure what the Sasquatch is, and just how powerful they will be under extreme circumstances, I think someone could get hurt or worse. A net? LOL!! You have got to be kidding me.
I hope the Producers of this show make sure no one is out to shoot a Sasquatch if the net falls short of being effective and is then turned on these “hunters.”
I smell a failed show that will only cause this subject to become a mockery for serious researchers who don’t align themselves with Tom’s tactics, fake pictures and rabid need to bring one in “alive.” I fear the death of a very unique and precious creature is imminent; one that only wishes to not be harmed.
Don’t these people who publish these photos know that you aren’t supposed to be able to see bigfoot’s ears!!!!!!?? Do your research!!!