Comments regarding the identity of a hand of unknown origin
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 20th, 2006
Comments regarding the identity of a hand of unknown origin.
Authored by Alton Higgins.
As reported by Laura Michaels on 13 June 2006, Bigfoot researcher Tom Biscardi announced that he possessed what he believed was a Bigfoot hand. Photos and additional information pertaining to the hand were later released and widely discussed here on Cryptomundo.
Although bearing a superficial resemblance to a primate hand, the supposed sasquatch hand associated with Don Monroe and Tom Biscardi, ostensibly obtained from the Butte, MT, police department, is most likely the paw of an American black bear (Ursus americanus). Arguments in support of this view are outlined in the following comments.
1. In my opinion, the size and general morphology of the hand are consistent with a black bear explanation (see Figure 1).
2. The fact that the “hand” has been skinned, as reported by Todd Reese, an Idaho chiropractor, is consistent with a black bear explanation.
3. The fact that the distal phalanges are missing (Fig. 1) is consistent with preparation by a taxidermist of a black bear carcass.
4. Comparison of Biscardi “hand” metacarpal (the long bones of the hand) shaft diameters with the size of the metacarpal heads is consistent with what would be seen in a black bear and does not compare, in my opinion, with what would be seen in either human or gorilla hands. Figure 2a illustrates the similarity of the black bear and Biscardi “hand” metacarpal shaft/head diameter estimate ratios, both approximately 0.70, as contrasted with the ratio derived for the equivalent bone from a human hand, less than 0.50 (Fig. 2b).
5. The Biscardi “hand” metacarpal head shapes are consistent with what would be seen in a black bear and do not compare, in my opinion, with what would be seen in either human or gorilla hands (Figures 3 and 4).
6. The shapes seen in the metacarpal bases of the Biscardi “hand” are consistent with what should be expected in a black bear paw, and they do not match what is seen in human or gorilla hands. Figure 3 provides a human and black bear metacarpal comparison. The narrow base of the second metacarpal (the one next to the thumb) of the Biscardi “hand” (Fig. 1) contrasts markedly with the swollen base of the second metacarpal visible in the gorilla hand picture (Fig. 4).
7. As seen in the Biscardi “hand” x-ray, the length of the first metacarpal as compared with the second metacarpal is consistent with what should be expected in a black bear and does not compare with what is seen in humans or gorillas (see Figures 1 and 4). That is to say, the first metacarpal in the black bear is slightly shorter in length to the second metacarpal, as contrasted with humans and the great apes, where the first metacarpal is markedly shorter in length than the second metacarpal. As described in this paper describing possible sasquatch hand anatomy, the sasquatch thumb may also be short in comparison with the metacarpals.
8. The v-shaped joints seen in association with the proximal phalanges are consistent with what should be expected in a black bear but not a human or a gorilla (Figures 3 and 5).
9. The same features noted as typical for human and gorilla hands in points 4 through 8 should also apply, in my opinion, with what should be expected in a sasquatch hand.
Todd Reese, the Idaho chiropractor who x-rayed the “hand” for Don Monroe, noted fusion of two carpal bones. I don’t know enough about black bear anatomy to state whether or not this is normal. From what I understand, fusion of wrist bones in humans does sometimes occur, so one might conjecture that similar fusion is a theoretical possibility in other primates. Perhaps a wildlife biologist, mammalogist, comparative anatomy instructor, museum curator of mammals, or black bear researcher could shed further light on the subject.
However, I’m convinced that the observations I’ve noted should in themselves suffice to cast more than sufficient doubt on the assertion that the “hand” paraded by Tom Bascardi is anything other than the pickled paw of an American black bear.
Click on image for full-size version
Figure 1. Comparison of black bear paw bones (left) with an x-ray of a purported sasquatch hand displayed by Tom Biscardi in 2006. The claws are missing from both images. The x-ray on the right shows that only the metacarpal remains of the first digit. One might conjecture that the proximal phalange of the first digit was intentionally removed from the Biscardi “hand” to increase the general similarity to a primate hand.
Left image from Bone Clones.
Click on image for full-size version
Figure 2a. The black bear fourth metacarpal shaft/head ratio (left) is comparable to that estimated in the Biscardi “hand” x-ray image. The red numbers show estimated widths used to compute the ratios.
Figure 2b. An example of a fourth metacarpal from a human hand. The estimated shaft width/head diameter ratio of 0.46 is markedly different than the same ratio observed for American black bear and the Biscardi “hand” (see Fig. 2a). Photo by the author.
Figure 3. Bones from the hand and finger of a human compared with equivalent bones from the paw of an American black bear. The images are scaled to equalize the lengths. The bottom pair of bones represents the metacarpals. Note the differences in the shapes and relative diameters of the heads, or upper ends, of the metacarpals. The bases are also quite different. However, the relative lengths of black bear metacarpals and phalanges, with the exception of the distal phalange (containing the prominent claw), are quite similar to those of humans, producing or making possible a general impression of similarity with the familiar proportions of the human hand, especially in the absence of the distal phalanges (as seen in the Biscardi “hand”).
Photo from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Figure 4. Comparison of human (left) and gorilla hand bones. The gorilla hand is shown from a palmar perspective. Note the similarity of metacarpals with regard to the relative diameters of the shafts and the heads, as well as overall similarity of bone structure.
Photos from Bone Clones.
Figure 5. The “v-shaped joint” noted by Idaho chiropractor Todd L. Reese, seen in the x-ray he took of the Biscardi “hand.” The middle image shows a close-up of the proximal phalange; the left image outlines the edges of the joint. Compare with the drawing of the same bone in the foot of an American black bear.
Alton Higgins, Department of General Education, Mid-America Christian University, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170. 14 July 2006.
About the author. Higgins is a biology professor who formerly worked as a research field biologist in Arizona, conducting extensive censuses of vertebrates. In addition to wildlife management coursework, he also took classes in comparative anatomy, human anatomy, mammalogy, and animal physiology. Higgins has written scientifically oriented articles pertaining to the sasquatch phenomenon, and has spoken at several prominent sasquatch conferences and seminars, including the 2003 Willow Creek International Bigfoot Symposium (Willow Creek, CA), the 2003-05 Texas Bigfoot Conferences (Jefferson, TX), and the 2006 “Bigfoot in Texas?” exhibit and speaker series, sponsored by the University of Texas San Antonio, the Institute of Texan Cultures (San Antonio, TX) and the Texas Bigfoot Research Center. A former curator with the BFRO, Higgins currently is actively involved in the research activities of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center and serves as an advisor with the Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers.
Dr. Jeff Meldrum weighed in with his opinion regarding "The Hand of Unknown Origin":
I have examined radiographic prints of the hand and based on my preliminiary assessment, it is almost certainly a bear fore paw — nothing mysterious about it at all.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
I don’t remember if the dna test even mentioned the possibility of it being a bear’s paw. I don’t know how that process works, I mean do they always do a broad comparison, or do they go only for what they are asked to look for? If he only asked if this was a known primate, they would say no if it was a bear paw. I’m getting tired of this guy, even more so than chow and the malaysian big foot.
If you read back through the previous posts, the DNA lab verified that they were not able to find any testable DNA due to the degraded state of the samples.
I’ve said for a while “taxidermy cast off”. I stick by that hypothesis.
No surprise here. After the original post that showed an X-ray of the hand and the skeletal remains of a bear paw it was pretty clear what this was.
This wasn’t intended to be a surprise. I stated on 12 July that it was a bear foot and that I was sending Craig a picture, which ended up being several pictures. See Comment #8 at the DNA results post.
Craig asked me to write something up to summarize the pictures, which I did last Friday, the piece you see here.
I am so sick of all this fake evidence an phoney bigfoot investagators who are nothing more then American con-artists/want-a-be writers. The bigfoot,if it exists is obviously more intelligent then those who seek to find it, and with these idiots that is not saying a lot. I for one will not follow this subject any more. It is a waste of time.