Video of The Hand of Unknown Origin
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 7th, 2006
KTVK, NewsChannel 3 out of Phoenix, AZ, covered a story last week concerning an Arizona man, Roger Peterson, who claimed he had a series of 4 Bigfoot sightings over the last 25 years. That’s right, Peterson, not Patterson.
Here is a link to the news station’s website with coverage of that story Bigfoot in Arizona. I’m not sure if registration is required at the site to view the story. It is free registration.
Tom Biscardi showed up to interview Mr. Peterson, and also showed the news crew "The Hand of Unknown Origin." Here is the direct link to the video that shows "The Hand of Unknown Origin."
Click image for full-size version
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
wow, big foot is everywhere. It is hard for me to believe there is any room left for it there. that picture of the “hand” is just gross.
I watch channel 3 and missed that. i had to laugh when biscardi said they migrate from phoenix to Alaska.
there have been sightings in the phoenix area. all that have any tiny bit of a chance to be real were near the river bed and in an area of farm land that produces lots of produce.
the river bed runs up into the mountains eventually but i still dont hold much truth of phoenix desert Bigfoot sightings.
Arizona has millions of acres of high altitude forrest. the sightings in those areas are more believable.
The hand needs to be examined and tested. With out proper testing, there will always be skeptics. What’s up with the end of the fingers?
You need to read some of the previous posts regarding this hand. The conversations about testing of the hand and what’s up with the fingertips has all been discussed previously.
The link to all of those discussions is in the post above. Click on the link that says The Hand of Unknown Origin and you will be enlightened.
Hmmmm, well I watched all of these and I still have to ask, where in the heck did Biscardi come up with his population of 3500 across North America? Did he mail out census forms?
Thirty to 50 migrating through Arizona? Sure, they must pay taxes there part of the year, that is how he knows.
I also love that the reporter repeats that one DNA test showed material that matched “no known species” and that a second was “inconclusive”. Aren’t those two ways of saying the same thing?
I also have a complaint with the video editing in that it seemed to mix up accounts. In one video it seemed to indicate that Peterson shot at a female standing over him in the full-moonlight when it became aggressive toward his family/friends. In another they don’t mention the shooting persay, but they show Peterson talking about being “responsible for their (the 4 campers) safety” after he talks about a nine foot tall male standing in the water swaying back and forth.
I’m not saying Peterson’s stories don’t jibe with one another, just that the video editing here is confusing.
Also, the Hans Mobius side story was interesting, especially the footage of the clerk from George & Co. costume shop who claims he sold a gorilla suit to Moebius.
Oh, and don’t forget, Biscardi is making a movie… gotta get that plug in there, along with the melodramatic fire lit footage.
I wonder if Bigfoot has fingerprints…
OLE Mr.B. gotta love the big guy! YEAH RIGHT!
Looks like a human hand in a preservative (looks more like formalin than alcohol), really, not so impossible to obtain.
Poor bear. It’s hand was chopped off and then SHAVED.