Top 15 Georgia Bigfoot Quotations of 2008
Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 26th, 2008
(Admin note: The site has been down for a bit of time this week, and we aren’t sure why. Back to business, however, as we rush into 2009.)
Top 15 Georgia Bigfoot Quotations of 2008
by Loren Coleman, The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates (NY: Anomalist Books, 2006) and Bigfoot! The True Story of Apes in America (NY: Simon and Schuster, 2003).
The #1 Bigfoot story for 2008, unfortunately, is of the hoax produced by two Georgia men and promoted by a California man. Coming out of this fiasco were some remarkable quotations, some of which in the rearview mirror are quite humorous. Here are the top fifteen.
(1) “Ric Dyer and Matt ‘Gary’ Whitton began posting YouTube videos infused with enough testosterone to choke a herd of horses. ‘The Best Bigfoot Trackers in the World,’ they claimed.” – Autumn Williams,, summer 2008.
(2) “We have located a family of Bigfoot, and besides the clear photos and video, we have something even more shocking, a BODY.” – As noted on Matt Whitton’s and Rick Dyer’s website,, during the summer of 2008.
(3) “The unusual structure of the face, the fabric-like look of the hair, and the close match with an actual costume does not speak well for this ‘carcass.'” – Loren Coleman, on Cryptomundo, August 12, 2008.
(4) “I saw the thing, I touched it…They showed me the body. They took me to the area where they found it – it took a day and a half to get there.” – Tom Biscardi, as quoted by the Australian media on August 14, 2008.
(5) “Be still my heart, I felt bad for the poor thing. After being in the industry for the past 30 years, I wondered: Was it diseased? Did it die of old age?” – Tom Biscardi said of viewing the alleged corpse, as quoted by ABC News, August 15, 2008, when reporting on his claim he had gone to Georgia to see the body for himself.
(6) “He’s not a true anthropologist.” – Tom Biscardi’s comment during the August 15, 2008 news conference, about Jeffrey Meldrum (Ph. D. anatomical sciences, with an emphasis in biological anthropology, from State University of New York at Stony Brook,1989), who is a tenured Associate Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. (Meldrum, the BFRO’s Matt Moneymaker, and Cryptomundo’s Loren Coleman had been extensively quoted by the media prior to the Friday news conference as being skeptical about the reality of the “Bigfoot body.”)
(7) “They’re fine guys, one works for the police department in Georgia, and the other was a correctional officer. They’re pretty credible guys,” Tom Biscardi, August 15, 2008.
(8) “I didn’t believe in it at the time…” Matt Whitton said at the August 15, 2008, news conference, in response to a reporter’s question about whether he and Dyer had believed in Bigfoot prior to finding the body.
(9) “I don’t believe it does affect my credibility at all because this is Bigfoot. It would be one thing if I came out and said that I had something else that is tangible and real but right now as far as I’m concerned there is no real Bigfoot.” – Matt Whitton, a Clayton County police officer, talking to Channel 2 Action News, the day before he was fired.
(10) “On his YouTube videos, [Matt Whitton] said he has dreamed about being a Bigfoot researcher since he was kid.” ~ Matt Moneymaker, BFRO, August 15, 2008.
(11) “He’s already gone through several hoaxes. We always say, ‘This is the end of Biscardi. He’s never coming back.’ I mean, the man has nine lives.” ~ Loren Coleman quoted in the Clayton News Daily, August 16, 2008.
(12) “He lied on national TV so a defense attorney now could say, ‘How do we know you’re not lying now?’” said Clayton County Police Chief Jeff Turner before firing Matt Whitton from the Clayton County Police Department, as reported by WBS-TV, Atlanta.
(13) “He [Tom Biscardi] was involved in a similar hoax a few years back,” said Agent Dan Ryan with the Palo Alto (Calif.) Police Department, to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, August 20, 2008.
(14) “Well, we told 10 different stories. Everyone knew we were lying.” – Rick Dyer, in response to why he wasn’t giving the $50,000 back to the Indiana businessman who thought he was paying for a real Bigfoot body, to WBS-TV – Atlanta, August 20, 2008.
(15) “This auction coincided perfectly with the international economic crisis. There were lots of legit bidders, but when I went back to them and said, ‘Are you still interested,’ they were all having second thoughts about it.” said Bigfoot body auction organizer Josh Warren, on why he couldn’t get any of the second-tier bidders to come up with any money after the quarter million dollar eBay “winning bid” was declared a fake, as quoted on Cryptomundo, December 2, 2008.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
That last shot is priceless squeezed between those two quotes. The only thing that would make it better is a caption that reads “This little piggie got none…”
#6 is quite funny. I myself never thought that Biscardi was a true human being.
Considering this was a farce, it’s truly amazing how much mileage the perps have gotten out of it — and continues to get.
No offense to your fine quote, Loren, or the others before it, but I believe the #1 response has to be Tom Biscardi’s #5: “Be still my heart, I felt bad for the poor thing. After being in the industry for the past 30 years, I wondered: Was it diseased? Did it die of old age?”. In my humble opinion — it is just an opinion — this man is a FOOL.
Personally, I think that, as soon as Biscardi got involved in this, everyone and his little dog’s uncle should have called “BS”; and, by the looks of it, just about everyone here did. I can just imagine a conversation between Biscardi and Bigfoot, though…
Foot: Uh, excuse me?
TB The BS-King: What?
Foot: I just couldn’t miss that costume in a freezer you have there.
TB: Not a costume. Bless it’s heart, it’s a BigFeet!
Foot: No, I’m Bigfoot. That’s a costume. You can still see the Wal-Mart tag on its hand.
TB: Oh- oh yeah? Well… You’re not a true Bigfoot!
Foot: *Back-hands*
Just for the heck of it, I took a look at the bf hunter website to see if it was still active. Apparently they’ve reformatted it to promote their TRUE identities as SUPER DELUXE TOTALLY AWESOME HOAX HUNTERS. Since cracking the “Bigfoot is a fraud” case wide open (?) they’re next tackling some supposed haunted house in Georgia (??) and have “several” DVD’s available as well as a cable show in the works (?!?). And yes, as to be expected, typos and misspellings abound, as well as plentiful evidence of their lack of education, tact, and good will.
Cue facepalm.
Originally I thought the Georgia boys created their hoax to discredit cryptozoology and well-known bigfoot advocates. Since I’m in my fifties, I didn’t realize what was really up.
These guys were merely PUNKING us. PUNKING is pranking and is popular with a younger demographic, a demographic that watches television shows such as PUNKED and JACKASS. In such shows, pranks and stunts are performed and are carried out to the very end, no matter how upsetting the pranks are to those being pranked, or no matter how dangerous the stunts may be. The important thing is not to hesitate in the prank or stunt, but to ride it through to its conclusion, no matter what.
Some in the bigfoot community bought into the Georgia bigfoot hoax because the hoaxers carried their hoax as far as it could possibly go, right up to a news conference and beyond. Certainly your average hoaxer would not go that far, would they? So there must be something to it, right? Well, no, we know now.
These guys are not as nefarious as made out to be. They are just some guys doing some silly guy things inspired by uninspiring television.
Folks, to understand this hoax we need to know this: we were PUNKED!
With all due respect to JerryWayne’s analysis of the topic, spinning the fiasco as a “Punking” doesn’t justify the behavior or the events surrounding the hoax.
Both the fraud AND those who perpetrated it ARE juvenile-minded morons who think that playing April Fool’s “pranks” are acceptable under any circumstances.
They aren’t.