Yeti on Fox + New Gates Video
Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 5th, 2007
Fox News, December 4, 2007: The Yeti exchange unfolded routinely, as per what has come to be expected for such two-minute-moments on news programs. When Patrick Huyghe (correctly pronounced “Weeg” with a soft “g”) is off-interview, the “Fox news hosts” then tried delivering their debunking humor points, as usual.
I congratulate Fox News for running a full credit to artist Harry Trumbore for his drawings of various types of Yeti taken from our cryptozoological field guide.
Parts of the Joshua Gates news conference footage has turned up on two YouTube videos:
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
It is mandatory for all news casters to be complete tools? No wonder no one watches the news on the TV anymore and sticks to the internet. Walter Cronkite and Tom Brokaw would never act like such fools.
Hey loser news caster guy, I have a question for you. Will you ever be relevant to society and not have to be on a show with an attractive, blonde ditz? “No chance!”
What was wrong with that reporter and fox news?
I agree with captainadam_21.
Wow fools R US = fox news.
Whey did not have the courage to say “yea right” to Mr. Patrick Huyghe when he was on the phone and when the reporter brought up the print being a paw print of a bear.
Mr. Patrick Huyghe call them out as wrong.
I loved that.
P.S Mr. Coleman thx for that great and fascinating discussion at the amnh i was there.
It was fantastic; thx again for autograph.
Funny how casts from Nepal/Johor generate more interest than similar evidence from North America. It must be the work of the “it can’t be real so it isn’t real” logic.
Also, the new casts don’t look very anthropomorphic to me. Looking at them I form the impression of a large, awkward animal that can’t run. The print in the snow looks anthropomorphic and belonging to a different species than the casts.
these are great news segments about the yeti footprints. thanks bill green
Interesting, but typical talking head stuff in the fox clip.
The cast just seems too unnatural to me. What I mean is that it looks too odd shaped to be weight baring foot, too “floppy looking”. I’m not saying, by the way, that it is a fake. I’m just saying that I don’t see it as belonging to a Yeti, but, then again, I am willing to be shown otherwise.
Another cast thought:
Could that and the Johor prints be of an animal’s rear foot and leg segment, you know, the section of the foot that is used as leg normally (but not in humans), plus the paw proper? In a sort of hunched position for a quadruped?
I can’t remember the correct term for that portion of the anatomy.
Question:What’s that OTHER smaller cast that is shown in the second clip?
And that news guy? we have word in Mexico for that sort of people… it starts with a “p”.
Did any of you actually expect to see some open mindedness on the Fox News channel? And if it happens every time, then why do people like Loren and his colleagues keep going on the network for interviews?
Because Fox News seems to be the only large cable network putting stories like this one on. I don’t see CNN or MSNBC calling. That’s why they go on. Better to be mocked than ignored.
Say what you want about Fox News, but they are the only ones who even bother with this stuff.
Question:What’s that OTHER smaller cast that is shown in the second clip?
I was thinking it was a partial print probably of the heel
Well, this is the way science is. The pioneers are always nuts until the evidence is all in.
Science is not done, nor advanced, by the peanut gallery, which pretty much includes everyone who wears a suit for a living.
Scientific American seems to be treating Meldrum with a straight face. That adds much more than the idiots at Fox take away.
Until all of the facts about this cast (or, casts) come in, I think we should be careful about what we assume. My personal opinion is that while the cast is odd-looking, one has to consider that perhaps the creature that made the print was on an uneven incline, or decline when making the step (or, print) that the cast was made of. To me, this would perhaps explain the splayed-toes pattern in the cast. The creature could have been in the process of shifting or transferring it’s weight to the other foot in an effort to overcome uneven terrain (which makes perfect sense, given the nature of the area where the cast was made). Of course, at this point, this is purely conjecture. But, as I said, we really can’t make these assumptions and speculations, because we simply don’t have all of the details yet.
As for Fox News (or, Faux News as I call it), I would expect nothing different from them, in the way they handled this report.
They put a negative spin on anything that doesn’t fit neatly into the status quo “Neo-Con” box. On the other hand, I suppose that, as others have pointed out, some exposure is better than none at all. However, to the non-discerning viewer, this subject winds up appearing laughable and foolish, which I’m sure is the intended result by Fox News. This is unfortunate and I’m sure that this only happens because “big media” is heavily controlled and censored. To me, objective reporting is pretty much dead, as far as “big media” news, such as presented by Fox.
Thank God for the internet, where one can review information on topics and form their own opinion with far less pre-injected subjectiveness.
I agree with captainadam_21 as far as Walter Cronkite is concerned, but I’m not so sure about Brokaw. JMO. 😉
Ok…in further reading of the posts here, I just discovered that the print was made on a riverbank, which to me, gives further validity to my own theory that whatever made the print was on an incline or decline (depending on which direction the creature was traversing). This gives credence to, or perhaps might explain the splayed-toes pattern of the print in question, if in fact, the creature was in the process of weight transfer to the other foot. It is somewhat odd that only one print was found, but this could simply mean that only one print was DISCERNIBLE.
As I said in the previous post, this is pure speculation at this point, because all of the facts are not in on this…yet?
I must correct myself on the “only one print being found” comment in the above post. My bad.
Interesting excahnge, Loren.
Does not surprise me about Fox News. Like I said before, they (and most of the other media) have a vested interest in “reassuring,” not challenging.
Fox has a right to be “skeptical,” but not dismissive. Or cynical.
FOX should not even be allowed to call their lies “news” is quite simply a right wing/Bush PR firm. When have they ever told or accepted the truth? Morons,plain and simple. By the way Loren..great work on “Monster Quest”! Good to see a show that takes a serious and realistic approach to the crypto-world. I have seen more “crypto” news and shows on mainstream television than at any time since probably the early to mid 70’s peak when all the great documentaries first started showing up. Maybe this will “hook” a whole new generation of bigfoot and crypto enthusiasts. I know the documentaries and shows like “In Search Of” are what piqued my interest as a young kid in the early 70’s. Great to see some serious debate going on and a few brave souls like Jeff Meldrum willing to risk their professional lives to seek and tell the truth. Heck, if you turn to FOX for your news, you must love being lied to. Take care Loren and keep up the good work!
Well, you know, by mass-media standards, that interview wasn’t so bad.
My earlier comment went video-unseen. It still stands. But it sure could have been a lot worse.
See when the blonde went, what do you think? Heh heh…think she wanted to say what SHE thought, on the air? There they were, in one of those moments where, if you are on the air for a living, your job might be on the line…
What would YOU say?
(Me? “I don’t know. I say: prove it to me.”)