Archive for “September, 2006”

Lassie & Nessie

Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 1st, 2006

The new Lassie movie opens September 1, 2006, and I predict it will be a runaway hit with babyboomers who use the excuse their kids want to go see it. 🙂 For Cryptomundo readers, I hope someone reports back soon on what happens during the appearance of the Loch Ness Monster and lochside researchers (Edward […]

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Plesiosaur Photo Hoax

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 1st, 2006

As we were talking about photo manipulation the other day here on Cryptomundo, sometimes photographs are manipulated to make them appear to show a cryptid. Below is a photo of a megamouth shark that was manipulated to appear as if it was a plesiosaur. No known source, but it was featured on several cryptozoology websites […]

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