Archive for “October, 2008”

Cape Cod Manatee Sighted

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 2nd, 2008

Is this species the source of ancient Sea Serpent sightings? Viewed yesterday, the eyewitness said this animal was moving too slowly and the tail was too broad and large to be a seal.

Read: Cape Cod Manatee Sighted »

Siblings in Cryptozoology

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 2nd, 2008

Who are the brothers and sisters in the field? How many brothers, how many sisters, how many siblings have found themselves together within cryptozoology or nearly so, in linked investigations or overlapping strangeness? Images.

Read: Siblings in Cryptozoology »

Used Cryptozoology Books

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 2nd, 2008

Most of these are used, some are new, and all are available directly from Arcturus, not from me. I thought some readers who don’t have these titles might be interested in this new list, just published today.

Read: Used Cryptozoology Books »

New Petrel Discovery Discussed

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 2nd, 2008

This a summary of new findings about a recently discovered species from the Azores. Images.

Read: New Petrel Discovery Discussed »

Mass Monster Mash: Coming October 18th!

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 1st, 2008

Halloween is coming soon, but this will happen first. Poster image.

Read: Mass Monster Mash: Coming October 18th! »

Is George Schaller A Cryptozoologist?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 1st, 2008

How much can you rely on the background facts apparently noted in a newspaper in India or a foreword in a book to tell us what famed mountain gorilla researcher George B. Schaller thinks about Bigfoot?

Read: Is George Schaller A Cryptozoologist? »

Coming Halloween: CryptidHunt

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 1st, 2008

“CryptidHunt” deals with the search for various cryptozoological creatures reportedly seen around the world. With hidden cameras and underwater photographic equipment, each episode examines the most compelling and credible evidence! Video trailers.

Read: Coming Halloween: CryptidHunt »

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