Archive for “June, 2013”

This Week in Weird

Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 1st, 2013

The latest edition of The Week in Weird is live! There’s a handful of the strangest stories from this week’s updates at Who Forted, like giant hairy blobs attacking cities, old dudes fooling news crews with fake UFOs, footage of a glowing ghost, and a miracle in Ohio. PLUS! Take the psychic challenge and win a WF shirt!

This episode was a mother-whistle to finish, so do us a favor and share it!Who Forted? – The ‘Zine About Weird Stuff

Read: This Week in Weird »

The Curious Cats of Cannock

Posted by: Nick Redfern on June 1st, 2013

“…only a few weeks previously a deer had been found dead, after having been dragged into a ditch, with two puncture holes to the neck – trademark signs of a big cat attack…”

Read: The Curious Cats of Cannock »

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