Radio Bigfoot… Part IV
Posted by: Rick Noll on December 6th, 2005
Strange how things happen… As I was writing this, Timberlake called me and asked if I would go on the air tomorrow, actually it would be today, and do a sound bite… something about the group Creed… wonder what it is.
(Tonic – If You Could Only See)
So on my birthday, my wife got together with Timberlake and No Name by phone and decided to do something special for me (actually it was more like to me)… a surprise party at a lake near by my work. At lunch everyone drove over there and I was given the lame excuse that the driver (Kevin) was lost. We were supposed to be going to a local restaurant and was actually going the wrong way. As if you could fool a real Bigfoot hunter now.
At the lake who should be there but a couple of my partners in Bigfoot hunting… John Pickering and Owen Caddy (conformation that something was up). Of course everyone from work was there as well. There was a picnic table set up with snacks on it… nothing out of the ordinary. Chips and salsa, a very long subway, soft drinks.
Then I noticed someone out the corner of my eye behind a tree video taping us. Then “WHAM!”
I was hit in the back and furry arms reached around my neck and a deep voice said, “Richard Noll! Richard Noll! This is BIGFOOT! Richard Noll”. I was being wrestled to the ground by something hairy that could talk. The people around me broke out in laughter.
Ok… so we danced a little too. It wasn’t my idea!
I finally got away and quickly turned around and there was Bigfoot. A very ugly Bigfoot. He looked kind of moth eaten and wrinkled. The voice coming from it… it was Timberlake. He was on a cell phone and handed it to me. Guess who…?
DJ No Name..!
And so the name stuck like…
Which brings up a good question. Where is all the Bigfoot Poo anyway? Certainly not at the local bakers.
Rick Noll
Rick Noll has been actively searching for the Sasquatch since 1969 and continues his pursuit with extended field trips into the Pacific Northwest's most remote regions. Rick has worked with Peter Byrne, René Dahinden, Grover Krantz, John Green, Jeff Meldrum and the BFRO during all this. He helped with many documentaries on the subject including Animal X: The Skookum Expedition and Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.
Excellent – !! I am glad to hear your working relationship with this radio station is still so strong – goes to show what a little ingenuity and one question can bring about.
Great pics – lmao.
The cake– was that chocolate with nuts?