Apologies for Sasquatch Skull post
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 25th, 2007
I apologize for the furor created by my post here on Cryptomundo Sasquatch Skull Baffles Scientists!
I saw it posted on the internet, and while it was obvious to me that it was a hoax of some type, and obviously an April Fool’s Day hoax at that, it wasn’t obvious to me that it was a two year old April Fool’s Day hoax.
As Loren has commented, he contacted the newspaper editors and they have updated the page to clearly identify it as an April Fool’s Day hoax from 2005. The following, along with an April Fool’s 2005 banner have been added to the online article.
April 1st, 2005 (yes indeed, April Fools issue 2005)
This article ran in TofinoTime Magazine in April 2005, as part of our annual April Fools issue, promoting the unveiling of the sculpture you see below. Our apologies to cryptozoologists all over the universe…George Patterson
The editor(s) registered here at Cryptomundo and offered the following comment in the original post here about the skull:
The article was published on April 1 in 2005 as part of the april fools issue. I have updated the page to make that clear. ‘tofino sasquatch’ seems a popular search term today…tofinotime
If nothing else, we have prevented anyone in the future being taken in by this hoax.
Further investigation revealed the following additional information.
The same article was also posted on the Tofino Botanical Gardens Foundation website:
TBG’s Institute of Parallel Studies is dedicated to truth rather than fact. We agree with Federico Fellini who said that the only true realist is the fantasist. It is in this spirit that we present Gigantopithecus tofinianum, Tofino Man. The following article appeared in the April 1, 2005 edition of both the Westerly and Tofino Time. While neither of these publications are peer reviewed scientific journals, you may read them with the utmost confidence.Tofino Botanical Gardens Foundation
It was followed by the following:
Note: These skulls are the work of Vancouver artist and Teacher, George Rammel. A reception for the artist will take place in August, 2005.Tofino Botanical Gardens Foundation
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
I read it last nite and knew at once it was a fraud, nice work Craig.
Craig, I think most of the people here knew it was a fraud, so for me apologies are not neccesary. I actually found the article quite amusing.
Apologies for what!!!
If it wasn’t for hoaxes we wouldn’t have anything to get excited over.
Keep em’ coming!
Agreed. Apology unnecessary. Things float around on the internet without good dating, and considering what has been happening out there, it was an innocent error. I’m glad the BC editors reworked the site to more properly identify the original date of publication.
No need to apologize; fun story! I want to know where I can get a cool fake bigfoot skull!
What we need is a good story on the discovery of the secret bigfoot burial ground.
Agreed, no apology needed, Craig! I found it quite amusing!
I counted 2 – no, 3 – giggles (“Prof. I.M. Mendacious”? The University of LURIDistan??), a Hoo Har (“Do you watch hockey?”), and 2 guffaws (“It is very likely that what the observers really saw was a man dressed in shaggy fur, on stilts, playing a didgideroo, cross-country skiing across the mudflats in the fog,”! Skiing across the mudflats, on STILTS!!!! Bwa-hahahahaaa…
There I go again… sorry!
Anyway, a very creative and enjoyable satire – I loved it, and I play a didge!