Bigfoot in 2008
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 19th, 2007
The cover story in the Jan. 13 issue of the Weekly World News was that Hillary Clinton is running for President in 2008 with Bigfoot as her running mate.
Above is the cover of the issue, and below is the obvious composite image used for the cover.
The obvious question, at least to me, is does ANYONE believe the "news" that is offered in this waste of newsprint?
Also obvious, at least to me again (and there has already been a comment, in jest I surmise, asking for this clarification), that’s Bigfoot on the left and Hillary on the right.
There is even a video clip of somewhat dubious taste concerning a fellow and his quest for a Bigfoot encounter.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Good afternoon Cryptos….
I still could not vote for Billery even with the Big Man at her side…JMHO
live and let live…
ole bub and the dawgs
It would take him to run with her to win!
But it’s a hideous beast?! Don’t do it Sas!!!
I used to look forward to going to my grandmother’s house just to read such journalistic greatness. Unfortunately this was the only type of mag that seemed to cover such things and at the tender age of 5 to 9 (maybe even a bit later) and with a vivid imagination I hadn’t caught on to the fact of journalistic truthfulness. Plus I don’t think back in the day they were so openly flamboyant about how ridiculous they are as compared to today. I remember stories about bigfoot where they showed tracks and the famous ‘hands and feet pictures’ and thing similar,but nothing as silly as bigfoot running for office with his ugly sister.
Bigfoot pheh! Whatever happened to Batboy? He was all the rage a few years back.
Only a heartbeat away…
And to think that I always thought the bigfoot species were intelligent!
i realy like lol everyone above replys about this funny article. it would be a very big tight race against hillary & sasquatch just my honest opinion 🙂
Yeah, but can she beat Obama and Mothman?
I liked last big foot issue, the big foot exercise program. by the way did anyone notice that he has a flag pinned to his chest? and isn’t the caption below them an interesting way to put it? The poor person she is going to run with, they will never live this down. In order for there not to be any jokes her running mate will have to be small in stature and bald. I absolutely love reading these headlines.
I want to believe that this stupid cover was just a swipe at Hillary and was not intended as a slur of any kind toward any of her likely running mates.
I’ve heard all the Hillary hokes and all the Bill jokes and I have quite a collection of Dubya jokes (alas, none of them as funny as the joke that Dubya really is).
I’m for a good joke as much as aanyone, no matter who it’s on – even when it’s on me. The sad thing is, though, that many people DO believe this kind of trash. And even for those who do not, stupid things like this the cover of this rag go a long way toward branding “Bigfoot enthusiasts”, as the euphemism goes, as crackpots in the public mind.
Seriously though, I don’t see how anyone who values the preservation of endangered species and the wild places they inhabit could possibly want to support anything resembling the current administration.
Not only will I vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton; I plan to actively campaign for her. If she is not the Democratic nominee, then I’ll support whomever is. There are several strong contenders.
I want a world where Bigfoot, and Ivorybills, and Thylacines – and people – have protected natural places to roam, clean air to breathe, and clean water to drink.
I think you are all missing the important point of this picture, will bigfoot really bring in the “hairy vote” for Hillary, and where does he stand on the real issues, besides on Hillary’s feet.
WWW has been doing this kind of stuff since it was spawned. I don’t expect any different.
Personally I think that Hillary should run for VP behind Bigfoot. He would probably get more votes than she will. Guess what? I’m not a Hillary fan but she’s entitled to give it a go.
It will be interesting to see who wins but I agree that either way Bigfoot will lose something.
My best, LL
Forget the PG footage, this is the real evidence we have been looking for all these years! Seriously though, I think if people want to read this junk, then it is their right to do so. It may be stupid and crazy, but people should be able to read whatever they want. I do think it is a shame the way paparazzi and so on can publish slanderous photos like this without any permission from the one being slandered. What is really sad is that there really are ignorant people out there who really believe this stuff and buy this not as entertainment, but as a real source of news.
Indeed. I was once ernestly sent an article from such magazines about how all the dragons, unicorns, bigfoot, and chupacabras had been on Noah’s second ark, which apparently was built in haste when it was discovered that not all the animals could fit on one boat. With such shoddy workmanship, of course it sank, consigning such animals to the realm of legend. Amusing, but yes, some people DO take it seriously.
The Weekly World News is the best-written comedy magazine in America today.