Bigfoot and Other Mystery Beasts in Michigan
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 30th, 2005
The Petoskey News-Review of Petoskey, MI had an interesting article concerning Bigfoot, a lake monster and the "Dogman".
From the article:
"Tales of bigfoot go back to Indian times, when legends told of a man of the woods. Bigfoot – or sasquatch – is over 8 feet tall, covered in dark black, gray or reddish fur, walks on two feet and is similar in appearance to the great apes. They are known to let out horrible screams in the night or loud, deep human-like growls."
The TBRC has an interesting sighting report from 1965 that took place in Caseville Michigan.
Eyewitness sketch of the creature seen in 1965.
Talk of the "Dogman"
"As for the existence of a real dogman or werewolf in the forests of Northern Michigan, Cook said, “That is kind of up to you to decide. It’s (the song) gone beyond us and become part of local folklore. A lot of people swear up and down saying they saw one."
In Wisconsin, there are reports of a creature called the The Bray Road Beast. The creature is described as a werewolf. Author Linda Godfrey wrote a book about the creature, and also investigates reported sightings.
And now for the lake monster:
"The monster, called the underwater sea panther, had been spotted in Lake Michigan, off of Cross Village, off of Harbor Springs and off of Northport and in Torch Lake."
"The animal was called the sea panther by local Indians because its head looks like a cat’s, with the body of a large lizard and spikes down its back."
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
As an Ex-Resident of Wisconsin, I can tell you people really freak out over that story about Bray Road – lmao. I actually lived within a 15 min drive of this area, never drove the area at night — the whole area is just creepy to be honest. Not sure what to think of this Bray Road Beast though.. Great Halloween Story. 🙂
well i’d like to say as an amateur bigfoot hunter that i am personally working on a bigfoot project in central michigan where i have heard various reports from wittnesses. i hope to have more soon. as far as werewolves check the indian resevation in mt. pleasant, i’ve had some experiances there. more on that later.
Yes, this same ‘sea panther’ creature is one of the pictographs (native rock paintings) that can be seen on the north shore of Lake Superior off the trans-canada highway northwest of Sault Ste. Marie Ontario. Estimated to be 400 or so years old, the pictographs were rumoured to exist for some time until their location was finally confirmed in the late 1940s-early 50s. This water panther creature is one of the highlights…well worth a stop during the spring and summer if you’re passing by that way; you’ll feel like you’re stepping back in time. It remains a mystery as to how this creature fits into the belief system of the local natives…spectral realm or something more tangible?
hi everyone wow its seems that the michigan sasquatch creatures are on the prowl again thats great though becouse they are probley looking for food resources etc to store for the winter months. please keep me posted thanks bill 🙂
For info on that Caseville sighting, the man to contact is Art Kapa, a former in field colleague of Rene Dahinden, and knowledgable researcher for many years. Before moving to Florida, I lived in Lapeer county, Michigan, and spent lots of time in the Caseville area (a popular waterfowl hunting area) as well as a summer resort area on Saginaw Bay. That Caseville story (among many others abound in that area) as well as stories from Foley swamp..but Art Kapa is the expert, personally investigating many of those sighting reports..