Biscardi in Atoka
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 3rd, 2006
As the mother of Morgan & Garrett Whatley, the children who witnessed the Bigfoot in Atoka, OK, wrote here on Cryptomundo on August 1st:
I can tell you the sightings are not a joke they are very real. I believe my kids I have never seen them that scared of anything in my life. And I can tell you the pictures are fake they came from some local people that thought it would be funny. All I want to know is Tom Biscardi a fake? He says he will be at my house tonight or tomorrow morning to investigate. Should I let him or not, somebody please let me know. I have had a few people call me and I don’t know who is telling me the truth and who I should let look or who I shouldn’t. I just don’t want a bunch of idiots running around my woods.
Apparently he showed up in town and had the news crew in tow. One of the members of the TBRC who lives in the area saw the newscast and had this to say:
Tom Biscardi was on the six o’clock news tonight with his group of researchers in Atoka County. They said they knew the pictures were a fake, but they believe they found tracks, bedding, and broken tree limbs in the nearby creek.
It was the same news station that ran the story last week regarding the sightings and the photos.
Morgan & Garrett’s mom had this to say after Biscardi’s visit to Atoka:
Well you were right he showed up about noon today along with channel 12 news and his bigfoot bounty hunters. They stayed long enough to put on a show and then left town. The whole thing took about 2 hours they never even looked where this thing was seen or even asked about it. The whole thing was a joke. All it was, was a promotion for his website.
Wonders never cease…
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Well well……..Tom did it again. This man puts P.T.Barnum to shame and he was a real showman but Tom well the show must go on……..
Good morning Craig….
Thanks for the update…Imagine that…TB et al, publicity hounds…so much for their exhaustive investigations and field research….maybe they just stopped in to eat at the local “squat and gobble” on their way to South Dakota…good riddance…JMHO
How much do you folks think it cost for TB et al to put on their Arizona/New York/Paris/Atoka “talk to the hand” dawg and pony show?
Imagine those funds spread around…with an annualized budget invested in legitimate researchers…until we organize our efforts and marshall our resources the TB’s of the world will have center stage…JMHO
Poor Rick Noll is probably somewhere along the Mt. Ranier timberline eating moldy flapjack flour and pine needles freezing his scrotum off learning to speak “sasquatch”….LOL
The price of a movie ticket from half of us would keep Rick comfortably in the field…forego and donate the funds for that next CD, DVD or crypto book from Amazon….and TBRC has more state of the art night vision camcorders in the field….no bucks…no bigfoot…JMHO
seeing is believing…
ole bub and the dawgs
“Poor Rick Noll is probably somewhere along the Mt. Ranier timberline eating moldy flapjack flour and pine needles freezing his scrotum off learning to speak “sasquatch”….LOL”
That could be the funniest quote that is closest to the truth I’ve read in a long time. That will be somebodies signature line on the BFF by the weekend.
Ole Bub is right. How much did TB say he was paid by that site he’s suing? One thing I do know is that $ goes fast. TB should be running low about now, running around the country like this. I wish someone would just do something about him. Actually I wish he would meet a big foot (I don’t even care if the cameras are rolling) and big foot grabs the hand and does a gentlemen’s slap across the face yelling, “You are sick, taking someone’s hand and displaying it like this! I challenge you to a duel, let’s say boulders at 10 paces.” If I was TB right there I would probably faint.
Ole Bub,
Agreed. What needs to be done is to organize (and fund) a long term in-field study.
My girlfriend is a macrobiotic chef/teacher and we have had some conversations about the best way to sustain (nutritionally) a long-term field study. She is of the opinion that any preserved foods you could take in with you would need to be completely sealed from moisture, pests and spoilage, etc. and that probably one of the best ways to both sustain themselves, and get out in the field where one is more likely to see these creatures, is to forage for a significant portion of your fresh food.
This, of course, would make a specialist in the local flora of the region to be studied absolutely necessary. This person’s assistance would be invaluable not only in helping supplement a diet of dry rice and canned beans with “Russian asparagus” (young cat-tail shoots) and the like, but also in determining if the areas plant life could support the foraging of a large mammal, what it is they would be likely to eat, and where one should focus their attention based on the seasonal availability of different plant food sources.
Perhaps some light container gardening at the base camp could be used to supplement diet as well, but the big thing with any long term field study is to get in as light as possible and be able to spend as much time as possible in the field before disrupting things by calling for more supplies to be delivered/driving out for supplies.
I appreciate people like Rick (who I believe Loren’s last post noted is in SE Asia right now) for having the fortitude to withstand moldy pancakes and I wish I had the money of a Tom Slick to support the efforts of Noll and others.
Perhaps something else that is needed is a more coordinated effort where those with more media savvy do the “dirty work” of dragging attention off the Biscardi’s of the world and focus the spotlight instead on the efforts of those in the field.
Much as we sometimes hate the press and their disrespectful treatment of our field, more attention means more web-site hits and associated ad revenue, more books sold and more potential involvement in those organizations, like the TBRC, trying hard to verify these various sightings.
Much as we all malign the media, and much as the media play up the “kook quotient” for ratings and writing to an “eighth grade level”, my time with newspapers has shown me that, 9 times out of 10, readers appreciate and respond to well thought out, intelligent discussion.
I hate to even say this, but maybe we should take a page from the TB play book here, and I don’t mean spending a couple hours tromping past the fence-rows of a subdivision, calling it an expedition and moving on to the next rube willing to shill out one thin dime for a chance to peek at “the Hand of Unknown Origin”. I mean dedicating some folks to field research, real field research, and others to parlaying the media attention of the “silly season” into potentially fund generating opportunities to support that research.
And besides, it isn’t like we’d have to look too hard to find someone more telegenic than TB. 😉
All this talk of Rick Noll here? Heaven help Rick from any associate with TB.
Anyway, as Harold Stephens reports today on my blog here at Cryptomundo, Rick Noll is over in Malaysia, specifically in Johor, filming a documentary on the situation over there…
We all need to give TB a big
enough is enough with this joker..
-the truth is swampy
TB what a guy, he just wants fame out of bigfoot, he don’t care about the creature’s feelings or survival, and that ain’t cool. Search for bigfoot but don’t hunt them.
Ole TB again it is not even funny anymore.
Well I think I have found one good thing about TB — he is consistent.
Now if he would just take that and do something real he just might hit paydirt.
Yanno a bunch of BF interested people putting a little aside for a while then putting it all together to pay for a quality expedition just might get good results, instead of waiting for another Tom Slick.
My apology to Rick Noll…
Loren is correct I shouldn’t have made an analogy between a bona fide researcher and a carnival barker.
One Eyed Cat…I agree…however rather than trying to fund a single venture perhaps crypto folks should support the researcher or organization of their choice….broadening the scope of our search…JMHO
I listened to an excellent interview last night with Kathy Strain by Brian Brown…it’s available at BFF…well worth a listen..IMHO
No Bucks…No Bigfoot…
ole bub and the dawgs
You know though Bub, I don’t think your comparison was disrespectful at all.
You summed up the difference between the not so romantic reality of field work (eating moldy pancakes) and rolling in to talk to the press and sleep in a comfortable hotel bed with a belly full of beef steak, and you did it in a really funny manner.
wheres the body of the creature? did anybody take a polaroid or will the picture show someone in a shower curtain peeking around a tree? Its always this one saw this and that. without a body of one of these creatures nothing anyone says doesnt prove nothing. Tom Biscardi is just trying to get on tv and try to be a celebrity.