Update: Biscardi in Atoka
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 3rd, 2006
KXII has posted the newsclip from the evening news yesterday on their website. You can view it here.
They’re the “actual real deal, out there, in the front, making it all happen”, equipped with Tasers even.
Click on image for larger version
Biscardi knows the photos were “a hoax, people just trying to fun and joke as they call it out here.” I imagine that if anyone knows what a hoaxed Bigfoot photo would look like, he would.
Remember this one Tom?
After about an hour and a half of searching, they found “a pretty good lair, where these things have holed up, whether it be for a night or a week or whatever.” They came to the conclusion that “they think a Bigfoot did indeed come through these woods and likely migrated to another area. They are going to continue to follow it and get to the bottom of this mystery.”
Maybe it’s the same Bigfoot commuting from Paris, TX to Atoka, OK? I did get an email from the editor of the Paris News letting me know that Biscardi & crew were back in Paris last night. They invited her to tag along with them back out to the lake, Jurassic Park, if you will. She had to turn them down as she was working on another story.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Wait, I thought he was suppose to go back to Ohio or something. It’s too bad you don’t have any private eyes or anything, they would be able to tell TB that in order to get to the bottom of a “mystery” one must stick around (unless the clues tell you otherwise) and allow the whole thing to rise to the surface. You can’t know what he claims by jumping around the country everytime someone sees something. We look at most other types of animals who span across America, though in the same catagory and what not, because of their environment (their specific environment) their actions will differ, little or a lot, from place to place. For him to think that all big foots will nest exactly the same everywhere is ridiculous. I’ve heard of accounts where people accidentally walked into a cave being used by something that matches big foot’s description. Besides, how does one know that this is the real deal in an hour and a half or so?
Ehhhh… zees Bastarde, vat ees hees problem?
yeah consistent — in being a flake. He needs to learn the meaning of PARK — as stopping a car and it waits for driver.
i want to know what dime or shall i say whose dime is he globe trotting on.
i wouldn’t mind running round the country behind or ahead of him and becoming a major pain in the hoaxers ars.
I think maybe the reporter has figured him out. It sounds like she had more important things to do…like rearrange her paperclips or something.
I believe he’s probably being funded by the persons who fell for the Bigfoot cam scam. He’s using some poor sucker’s money, no doubt.
Another hoax by Tom Biscardi, the photos still dont prove anything just people in costumes they got from the mall. Tom Biscardi has a way at trying to believe his theories on bigfoot.
Ole Tom B. where have you been oh wait a minute we will be getting an update in a hour or so. On how you are the best and every time you go some where you find Evidence but just not the big guy himself.
I love this sight but I think it is time to ignore anything to do with Ole TB until he shows up with the big guy shaking his hand or something.
Maybe even BF chasing TB with a camera.
I will continue to post about the exploits of Tom Biscardi here on Cryptomundo.
Feel free to personally ignore them.
He was supposed to go back to Ohio, but the reporter there focused more on the local nut-jobs and just gave him a couple sentences at the end.
That’s just not enough activity, apparently, to keep him interested in the area. (besides, it migrated… first to Paris then to Atoka… hell of a commute that, but you know, being BF isn’t just a 9 to 5 job)
I think the BS King, The Bargain Basement of Fake CZ, Tom Doofus himself should star in a Jack Link’s Beef Jerky commercial in which he has a fake BF stand on a log (sleeping BF) for a photo and BF wakes up and beats TB with the idiot in the ape suit.
P.S. That first photo looks like an upright, skinny, clawless bear.
I wonder why hasn’t Kxii told the public about the big nono! That they done with the hoax! Pictures that the local yokels photographed.
They failed to take the pictures to the people who saw a strange creature and ask “is this what you saw”?
They saw the fake photos for the first time on television.
As for as Biscardi goes maybe we should track him and see what the old boy is doing.
In some of Renee Dahindens and others writings I recall reports of Bigfoot being clothed in animal skins. I suppose something with the strength of a sasquatch might tear the hide right off something and conceivably throw it over it’s back if it was cold. Oklahoma in July is NOT cold tho’. I need to see the video…