Biscardi in Paris
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 1st, 2006
As the San Jose Mercury News reported on Friday, Biscardi was heading back to Texas. For what you ask? Here is what he told them.
As for Biscardi, he’s all atwitter over his latest Bigfoot encounter outside of Paris, Texas. A local television station went along and its report can be linked to on Biscardi’s Web site (
He’s going back Sunday with some "special operations guys" and he’s looking for a capture.
"Unbelievable," he said. "It might be this week."
Word has it that he has already abandoned Lamar Point and is heading to Atoka, OK. Apparently, he cracked a phone book and called a resident of Atoka, heck, it may have been one of the witnesses that was listed in the news reports from that area by name. He said that he was the famous Bigfoot expert with the Bigfoot hand, and he advised them to alert the community that he was coming. He supposedly left the Paris, TX area early Monday morning and was due in Atoka by Wednesday AM.
I guess that he left "Jurassic Park,’’ where he and his crew had just seen Bigfoot and headed for the next media appearance.
The Paris News weighs in on Biscardi’s last trip to Lamar Point.
Does Bigfoot live at Pat Mayse Lake?
By Sally Boswell
The Paris News
Published July 30, 2006
Bigfoot is living along the shores of Pat Mayse Lake, according to C. Thomas Biscardi.
He should know. Hunting Bigfoot is what he does for a living.
But there are those who doubt him and his “research.”
For years, Lamar Point residents have reported sightings, encounters and what might be evidence of the legendary creature. Many reports are recorded on Web sites devoted to Bigfoot and the hunt for the elusive creature.
Biscardi’s Web site — — is where the Redwood City, Calif., man claims the has seen Bigfoot on the shores of Pat Mayse Lake.
Earlier this month, the Associated Press reported on a lawsuit filed by the Bigfoot hunter in Northern California against Great American Bigfoot Research Organization, a company he founded. Biscardi told reporters he was in Texas, where he had recently found evidence of Bigfoot near Paris.
An account of a Bigfoot sighting on the shores of a lake is described in an Internet report by Bob Schmalbach, a writer and Biscardi associate. The Web site also includes the names of two Lamar County residents who have their own tales to tell.
“A friend of my wife had seen one out by the lake,” said Mike Sells, who lives south of the lake on FM 1500. “I said I’d just look and after awhile I found a track. That was my first encounter.”
“I was real skeptical at first,” Sells said. “Over time I did some research on Indians of this area and came across an article on an Indian legend of the Sanders Creek wild man.”
Sells, along with others who claim encounters, made castings of some of the prints and it was these artifacts that brought Biscardi to Lamar County.
“He was on an expedition in Honobia, Okla., earlier this year, and a local reporter up there knew one of the guys here and he put us in touch.” Sells said Biscardi and several of his associates made the trip to Paris to look at the casts.
According to the Web site account of the expedition to Pat Mayse, Biscardi and his crew again came to Paris on July 15. They made a foray into the woods around the lake that night and reported almost immediately finding footprints, and seeing movement in the trees with nightscopes and infrared cameras.
The next day, Schmalbach invited reporters to join the expedition.
Bob Hallmark, a television reporter from Tyler, accepted the invitation. Hallmark later told viewers that he had seen and videotaped prints, scratch marks in the dirt and signs that something had been breaking open and eating clams along the shore. He also reported seeing on an infrared scope a large heat signature “moving at a high rate of speed through the woods.”
Sells reports that the Biscardi team was indeed in Paris and that he visited the expedition site.
“We went out there, my wife and I, for just about a half hour or so. I saw part of the video they made. It was something; something standing upright.”
Schmalbach, who goes by the name JavaBob on his Web site, described the area of the sighting as “something out of ‘Jurassic Park.’”
The water, he wrote, was “very shallow and was thick with reeds, tree stumps and the biggest lily pads I have ever seen.” He also described finding footprints at the edges of “holes where something had dug up clams” with the shells discarded nearby. He marveled at the size of the shells, saying they were bigger than a man’s hand.
JavaBob also told his readers the team had seen a heat silhouette standing in the water several hundred yards out and called it the “largest creature we have ever seen.”
According to Darla Barr, Texas Parks and Wildlife game warden, the holes that Java Bob reported were hog wallows. She said feral hogs dig for and eat freshwater mussels that are common to the lake. Raccoons and other animals do too, she said.
“I never saw those folks out here,” she said, standing on the shoreline near the Lamar Point boat ramp, “but I did talk to the guy from Tyler. He described the area and how they got out here, so I know they were right around here.”
Walking across the dried lake bed through water lilies, Barr said the site is a daily- use area.
“There’s people out here all the time,” said the veteran game warden, who has been stationed in Lamar County for nine years. “Hunters — it’s hog season right now — boaters, fishermen. Where we’re standing is about a quarter of a mile to a half mile from the houses along the road.”
“The guy from Tyler TV asked me if had ever seen or heard of any evidence of a Bigfoot in this area,” she said, shaking her head. “I told him no.”
As Barr walked the shoreline, she pointed out prints from local residents of the area — deer, hog, bobcat, beaver and raccoon, as well as human, both shod and unshod.
“Someone pulled a boat up right here, and one person got out barefooted and walked around,” she said, pointing to prints in the gummy mud.
Further along the shore, the game warden stopped and noted one particular print.
The print was a little more than 12 inches long and showed five distinct toes. A left foot based on the position of the instep arch, the print was embedded in the dry soil about 10 feet from the water’s edge. A small water lily leaf lay crushed and curled in the center of the print.
Another print was found nearby, a few feet behind, fainter and less discernible. It, too, was a left foot of the same size and shape.
Just to the front and left of the first print, however, a small yellow survey-type flag on a wire fluttered. The flag was there when the print was discovered.
Was this one of the prints Biscardi and his party discovered?
Research into Biscardi reveals a history of activities in the field of Bigfoot research. Alex Breitler, a Northern California journalist, says that there are red flags about Biscardi that shouldn’t be ignored.
“I believe he’s a former Vegas show producer,” the former Redding, (Calif.), Record Searchlight reporter said. “In other words, he has a career in entertainment and lots of people seem to think his Bigfoot expeditions are just an extension of his show. On the other hand, I have talked with some people who think he’s genuine.”
Even among those who believe in Bigfoot, many question Biscardi’s sightings. Contributors to Bigfoot forums such as Cryptomundo and the American Bigfoot Society Clearinghouse question his claims.
“He probably thinks there’s money it it if he captures one,” said Sells, when asked if he believes Biscardi is on the up and up. “I think he’s pretty sincere in want-ing to capture one.”
“I haven’t had a face-to-face encounter, something to convince me that there is such a thing,” Sells said. “But some of the people that have seen them (Bigfoot), I can’t doubt their sincerity. They’ve seen something, enough to scare some of them, enough to amuse others. I can’t doubt their veracity.”
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Well, in his old age, TB will be able to say, “I’ll always have Paris.”
Thank goodness for Tom Adams, who was there first, in the 1960s, and was able to extract some of the earliest reports from the area. Double appreciations for Craig Woolheater and his crew for doing the same, long before Paris was in the sights of TB.
Paris will survive Biscardi, but will Biscardi make it when no one cares to read about him any longer? Ray Wallace and Ivan Marx have passed away, and apparently the natural order of things created a black hole that TB had to fill?
Good morning Craig….
Agreed Loren….the antics of TB and his ilk lessen our credibilty and further muddy a murky stream. Perhaps you could invite him to brief us on his “capture protocol”…LOL
Apparently he receives some sort of funding…while many legitimate researchers don’t…pitiful…JMHO
It’s a leisurely hour and half drive to Atoka from Paris…two days to break camp, saddle up and set up….rapid response…hmmm…JMHO
seeing is believing…
ole bub and the dawgs
The way TB travels so much, as if by whim, a BF would have to fall dead at his feet — or maybe on him before he could get anything real.
Still it is mentioned it is hog hunting season there now. Maybe a bullet landed too close to TB?
Really it is amazing how many things people think will make them money does just the opposite.
So revealing that he abandons an area that he claims confident of gaining a capture in at the drop of a hat…
Alas…the perfect quarry…an elusive, secretive, migratory beast…the book “Monster” by Perretti…though fiction….was full of illuminating ideas regarding capture and evasion…an enjoyable read…JMHO
seeing is believing…
ole bub and the dawgs
Did anyone here not see this coming. Ole TB is something else to say the least.
Ladies and gents,
All of the focus on Biscardi shifted aside for a moment, I found it interesting that the portion of the article where the former game warden came across a 12 inch footprint, “marked by yellow tape” is mentioned. It’s strange that they note this, but bring no resolution that I could discern as to what it was, aside from the fact that it was alluded to as being “…one of the prints Biscardi and his party discovered”. What were the thoughts of the former warden regarding this set of large prints? Or is one to simply assume that it was believed to have been left by the same individual who had stepped out of the water barefooted while mooring a boat for recreation?
That is a very good question!
I find it interesting that paris is now the “hot spot” for tb, especially how it is hog season right now. I’ve never known any animal (whether they are in danger or not) to hang around very long after the first shots ring out. I would also expect big foot to know that now is the time to hide. I’ve been thru paris, it is beautiful. Reminded me a bit of here, sierra nevada foothills. Texas is a weird state (no offense to anyone living there, I did too for 3 years). There’s the large cities like Dallas where there are barely any trees and mostly buildings, concrete and pavement, and then drive no more than 10 minutes in any direction and you are in the middle of nowhere with trees or green fields. Paris could be a perfect place for big foot simply because most people aren’t living around that particular area (just those willing to live there and do what is needed to survive or commute), most people in that area (I’m talking within 100 mile radius or less) are living in the larger towns nearby and leaving this area alone. I do hope that big foot can be found there. Might save the area from developers.
Intereting Shumway….as a Texan living in Oklahoma I travel through Paris Texas frequently and have for decades….the lower Sierras would be the last place I would compare the area to…Piney woods, Big Thicket…Boggy Creek Bayou for sure…JMHO
Perhaps you should brush up on your geography…
seeing is believing…
ole bub and the dawgs
Well, as for the issue of a 12-inch footprint, there’s really nothing to discuss. That’s not that big a foot, and I can prove that because MY feet are exactly 12-inches long (I wear shoes from sizes 13 to 15 depending on the brand and type). And I am NOT Bigfoot!
With the OK of the bloggers here, I can post a photo (or send one to Cryptomundo for them to post) of my foot with a ruler alongside.
The assumption I made was that Biscardi’s crew saw the footprint, excitedly exagerrated the size of it, marked it, and then thought better of trying to make a big deal of what could easily be a human footprint.
If I had a perfect world, I would mail press packages to every major media outlet, well ahead of Biscardi in every state he goes, warning them of his dubious character and hoaxes and shady things he has been involved in. People like him with his Barnum & Bailey mentality do so much harm to serious research the effect is immeasurable. But alas, mine is not a perfect world…
TB should be punched by a bigfoot.
I think that would be great…to get comparison photos from you, that is! Good work! All that aside, footprints could easily enough have been hoaxed as well, but the fact of the matter is that it’s still funny how news sources tend to “talk around” certain aspects of a story…I see it all the time myself; I work in radio! Many of us would like to have heard the opinion of the former game warden on that one regardless!
Best to everyone,
Y’know, I’ve only been reading the posts here for the past few days after joining this list, and already I’m tired of TB. His kind really irk me, as he has all of you. Credibility as far as serious study is already in short supply. I wish there was some way to call this guy to the carpet and totally discredit him without taking away from the people who are totally seriously dedicated to the study of BF. It all goes back to that saying that one bad apple spoils the barrel.