Biscardi’s Latest Wherabouts
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 4th, 2006
2 weeks ago, I reported here that Tom Biscardi and company were in the Honobia, OK area. Photos from his "visit" there are posted on his website.
Looks like he even met up with some folks in the Paris, TX area. Some of those casts in the Paris photos look awfully familiar. Hmmm…I wonder…Well, maybe next week I will post some photos of some eerily similar casts that came from the same area that were not legitimate.
The Durant Daily Democrat reported the following on February 27, 2006.
According to an article in the McCurtain Sunday Gazette-News, a well-known Bigfoot tracker not only saw a Sasquatch in the McCurtain County town of Honobia, he also got a picture of it.
Not that anyone else could verify it, and I’m not willing to pay the fee to view any possible pictures on the Web site.
He runs his Bigfoot tracking company seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and in 32 years has seen a Bigfoot six times.
And the photo of Bigfoot, here it is…
The title of the photo file is "ghost", maybe Tom captured a Bigfoot ghost this time?
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Or maybe someone shined a flashlight at the camera and he got so scared that he pressed the button.
Well I guess we know that he dressed Peggy Marx up in that godawful monkey costume 6 times. that is the only Bigfoot Biscardi has ever seen.
deep down i feel that Bigfoot karma will screw us all and someone like Biscardi, Mary Green etc will luck out and hit and kill a Bigfoot. wouldn’t that be the ultimate irony.
Why all the focus on this alleged hoaxer and con-man? Whatever happened to focusing and reporting on LEGITIMATE researchers, such as the ones who run this blog? Biscardi may have been a big story last summer when he alleged to have a Sasquatch captured, but this is March 2006, and we should put this guy behind us and focus on the legitimate research and researchers.
Biscardi is not a last summer guy. He has been,along with with Ivan and Peggy Marx and sons, hoaxing and giving squatchdom a bad name and black eye for 30 years.
It is because of this the rest of us have to keep tabs on the likes of him and try to continually fix his screw ups.
I agree that the people like the bloggers here and other good squatchers should be the spokesman and face of squatching. The sad fact is that the media seeks out idiots like Biscardi.
A perfect example was the National Geographic special doing a big segment on Janice Coy. These types of people do real damage to our cause, and because of this we have to try hard to correct the damage where ever we can. Without attempting to set the record straight we could have the world think that Biscardi or Beckjord are a real representation of squatchdom today. I for one don’t want that to happen.
It is hard to try to present evidence, that for any other animal would go a huge way towards proof, when you have Beckjord saying Bigfoot drives the black triangles in the sky. Or to try to show evidence and people seeing Biscardi’s terribly fake pictures and capture claims.
Nope we cant ignore these people any more than a police department can ignore a dirty cop.
I’m calling ‘shenanigans’ on those photos of the Oklahoma bigfoot prints. They look really really fake to me. Although we visited the Lake Texoma area every summer for about 5 years and it would be a good place for a bigfoot to hang out, aside from the tons of tourists in the summertime.
ChrisandClauida, I do tend to agree with you that Biscardi should have an eye kept on him, and you’re right. He is not just a “last summer guy.” But I’m just saying I get sick and tired of talking about or hearing about the guy, when there are credible and legitimate researchers much more deserving of being profiled. That’s just my personal opinion, and yours may vary, although I do agree we need to keep track of Biscardi.
Sasquatch is alive and well in Oklahoma….always has been…hopefully always will be…ya just got to know where to look….
sighting tip numero uno…..when driving in the country….slow down and watch the livestock…if the bigman is nearby the cattle and horses will be watching him….
seeing is believing
ole bub
There will always be energy vampires in any phenomenon’s cast of characters ~ it is up to serious researchers to focus on the empirical method, gather evidence, analyze it and act on it, and let the fools fall by the wayside, as they will.
Well put.I live in the UK and T.V relating to Bigfoot is scarce-the odd piece in the tabloids relating to the Malaysian situation is about it.I have to use the internet for nearly all non book related searching/research and thats when I stumbled across the ‘people’ you mentioned in your reply.
It does concern me that ( and I think the best example is Beckjord) gets any kind of exposure in the USA as the man quiet simply comes across as unhinged.Does he really get T.V slots?!?!!
Its nice to find this site and see that there are great many intelligent people who have an interest in all aspects of the Crypto world and share ideas and have debate without hysterical zealots trying to brainwash people with there ideas or scream any nonsense for there own twisted satisfaction / financial gain.
Keep up the good work everyone.
DEWHURST: Yes, the bad news is that the crackpots DO occasionally snag some air time!
The good news is that it’s usually on Mister Nancy’s Interior Decorating Show, broadcast at 3AM in Snake’s Navel, Nebraska!