Canadian Black Panthers Scaring Ontario Residents
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 15th, 2007
Panthers spotted in region; MNR has yet to confirm reports
Local News – Black panthers are roaming around Bonfield and Rutherglen, witnesses say.
Several sightings have been reported to The Nugget and the Ministry of Natural Resources.
John Wilson said he was driving his pickup truck down Trunk Road in Bonfield about a week ago when he spotted what he believes was a panther.
“I saw this rabbit running straight for my truck like something was chasing it,” he said Thursday.
“All of a sudden this black thing came out of the bush. At first I thought it was just a dog, but when it turned sideways I saw its long curvy tail,” he said.
“As soon as it saw me it headed right back into the bush.”
Marlene Tilson of Trunk Road in Bonfield said most sightings have been of a young panther.
“If there’s a baby then there must be a mother and father around,” she said.
“I’m nervous to go outside. I wouldn’t recommend people walk around this area. They might be a shy animal, but you ever know.”
Tilson said she suspects the panthers are descendants from a litter lost after the closure of an exotic animal farm in Powassan.
“When we first moved to the area about 14 years ago, we were told of this farm and how the owner had to destroy all his animals because they were infected with TB (tuberculosis),” she said.
The locals say a litter of four black panther kittens were left behind.
Tilson said she was skeptical about the presence of panthers in the area until her husband and several area residents confirmed what many had suspected for years.
“A few weeks ago my husband went out in the back field to feed the horses and he said he saw something big and black,” she said.
“At first he thought it was a bear, but it had a long tail and was about the size of our Labrador retriever. You can hear it at night, it has a loud, high pitch, like a screeching sound.”
Tilson said when she walked over to the spot where the animal was spotted, its paw prints were as big as a “bread and butter plate.”
Tilson said she reported the sighting to the MNR and was told there have been numerous sightings in the Bonfield and Rutherglen area, as well as Verner.
Tanya Ingwersen, technical wildlife specialist at the MNR, said the presence of black panthers in the area would be unusual, but “possible.”
She said the MNR has never seen the animal for verification, but has had reports of sightings.
“Anything that residents can give us, like tracks or droppings where a DNA sample can be taken or a photo would be helpful.”
Ingwersen said if the reports are accurate, the black panthers would most likely have been pets released into the wild.
Almira Smith, a Bonfield resident of 37 years, said a young panther walked across her driveway.
“The tail was as long as its body and completely black,” she said.
“I called the MNR. I didn’t think I was seeing things . . . They told me there were at least four reports made.
“It looked like a cat, until it started to lope through the hay and it was going fast,” she said.
“We now make sure the grandkids stay close to the house.”Jennifer Hamilton-McCharles
North Bay Nugget, Ontario
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
I investigated panther sightings in southern Ontario a few years ago. Police actually found one not far from Niagara Falls; it had escaped from its owner’s enclosure but died before it could be returned.
We’re getting a lot of big cat sightings down here in the London, Ontario area as well. The culprit in our case appears to be a cougar but still highly unusual for the region.
This is interesting, as I didn’t think we had anything cryptid around this area. I live 1 1/2 hours south of North Bay, and have travelled there on occasions. Will definately be keeping my eye out for anything unusual, and my camera handy. Though we do have a backyard lion and tiger farm close by and have visited that. Many large cats there, one of the tigers was even stolen and returned.
That right there convinces that most of the big cat reports from around the world would be nothing more than escaped big cats from legal and illegal sources. I do believe I read somewhere, either here or another cryptid site, that the large cats reported in Britain were nothing more than the released (or offspring now) big cats when the government there passed a strict law about having exotic, big cats as pets. Many of the upper crust of England at one point went around the world collecting lions, tigers, leopards, panthers, etc… and when the law was passed, many just released them. As I have said before, big cats may be more picky about what type of other big cat they mate with (usually they don’t get along well enough to breed outside their specific species/breed), but when they are desperate enough to mate, they will put that aside and actually mate with what is around. So, as far as the mystery cats in Britain, there are probably very few that are pure to their species. I do believe that is why here in America we are very careful and watchful with anyone having exotic pets or any kind of such “zoo” or preserve. I think it would be interesting if they were aloud to continue on, even once “proven to be true”. I would just suggest relocating them somewhere further out in the non-populated areas of Canada.
I live in North Bay, and four days ago there was a sighting of a black panther roaming down McEwen, one of our most traveled streets. A woman was walking her dog when she saw what she believed to be a large black cat. Police have now cautioned the town to be aware that it has been seen in the area. I for one believe that we now have a breeding population started from a few that escaped from a exotic animal sanctuary when the animals were being put down because of carrying TB (tuberculosis). Because they had been acclimatised to our climate it wouldn’t be hard for them to find a rabbit or deer here or there now would it lol. Along with panthers a lot of other animals that we haven’t seen for a while this far north have been returning, such as Turkey Vultures, who normally stay to southern Canada and the Northern USA.