December 15, 2014
As you can tell from my recent video, “Morning Visits,” I was lucky enough last summer to experience regular interaction with a small group of Sasquatch in a ravine here in northern Vermont. I was not lucky enough, however, to catch a glimpse of them. I only knew they were there because of the sounds they made (which were repetitive and distinctive) and the objects they threw toward me. I was able to record hundreds upon hundreds of wood knocks, both by day and in the middle of the night–by far the most ever recorded in any research situation that has been shared with the public.
This coming spring, I will continue gathering audio in order to learn more about them. But I also intend to film at least one of them–the one who was located closest to me every morning, who was not at all shy with his “drumming,” the one I came to call Music Man. It’s clear that he was no more than 200 feet from where I sat, probably less, but he was obscured by thick forest.
I have filmed a Sasquatch before (see the video “Woodpile Sasquatch“), so I know it’s possible.
The trouble is that this species is highly sensitive to the presence of our technology, especially cameras; otherwise, the mystery would have been blown wide open decades ago.
Based on my current research, the Sasquatch group is not in the ravine this time of year. (Evidently, they relocate in winter.) My plan, therefore, is to plant a small camera this coming March, before they return, and then, come mid-April, just resume my morning visits.
I know they return in the spring, because I have been researching this site for seven years. And I know (based on last summer’s experience) that they are extremely consistent in their presence and their behavior, more so than most Sasquatch groups. I don’t know why they favor this ravine so reliably; possibly, they have been coming here for hundreds or thousands of years.
For those who are able to donate $50 to this campaign, you will gain access to the inside story of this filming process. (For example, my method for hiding the camera, and my exact plan for how and when to turn it on, are very promising, as you will see.) I will link you to private weekly video updates each Friday night at 8 PM EST, beginning April 10, 2015. And then, once footage of the Sasquatch is obtained, you will be the first to view it, sixty days before I release it to the rest of the world. That is my pledge.
Those who are able to donate less than $50 will receive a signed copy of my new book, THE MIND OF SASQUATCH (release date: January 1), in which I put forward an original theory of the true nature of this species, based on my years as a devoted student of Sasquatch behavior. (Donors of $50 or more will also get a copy.)
Why am I asking for $2800? Because that’s the general cost of the equipment I will need in order to pull this project off. It’s not cheap, unfortunately. Among other items, I will need a remote camera and a receiver/DVR that can withstand sub-freezing temperatures while hidden in the ravine, awaiting the return of spring and the Sasquatch group. Planting the set-up any later in the year would seriously compromise our chances of success; that’s just how careful we have to be, as no other creature on the planet is so difficult to film.
I want to bring you along with me on this adventure, as we deepen our understanding of, and compassion for, this remarkable, kindred species.
Link to gofundme campaign.
Christopher Noël
Christopher Noël is the author of Sasquatch Rising 2013 and editor of the newly released anthology How Sasquatch Matters: Writers Respond to the New Natural Order.
Christopher Noël holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Yale. Noël is a freelance editor ( and lives with his daughter in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.
Filed under Bigfoot, Bigfoot Report, Crowdsourcing, Cryptozoologists, Cryptozoology, Evidence, Sasquatch, The Sasquatch Listening Project, Videos