Honey Island Swamp Monster Documentary
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 3rd, 2006
Dana Holyfield, grand-daughter of Harlan Ford, has made a documentary film about the Honey Island Swamp Monster.
The documentary includes interviews with eyewitnesses of a strange creature in the Honey Island Swamp.
Honey Island swamp is one of the least-altered river swamps in the United States. Considered by many to be one of the most pristine swampland habitats in the United States, the Honey Island Swamp covers an area that is over 20 miles long and nearly 7 miles across, with 34,896 of its 70,000 acres government sanctioned as permanently protected wildlife area. Source: Wikipedia
The documentary also includes footage of a swamp trek that Dana took into an area where there had been sightings of the creature. She found tracks, and shot video of the tracks.
Also included in the documentary is footage shot by Harlan Ford years ago in the swamp. There are a few seconds of footage of a bipedal, hairy being that is walking behind some trees.
The footage was recently uncovered by Dana’s grandmother, Harlan Ford’s widow. it had apparenly been lying around, gathering dust. Dana was just given this old footage earlier this year and has included it with her documentary.
Is the figure the Honey Island Swamp Monster?
The DVD is available on Dana’s website. Tell her Cryptomundo sent ya!
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Every swamp seems to have it`s own monster. Why not, it sells.
Has National Security been invoked as the the location of Honey Island Swamp? Is it too much to expect the name of a STATE?
Okay… the nice lady’s website says, “Louisiana”, but I didn’t see it here…
Footprint cast: PHONY.
Louisiana is printed on the DVD cover above.
Sky King,
The track is not fake. It is also not any sort of cryptid. Looks like a front gator track with the forearm imprinted behind. I have seen them before.
Yep! It’s a gator track!
I would not at all be surprised if the monster was a bear. There are still a few bears in the Louisiana swamps. I would expect there are a few more around Honey Island as it is so pristine.
Sounds like a good location for the Ivory Bill.
The Honey Island Swamp Monster is an interesting story, but I’ve always thought it is a bit of a small area to support a breeding population of undiscovered hairy bipeds. Whenever I read stories about this, I get the feels of a good ole yarn around a campfire. A bit skeptical on this one, but being out there in that swamp would still give me the willies.
Also, I have read a lot of eyewitness testimony that points to this being a reptoid, or bipedal reptillian. The tracks also seem to hint at that. Yet this article says that the footage is of a hairy biped and other reports are of a hairy biped. Are there two distinct types of cryptids represented in the swamp?
Too small of an area? The Honey Island Swamp is over 20 miles long by nearly 7 miles wide. Sounds like a fairly large area to me…
Honey Island is not a very good location for a large cryptid. Though it is mostly uncorrupted it is very heavily hunted. It is a favorite spot of duck and deer hunters. Sightings of bears are very common during hunting season. I have a strong inclination that the Honey Island Monster is either a mistaken bear or a hoax that developed from the old cajun stories of the rou ga rou.
It is a large area, but considering the type of cryptid they are claiming, a breeding population of large hairy bipeds? Is this a large enough area for that? How long could a group of gorillas for example remain hidden and undiscovered in such an amount of area? They roam over hundreds of square miles. Bears require a large amount of territory as well. When I think along these lines, the sheer amount of space some of these creatures need to survive and the species that go extinct even with 20 by 7 miles of land, it just doesn’t seem like a big area to me.
Don’t get me wrong, though, I would love to be wrong on this and have these creatures be proven to exist.
Cool pix of the monster’s face. Poor guy looks like the skeeters ate his face off. Swamp thangs are good to have around if you are making some home brew or if you are growing Cajun weed. They do a good job of keeping the non-local populace out of your business. How many “Booger Swamps” can you name in the South? There’s one only a mile from my home and its has a history of a cryptid scaring the bejesus out of people for over a hundred years.
In the late 90’s I went on a “Honey Island Swamp Monster Tour” and while the swamp is beautiful the only monsters they showed us were alligators, not even a discussion of any other monster that might be out there. But maybe if I had told the guide I was a tourist and not a local (I grew up in Slidell) I would have gotten all the good tales.
The swamp is really alot longer north to south than just 20 miles. The Pearl River which formed the swamp begins well north of Jackson MS , and ends at the gulf. There have been many bigfoot reports over the years from every county that this river system runs through.
Also, check out the GCBRO website. You will find that there have been dozens of sightings all throughout MS that are almost all located along very small creeks; the bottoms of which are often only 100 yards or so wide.
Look also at Google Earth to get a good idea of how large the Honey Island swamp really is. It’s fun, fast, and free!