Bigfoot Film Showing at Film Festival Tonight
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on June 1st, 2007
From WIS News 10, Columbia, SC
COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) – Local filmmakers are showing off their creations in Columbia this weekend as part of the Indie Grits Film Festival.
Friday night a movie is being shown where WIS’ Hannah Horne made a cameo appearance as a Miami news anchor!
“The Long Way Home – A Bigfoot Story” is the work of local attorney, Bubba Cromer, who also stars in the film.
It’s the story of a washed up reporter who is lured back to his North Carolina roots to investigate big foot sightings.
Is it a trick to get him back home, or could it be that bigfoot is making tracks there?
The film is showing Friday night at 8pm at the Arcade Mall Theatre on Columbia’s Main Street for $5.Bryce Mursch
And from the Indie Grits Film Festival website:
The Long Way Home: A Bigfoot Story
(Fri. 6/1, 8-10pm Arcade Mall)
Bubba Cromer, Columbia, SC, 71 min.
Despondent reporter returns home to NC to investigate string of Bigfoot sightings
The Long Way Home: A Bigfoot Story is a motion picture about a despondent, former writer for the Miami Herald who finds himself at his lowest point of alcoholism and bi-polar manic-depression in a bar in South Beach, Florida. Bellied-up to that bar, he sees a news flash on the television that highlights Bigfoot sightings in his hometown of Indian Camp Mountain, North Carolina. At that point, the writer is moved in a moment of clarity to flee Miami, move back home to Transylvania County, North Carolina, and investigate this story in an effort to resurrect his career and legitimize his life. Once home in North Carolina, the writer begins to interview everyone he can find to determine the truth or falsity of the Bigfoot sightings. Aside from the writer’s father, the local Sheriff of 40 years, and an eerie local serpent handler, the majority of the interviews revolve around patrons of a local watering hole called “Bob’s Place.”
And here is the trailer for the film from youtube:
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
“Do you want to see the devil? Do you want to see Hell?”
Ugh, don’t want to see this “movie”, either.
Shooting schedule must have been grueling, looks like it took 3 or 4 Saturday afternoons to wrap.
I won’t pick on how the movie was made. I will say that I read The Loch by Steve Alten earlier this spring and other than Sasquatch not being the lake monster, this plot sounds way too close for a publisher’s comfort.
“Bubba” Cromer?
Oh NO, Akusai was right!
I love synchronicities.
Had a pet kangaroo named “Bubba” a while back.
Got him at a “Used Pets” shop down in Loose Belt.
Fell off a flatcar in Muncie, broke his tail.
Had to lean him up again’ somethin’.
hey everyone this new bigfoot movie looks great is it comeing out on dvd or in theatres great above article & replys about it as well. please keep me posted ok. thanks bill green 🙂
Can’t say as I’m looking forward to this movie or that i will ever watch it!
To be honest I was actually rather repulsed by it!
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE these sort of movies, but when the acting is this bad. I don’t even want to know!
I can’t even say they have a good plot. I definitely can’t give them any points on originality. none for acting. Huh!!!
Yeah that’s about all I can give it (points wise). Huh!!!
Let’s see…Bigfoot, hillbillies, drag queens, yep this one pretty much has all the bases covered!
I know Bubba and his dad Lewis who plays the sheriff. Great and interesting folks. I’ll let you know the story once I see the movie.