Meet the Man Who Wore the Suit Tonight
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 6th, 2007
Rob McConnell, host of the X-Zone Radio Show, will interview Bob Heironimus tonight. Listen live tonight.
10:00 pm – 12:00 am Eastern / 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm Pacific
BOB HEIRONIMUS – The Man Who Says He Was Bigfoot – The Patterson-Gimlin film, also referred to as simply the Patterson Film, is a short motion picture of an unidentified subject allegedly filmed on October 20, 1967 by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin who claimed the film was a genuine recording of a Bigfoot. It has generally been thought of as a hoax, but has been hailed by some as genuine evidence for Bigfoot. The film has been subjected to many attempts both to debunk and to authenticate. The majority of experts have declared the film a hoax, showing a man in an ape suit. But some, such as physical anthropologist Grover Krantz, say the film depicts a genuine unknown creature. Others, such as ecologist Robert Michael Pyle, refuse to endorse the film as genuine, but Pyle also admitted that it “has never been convincingly debunked.” (Pyle, 208) Critics say that a stabilized enhancement of the film, released in late 2005, clearly shows the subject in the film to have human-like rather than ape-like movement, though it is worth noting that the creator of the stabilized film argues just the contrary. Many skeptics also turn to the testimony of one Bob Heironimus, who recently claimed to have been the person inside the suit. Patterson died in 1972 of cancer. Gimlin is alive and has recently begun making appearances at Bigfoot conferences. Previously he kept out of the public eye and had little contact with those who believe that Bigfoot is a real entity. Both men dismissed allegations that they had faked the film, and Patterson was firm in his insistence that they had encountered and filmed an animal unknown to science. Gimlin too maintains he did not falsify the film, but in a 1999 telephone interview with television producer Chris Packham, he said that for some time, “I was totally convinced no one could fool me. And of course I’m an older man now … and I think there could have been the possibility [of a hoax]. But it would have to be really well planned by Roger [Patterson].” (Long, 166)The ‘X’ Zone
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Rob McConnell got totally hoodwinked by Bob Heironimus and others a few years ago. It’s beyond me, and all I can say, to each their own.
I’ve seen Heironimus enough not making his case on television. I’ll be skipping this one, thank you!
Man. X zone totally mailed it in when writing the promo for that. They just copied and pasted from Wikipedia.
Good job.
Gimlin claimed that he never made that statement as stated in the xzone promo. John Green claimed that he would sue Bob Heironimus if he ever publicly claimed to have been in a suit for the Patterson Gimlin film. We shall see if he will put his money where his mouth is.
In this film I think it is the real deal.
Oh look, its the 50th person claiming to be bigfoot for publicity! People need to learn that they are not the 1st to claim this. Another waste of a TV show. NEXT!
“Generally thought of as a hoax”?
That’s news to me! I think there’s just as much support for as against.
Another thing is, for those trying to debunk saying it had human like and not ape like movement. What makes them the authority on how a BF is supposed to move? Since when is a bipedal creature supposed to move like an ape? Do Ostrich’s move like apes? That’s like saying, we know how a creature we don’t believe in moves and that ain’t it. Give me a break!
I’ve always been on the fence but I lean toward authentic on this one.
Well first ask the question how old is this guy ?
Sure would like to see this suit someday.
hey craig & everyone i called the xzone last night i asked 2 questions to bob h. all thing considered rob m did a great interesting interview & job interviewing with bob h. it was a great pithy neutral show last night. good evening bill green. hey craig i have a big feeling this thread is definitely going to get heated etc.:)
Bob Heironimus is only the latest in a long line of charlatans pretending to be the one in the “suit” in the Patterson-Gimlin. The film looks like the real deal to me and I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him and I expect many others feel exactly the same. 🙂
Whatever P/G is, one thing it has certainly done is given more undeserving people 15 minutes of fame than any other film of similar length ever made.
And no I am not talking about Patterson and Gimlin. (If this isn’t a fake – or even if it is – they haven’t been lauded nearly ENOUGH.)
I’m probably one of the few on here who think the film is a total fake. I can’t believe people are still making money off of it.
Rob McConnell of X-Zone Radio is up to his old tricks again. Listen to last night’s interview with Jeff from an organization about the Patterson film Bigfoot footage. Rob is a total bigfoot hater; Jeff did a pretty good job of exposing Rob for the fraud he really is when he asked him “if you dont believe in Bigfoot, then why did you start a petition for people to not kill him?”
Rob then starts badmouthing the whole paranormal scene, the scene his whole show is based on???? What???? This Rob McConnell guy is nothing but a paranormal poser!