Search for the Ohio Grassman
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 11th, 2007
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
WHAT A SUPRISE! i expected to see at least a guy in a gorilla costume…. there are so many things that probably made this a complete waste:
1) too many people and too much noise.
2) they didnt think ahead, and couldnt cross the river (they couldve made a raft before they even attempted to go in)
3) WHO THE HECK would bring a little kid on something like that?! i mean, if they did see something, the little kids would be (most likely) bawling thier eyes out cuz a big hary monster jumped out.
and probably others.
It shows us the potential of a small state like Ohio.
Hmmm…where to begin…
“Gee! Where did that river come from?”
“Come on, honey! We’re going to traipse through the wilderness to seek out a mysterious creature. Let’s take the kids!”
“Heck we don’t need a plan, a map, common sense, or even basic survival skills…we have a camcorder and the love of our children.”
Kinda makes me wonder what they mean by ‘grass’man…sounds like a bad name for a dope dealer.
Laughable, at best.
Obviously staged from start to finish, and probably done with tongue firmly in cheek. Anyone who would give this even a moment’s consideration has IQ problems.
the fact that they were on private property wasnt too good either…
Funny. Nice country though.
Ohio may be ‘small’ as U.S. states go, but that’s still a large piece of landscape. I think we Americans often forget how big our country is. Many of our states are almost as big if not bigger than some European countries. Ohio is 41,222 sq miles. England is a bit larger at 50, 334 sq miles. California is 158, 015 sq miles. Germany is 137, 699.
I agree that this film is obviously done tongue thoroughly in cheek. Even has a cute title.
I think it’s fantastic taking the kids on expedition. I am a mother of five and I take my kids. I teach them to listen and watch for signs. It gets them off the video games and myspace a while. We spend time together and learn a little science. I think as parents and researchers it’s up to us to expose our kids to the real excitement in life. The drug dealers and the alcohol commercials say they know excitement.
My daughter whose 14 has been reading reports with me and she heard her first wood knocks a couple of weeks ago. After arguing most of the time it’s good to agree with her that there must be something out there.
As a family we want to discover together.
We don’t go on private property w/o permit, that sort of worried me.
I think the kids looked like they were enjoying themselves and so did the adults.
I hope Sassy was watching so it can see us as something besides killing machines.
I commend this group for getting the kids out and exploring nature. I do not think this was staged. I am sure that the adults knew the chances of a “discovery” would be plausible at best. But, I do feel that the individuals that had the experience were sincere. The more people that get out of their computer chairs (which is where I am) and out exploring these areas the better. Yes, I know that these apes have better senses then us, but, like all living creatures, the rules of natural selection apply. And in that, there is the chance of coming upon the one creature who does not have the best vision, hearing, alertness, etc, who may be captured on film, captured, shot or whatever. I routinely “threaten” my teenagers with a family vacation down to SW Arkansas or SE Oklahoma, for a weeklong North American Ape expedition.
At least there’s a few people who will get off their butt and go out to do a little research, even if they bring the kids. As opposed to those whom just sit on their hands and criticize others attempts by making posts on various websites. Just my 2 cents.
I’ll be going out again soon for a several night stay in the spooky woods by myself. You’ll hear from me or you won’t.
hey craig wow very interesting new article & video about the ohio sasquatch. yes i agree ohio does have a great histery of sasquatch related sightings etc. thanks bill green. im sure the ohio sasquatch creatures are realy on the prowl now becouse of the weather & food resources. wow some interesting above replys as well. 🙂
The Cuyahoga Valley national park where this video was made is about 30,000 acres. Its a very large urban park nestled between the 2 urban centers of Akron and Cleveland. The park gets alot of use from bikers who use the ‘hike-n-bike’ trail that runs along the Cuyahoga River. There is a large poplulation of deer in the park because there is no hunting allowed. I’ve never thought of this as being prime Bigfoot habitat, just because there are so many people living in and visiting the park. That being said, there probably is quite a bit of food available, with sweet corn farming along many miles of the river. I must say, this is the only place however that I’ve seen true stick stacking. I found a deliberately made stick stack about 5′ high a couple of miles from where this video was made. I’m not saying it was made by a Bigfoot, but it was a well constructed tee-pee like orientation of sticks. It may have just been some kids.
I don’t doubt that ‘grassman’ lives in the Cuyahoga, but the changes of stepping on bungie sticks or getting shot by an AR-15 are just too high, if you get close to the cash crops.
In the upper midwest (Iowa, Wisconsin, UP, Minnesota, the eastern Dakotas), you aren’t going to get shot for trespassing, but it is just polite to ask the landowner for permission, so that he knows what those people over there on his land are up to.
Complete Nonsense arranged and promoted by Idiots !