Olympic Peninsula Bigfoot Video
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 7th, 2007
The following video purportedly was shot 3 days ago in Washington State.
Is it a legitimate video of a juvenile sasquatch?
I have emailed the person who uploaded the video and photos and asked for additional information. Should they reply, I will post the update here at Cryptomundo.
Sasquatch Sighting from robertogreco on Vimeo.
This afternoon Sophia was out in the woods behind my parents’ house on the Olympic Peninsula where we’ll be house sitting for the next few weeks. She brought back this video of what appears to be a young sasquatch, but was only able to record until the memory card was full. Hopefully we’ll see it again in the coming days and get some better footage.robertogreco
Below is a screen shot of a still from the video that was posted by robertogreco at Flickr.
Apparently, they got additional photos after the video was shot. Here is the screen shot of the photo as it appears on Flickr.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Looks like a Wookie costume…and the fur looks identical from head to foot, then again, it may be a Yarwen 🙂
Looks like someone in a costume. I could be wrong, but theres nothing compelling in that clip.
Starting at 00:17 the “creature” sure gets scared from the noise and the sight of that cameraman. Actually I think that’s exactly how some of us would look at a sasquatch and run if it was coming close.
To me, this kind of junk only serves to further legitimate the reputation of the Patterson footage. The fact that no Youtube hacks can create an even remotely convincing “Bigfoot” video shows that the Patterson footage is a real animal. This is so obviously a kid in an Ewok suit; the figure steps like a kid scampering over sticks, and runs off like in that classic “head for first base during a little league game trot” that characterizes 11 year-old locomotion. Lame.
Could be real, but we should take into account what the poster, Roberto Greco, does with his family. The following quote comes from what I assume is his and his wife’s webiste http://www.lizettegreco.com/grecolaborativo/:
“Grecolaborativo is a full family collaboration, a couple creating with their young daughter and son. Our plush toys, created under the name Lizette Greco, are based on children’s drawings and are made using only thrifted and recycled materials.”
This juvenile “Bigfoot” could quite easily be his daughter or son in a homemade costume.
another blow to cryptozoology
Looks like that little fruit-loop from “Land of the Lost”…Chaka I think was his name…He was played by a kid in a costume and moved just like this thing.
By posting crap like this you’re really doing a disservice to this field and this website. Sorry for the harsh words, but I’m getting really tired of anything getting on here.
Sigh. Here we go again.
Looks like some kid was trying on his Halloween costume just a little early.
Have to concur with other posters. It walks and runs just like a regular kid in a costume. The “Oh, there’s someone with a camera! I better run!” moment looks practiced. I wish I could believe it.
I had to laugh at this apparent hoax.
Not impressed. Way too human like.
It seems too neat and set-up like a movie shot. Wasn’t she scared? Wasn’t she afraid the baby’s parents might be around somewhere?
It’s a cute little kid-Squatch, but the caption is a little too “unexcited.” Most people realize when they take a picture of even a blob that it might be something amazing or a once in a lifetime thing. “Sophia got a picture of a baby bigfoot.” Sounds very ho-hum, as if she does it every day.
I say – Hoax – and they think we are really stupid, don’t they?
So fake it hurts. Its clearly someones kid, in a costume. You know how I can tell? Because kids haven’t got the ability to act like wild animals.
“Ok son, walk though the woods, count to ten, then look at the camera and run away, got it?” Which wild animal raises its arms in that fashion to run? Man, thats your answer.
I have to agree with most of the other posts. The video looks contrived.
However, I think there is a point that everyone is missing.
How in the world do we know how an actual juvenile Sasquatch would move through the woods and/or react to seeing a human?
What frame of reference is everyone using here?
What’s to say that an actual juvie Sasquatch would not move and react exactly like what we see in the video?
Should we expect the juvie Sas to move like Patty?
My point is, how does ANYONE know what an “actual” juvie Sas looks like, or moves like? Unless you’ve personally laid eyes on one….We may be looking at an actual juvenile Sas here. But, because it “moves like a little kid”, we automatically assume that is what it is.
I’ll be looking for an update on this one.
You know, there once was a time when “Bigfoot footage” used to get my attention, now I just know it’s a hoax, even before I see it…….almost. Although the advancement of technology in both media (internet and video cameras) and industry (the ability to turn out items such as “quality” costumes) is a good thing, it surely is an inconvenience at times. However, with such technology, it increases our chances of capturing that elusive footage, good with bad, I suppose.
Oh, and by the way, FAKE.
Well, it would be ironic that after all these years of searching with Hi-tech equipment there would be a good video made by a kid sitting in the back yard messing around with the family camera. Odd, that there were photos made as well. It’s not Youtube, but appears to be on a similar site. Viewer beware.
Well I cannot dismiss this as a hoax as quickly as all the rest of you. All I can say about it right now is interesting. I would like to know how many of those dismissing the video immediately have ever trodden through a woods as an adult and as a child?
The first thing I noticed was how smoothly this little one moves through the bush. Notice the little hop right after it first comes into view with the left arm raised up to the side in counter balance (wish I knew how to view each millisecond at a time and in a lighter exposure on this computer!!).
Secondly the little gut moves with comparative ease and very quietly as well. Doesn’t sound like there is any boots involved and in my opinion, having walked at length in the bush barefoot, I would say that the little guy is also barefooted!
Thirdly, towards the end of the video the little one suddenly scampers very quickly, quietly and with apparent agility for a short distance. This may have been when the little one suddenly became aware of the person filming. This sudden realization may also have been what inspired curiosity and a reason littlesquatch came back and was photographed with stills!
I am far from convinced this is a fake!
Thank you Voodoochild and John5, I hate how everyone dismisses this thing as a child in a suit. I have heard compelling evidence that sas is more human like than ape. Wouldn’t this mean that it is more likely to move like a human child? Granted in the Patterson film there are distinct movements that resemble inhuman traits, but look at the size of it. A juvenile sas doesn’t have as much weight to carry so it could move that much easier. Granted this whole video does seem a little staged. But kids these days are so desensitized by horror movies the girl filming could have simply figured it to be a cute pet. Who knows I would like to hear more. The still does not do anything for me other than really make it seem staged but I am not ready to write it off yet.
When I lightened and zoomed in on the still from the video one can see the arms of littlesquatch almost reach its knees!
Way too much hair and too uniform to be real!
It runs like a kid stealing second base.
Can’t you all see, it is an otter in a Babysquatch costume running to find its line!
Next, please…
At that distance we should be able to make out a face and more. Looks like some parent dressed up their kid in a costume.
I, too, couldn’t write this off as an immediate fake. As voodoochild points out, we have no real idea what a juvenile squatch looks like; plus, the arm length was convincing, and that’s the first thing I look for to determine how good a hoax is. The stop, look at the camera, and run was a bit suspect; it seemed to be, as someone put it so well, your typical “head-for-first-base little league trot.”
Kudos to Scarfe for doing basic homework. Given what the Grecos do, it’s very likely that we’ve been looking at one of the better-done fakes. Time and again when videos surface, it’s pretty easy to assess witness credibility by a little bit of searching on the web…
Just my two cents,
Oh, and Craig, despite some of the grumbles, these exercises still remain useful; so thanks, and keep ’em coming.
It’s real.
Wow!!! What a difference some brightness has on this video!!! Someone apparently had turned the brightness down on the monitor to 0 and here I thought it was just a dark video! Some of my previous comments need to be disregarded, such as littlesquatch being graceful and the little hop at the beginning of the video. My apologies as I was not trying to mislead anyone.
The little being does seem to be rather nonchalant while walking along until the girl taking the video steps on a branch. At this point the littlesquatch turns to the camera and starts to run. This did not appear to be staged event. The length of arms is still an interesting point and do not appear to be fake extensions while the little one is running.
The abundance of hair is curious but not enough of a reason to dismiss as a fraud. Personally I think there would be shorter hair on the arms towards the hands of any size of sasquatch but abundance of hair on a juvenile as protection from biting flies etc. is not unimaginable.
Lastly the distance the little being covered from when it first went out of sight to when it next reappears at the very end is significant if this is a child in a costume. It also appears to have just vaulted over a log or other obstruction without stumbling and dare I now say with ease again for a child in full costume.
The video now appears more comical to me than it did when my monitor brightness was zeroed. I still cannot totally dismiss it but would not be entirely disappointed if it was a fake. It is still entertaining!
sigh…..I think it’s about time I got myself a new interest.
That’s an EWOK 😉
Someone’s going as Chewbacca this Halloween.
The only reason I will say this is a fake is because when the big foot stops there is definite blocking and direction to do so. Also, when it starts running, it is definitely someone wearing shoes or an outfit too big for them. It just plain looks preconceived.
what a cute Littlefoot (would a newborn be a Babyfoot or Tinyfoot?). I’m surprised the hoaxers haven’t gone for more of a ‘wild human’ look rather than these long-haired fuzzy costumes (like the famous bad BBC recreation). I guess fuzzy costumes are much easier to acquire. One thing I like about the PG film is that it has the look of a very large, very hirsute person, the face shows rather short hair in the enhanced profile shot. If these creatures exist, I think they are going to be quite a bit closer to humans than gorillas (they walk like people, have *never* been hit by a car, have never wandered into a community during broad daylight like a bear,etc), so to think they’ll be some shaggy, ape-like creature like in most videos seems unlikely.
hey everyone very interesting new sasquatch filmfootage but it does need more research study etc done to it and the people who filmed it need to be reinterviewed. thats my opinion. thanks bill green 🙂
Also, my point was the fact that most primates don’t raise their arms and pump them like a track champ when they run, they either raise them above their head or use them for motion.
WOW, good call on the brightness being a factor, you can tell the arms flap as if a kid in a costume too big. Who knows, maybe that is how the hair is on “little foot” arms. Still looks staged, even more with a brightened screen. Bummer, I got excited earlier.
Let’s not jump down the negative hole yet. There are many things that may look funny on tape, but have authenticity.
Besides, how do YOU know what a sasquatch looks or moves like.
Further investigation and review is needed before we write this off.
I am with the kid in the costume camp. The gait looks like kids move–human kids in costumes that is. It looks and FEELS like the kid is panning across the area on a pre-determined path that he has walked before and he is moving with intent. It does not look or feel like a creature that is working its way through the forest and then is surprised by the cameraman…I seriously doubt even a small BF would be surprised by someone standing with a camera at the ready…and if they were tromping around, they would be making enough noise that a natural critter of the woods would be aware of them from a long way off.
Nuff said.
Cryptomundo gets a response from the videographer.
Read it here on Cryptomundo at Update: Olympic Peninsula Bigfoot Video.
haha… Not even mildly believable. That being said, it does give more credibility to old Patterson-Gimlin.
So they claim this is a real video taping of a real juvenile bigfoot? I dont think so, it looks like a young child in a costume. Just another defeat for cryptozoology, I guess its back to the drawing board to try once and for all these things exist.
I remember this scene from Return of the Jedi when the Ewoks……. LOL
Read the update about this video here on Cryptomundo.