Update: Olympic Peninsula Bigfoot Video
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on October 8th, 2007
robertogreco has responded to my email regarding the Olympic Peninsula Bigfoot Video posted here on Cryptomundo.
As some of the readers of Cryptomundo surmised, it is a child’s Halloween costume.
Sasquatch Sighting from robertogreco on Vimeo.
Hi Craig,
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I have been away from the computer all day.
As you have probably seen by following links from the Vimeo video, my family and I make plush toys based on the kids’ drawings. Back in June my son became interested in cryptozoology when we found the book Tales of the Cryptids at a library. We eventually spent quite a bit of time researching sasquatch. In fact, you can see some photos of the first book and a couple of others that we tracked down posted here and tagged with “bigfoot.”
I noticed that since your email was sent, a link to the video and photo I posted were added to the Cryptomundo blog (note that I have visited the blog in the past on occasion). I’d like to address some of the comments that were made on the post with the following comments of my own:
Our intention was not to convince anyone of an authentic sasquatch sighting or make a “blow to cryptozoology.” The photo and video were posted to Flickr and Vimeo where family, friends, and people who follow our work and know what we do could see and hopefully enjoy them. Sure, it’s public and anyone can see it, but we if we were intentionally seeking a broader audience, we would have likely posted it to YouTube and/or contacted a site like Cryptomundo. I hope that also explains the “ho-hum” caption and lack of exclamation marks.
Nonetheless, that’s not to say we have a problem with others viewing the video.
Yes, my son is in a costume that we made and which he will be wearing for Halloween. In fact, we always try to get the kids’ costumes completed early and considering the time involved in making them we hope that they will use them more than just once for trick-or-treating. Yes, the fur is identical from head to foot. Wow! my son will be thrilled to hear that his locomotion is that of an 11-year-old (he’s only seven). Doh! he probably won’t be thrilled to hear that he looks like an Ewok. Yes, he was coached insomuch as we talked about how a young bigfoot might walk and how it would react to the presence of a human.
Once again, we had no intention of creating controversy or pulling off a hoax. We just make plush art and costumes, take photographs, and occasionally record them on video. This time the subject happened to be sasquatch. If you are interested, you can see some of their previous costumes here.
Thanks for contacting me.
A couple more notes to add to that last email:
We will be posting more photos and possibly more video of the sasquatch costume. In fact we’ve have an entire series planned since June. The new images should make it even more clear that this was not intended to convince anyone that we had a real bigfoot sighting.
More information about our work is at the following addresses:
Thanks again,
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
hey craig great update article regarding this situation well at least the person was honest etc with you. thanks bill green
World wide mystery solved, all bigfoot sightings can be attributed to global plush toy manufacturers.
Loren Coleman responds ‘this revelation has knocked the stuffing out of me’.
Are the trees “Fake Firs” too? *evil grin*
Happy Halloween little Bigfoot Boy ~ you are cute, as I said yesterday, hahaha.
Hi There.
To everyone who commented that they thought this video was “real”……….could you please close the door on your way out.
It blows my mind that anyone could possibly think that was real haha
great now i can sleep.
Pretty much as I thought. And to think that some here were trying to defend this video and getting a little irritated that others thought it was a fake. To me taking a pretty obvious fake, in my opinion, and grasping at hope that it could be real despite seeming very suspect, in absence of any other information, is just fueling hoaxers desire to keep putting these out. This just proves to me that keeping a critical eye of these videos is not taking a negative route or being unreasonably skeptical, it is something that is necessary in a field inundated by hoaxes and misunderstandings like this. It is not very scientific and does not help cryptozoology to let our guard down and proclaim vids to be probably real without a thorough examination. I think some here should at least keep their mind open to the fact that in the absence of any other information, if something looks fake, then there is a good chance it very well could be just that. We do not know what a juvenile sasquatch would look like, no. But we at least now know what a kid’s Halloween costume is likely to look like.
So I’m still wondering why the first video was posted. Was there a lesson to be learned? Did I miss something?
Actually, carefully looking back at the other thread, it is amazing how many actually called this for what it was. It seems like many came to the right conclusion. Good work. I hope that those who are being critical of these sorts of videos won’t be labeled as overly skeptical. Like I said, I think healthy skepticism is necessary in a field like this with a proven track record of hoaxes and and false alarms.
I also wanted to say I’m impressed with this person’s honesty and appreciate the effort they made to come forward quickly and clear up the misunderstanding, even though most already seemed to know it wasn’t real. There are people out there who would have tried to milk this one for all the publicity it was worth, despite it’s glaring fakeness. I thank Roberto Greco for telling us what is going on.
MM I agree completely. It also shows us that not every fake bigfoot is a hoax, as such. That is, not done to deceive. Mr Greco, I hope your son has a great time and makes a big impression on Halloween.
I hope Mr. Greco’s son receives tons of teeth-rotthing candy this halloween 🙂
MM said it all for me. Thank you MM.
I think this guy Greco is just covering for the Littlefoot, there’s no way this could have been faked!
Hahaha. Thus the excessive hair. I will be sure to check the brightness setting on my monitor before I post my comments again in the future!
So it’s a fake….
I’m still standing by the comments I made in the other thread, though…;-)
Thats a HOOT!!
Some of you people need to lighten up a bit!!
This video proves the existence of a humanoid hairy biped!!
Now everyone can quit harassing this poor creature and go home.
Awww, this had such a sweet ending, I would have loved to be sasquatch for halloween when I was little….
I didn’t watch the video. As everyone has said, it’s too obvious a fake to even consider. And I don’t have a problem with a proud dad trying to get his cute kid on video.
What I do have a problem with is that there are serious bigfoot researchers out there that have little support by the general public. So when the Gen Public sees stuff like this, piled on top of multiple hoaxers and mindless rag sheet articles, they tend to blur this along with the hard-earned data that has been painfully accumulated by many dedicated researchers. Thus, in the Gen-Pub’s eyes, this video supports the popular evidence that Bigfoot doesn’t exist. Its all silliness.
Why, if I were less informed, and had seen this video as well as the rest of the U-Tube trash that claims to be that of a bigfoot, I would also think that it’s all garbage.
Or am I being too sensitive and should just take this video as another blobsquatch with a cuter creature?
# wrath of the real responds: October 7th, 2007 at 10:32 am
Thank you Voodoochild and John5, I hate how everyone dismisses this thing as a child in a suit. I have heard compelling evidence that sas is more human like than ape. Wouldn’t this mean that it is more likely to move like a human child? Granted in the Patterson film there are distinct movements that resemble inhuman traits, but look at the size of it. A juvenile sas doesn’t have as much weight to carry so it could move that much easier. Granted this whole video does seem a little staged. But kids these days are so desensitized by horror movies the girl filming could have simply figured it to be a cute pet. Who knows I would like to hear more. The still does not do anything for me other than really make it seem staged but I am not ready to write it off yet.
So, none of you recognise sarcasm when you read it? Me thinks there is much more to this than meets the eye.