NBC’s Surface Comes to DVD
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 9th, 2006
While the legions of fans of Surface await the fate of the show and whether there will be a second season, there is some good news. The first season of NBC’s Surface comes to DVD on August 15, 2006.
It is available for pre-order now on Amazon.com.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Here’s hoping that sales will convince the network to approve season 2.
An enjoyable show.
FYI…price is listed at $34.99.
I gave up television around 1993/94, so I’m always a step behind when it comes to anything TV related.
Sell me on the show. Why should I check it out?
Here are links to previous posts here on Cryptomundo concerning Surface.
Cryptomundo to premiere on NBC ’s Surface Monday!
Surface “Re-Surfaces” on SciFi Channel
NBC’s Surface Stays Afloat
Season 2? Surface Re-Surfaces?
Basically it’s a cryptozoology show.
Three main characters, a marine biologist, from California, an Insurance salesman, from Louisiana, and a teenagaer from North Carolina are the central characters.
They all become involved with a new species which seems to be appearing in the oceans around the world. They grow to enormous sizes and seem similar to dinosaur era lifeforms.
Where did these things come from and what happens when they begin butting heads with humans?
Kind of reminicent of the 50’s giant animal films but with a more realistic bent to it. A pretty fun ride in my opinion.
Anybody else have anything to add?
I really enjoyed its first season run. The last few episodes left me wanting more, which is good if a second season is picked up but bad if not. So much was left unexplained! Obviously the hope is we get to see more in a season 2.
The series really had a lot of interesting aspects to it, with a lot of nods to classic sci-fi (close encounters, ET, etc.) that were pretty cool.
I have to agree with swol, it was a fun ride. Not in the “ultra-serious drama” kind of way, more in a fun story with plenty of twists. I would recommend it.
I’ll order it. I enjoyed the first shows, but then as always missed a few episodes and lost it. It will be nice to watch them all in order.
Am I the only person here that didn’t like this show? I was excited about it when it was first annouced then forgot about it. I wachted some of the re-runs on Sci-Fi and it about bored me to tears. I mean it had an interesting story and everything but it was just bland and slow paced. Maybe I watched a bad episode, I don’t know but I can tell you that I never watched it again and probably I never will.
The show has just finished here in England but it was placed on a channel not everyone can get so didn’t realy reach a big audience. which is a great shame. In the university coffee room we surmised that the guy always hiding under his hat who was about 150 years old planned to devastate the earth with his new eat everything you see species, then use the strange plants to control them, and then repopulate the planet with the species he had stored in the tanks underground. We weren’t sure where that left humans though LOL. as social scientists we’d all be out of a job!
Sorry guys I couldn’t finish the first season.
The whole Nimrod sub-plot was just so bad. It hurt my brain to watch it.