The Foot of Bigfoot?
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on February 20th, 2007
When the foot was initially found, it was thought to be human. Then the sheriff announced that the Virginia state medical examiners’ office had determined that the foot was not human but that it belonged to “an apelike species.”Then the speculation began that it could be the Foot of Bigfoot.
Then the state medical examiner’s office began backtracking, stating that they never said it was from “an apelike species.”
Well, now it looks like the official word is in and the foot belonged to a bear, not a human or Bigfoot.
As Tom Biscardi is using the image of the foot on his website to compare to his Hand of Unknown Origin, I wonder what the reaction there will be?
Mystery solved: Foot belonged to bear
The foot mystery is solved.
The foot found Feb. 10 at a Spotsylvania County landfill is the hind foot of a bear.
That was the conclusion reached by the Virginia medical examiner’s office, which contacted the Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office this morning with the news.
That brings to an end the sometimes intense speculation about the 8.5-inch foot found at the Livingston Landfill by workers cleaning the treads of a bulldozer.
At first it was thought to be a human’s left foot. Spotsylvania emergency personnel spent hours picking through about 127 tons of trash at the landfill to find more of the body.
Then the word came back from the state lab that it was an “apelike species.”
But primate experts around the country looked at the foot and decided it wasn’t an ape. That led to speculation that it belonged to Bigfoot.
Many people had previously determined that it was indeed a bear’s foot.
Spotsylvania Sheriff Howard Smith said the state lab reached that same conclusion after doing further forensic work and consulting with an anthropologist.
Smith said authorities suspect that a taxidermist dumped the foot after skinning it and cutting off the claws. There was no hair on the foot, and it had been cleanly sawed off.
Wendy Christensen-Senk, who is a taxidermist at the Milwaukee Public Museum, concluded it was a black bear after seeing photos. She said bear feet are often mistaken as human after they’re skinned and declawed.
Smith said the foot will be kept at the Virginia state lab for training purposes. He said the Spotsylvania Sheriff’s Office now considers it a closed case. Bill Freehling
The Free Lance-Star
Is the story over, or has it really just begun?
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
“But primate experts around the country looked at the foot and decided it wasn’t an ape. That led to speculation that it belonged to Bigfoot.”
So Bigfoot’s not an ape?
BREAKTHROUGH! I knew this would be worth something.
Sheesh. Given that you have to start all over from square one with the public every time the big guy comes up, no wonder he isn’t documented yet.
Don’t you love that? Belonged to Bigfoot. To paraphrase George Clooney’s character in “Ocean’s Eleven”: Bigfoot called. He wants his foot back.
Way to cryptomundo folks! Most of the posters here determined it was a bare bear foot. They should ask here first.
I’m glad they’re keeping it for training purposes…apparently somebody noticed that their medical examiner couldn’t tell the difference between a bear foot and that of an ape.
Must be something in the water:
-Spotsylvania foot, 8 1/2″ long, last joint removed = bear
-Biscardi hand, smaller than adult man, last joint removed, unavailable for identification but likely bear, monkey or black market gorilla
-Biscardi foot-lower leg- knee assembly, lower leg too short compared to length of foot, unavailable for identification
-Biscardi skeleton, leg proportioned to less than 6 ft man, appears to be human, unavailable for further identification
-Memorial Day footage, 5.3 ft tall subject ran at half the speed of human runner, filmed too far away for positive identification, complete film footage unavailable for further study
-Pancake eating bigfoot, subject similar in size and contour as person leaving pancakes, subject appeared in about same time for person leaving pancakes to circle around and approach pancakes from different direction, subject sat with back to camera to reduce chances of identification
Whew, what a week!
Is there anything real out there?
Blobsquatchski maybe?
Yes, I suppose you could say that the office of the Virginia medical examiner was “em-bear-assed ” this time! (Stop with the throwing things. I know it’s a horrible pun lol!)
Oh kittenz, that pun was un-bear-able.
I’m backing away from this one…foot by foot by foot…
Well now everyone just bear with me here. 🙂 I am really amazed that so many supposedly trained professionals took so long to come to the conclusion that it was a bear. I gues some of the examiners have to get back to the bear basics. Oh Ok, I’ll go now…..