Another Bigfoot Sighting in Wisconsin
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on January 24th, 2008
I wonder how long before Biscardi shows up?
Talk of Bigfoot has Seeley abuzz
According to the Sawyer County Sheriff’s Department, two deputies responded to an alleged Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, sighting on Highway 63 just south of Seeley on the evening of Jan. 3.
Since then the sighting has been the topic of conversation in that small community, with multiple reported sightings being called in to the Sawyer County Record office since.
Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle confirmed that two deputies responded to the call, only to find footprints and hair at the site. But “unless Bigfoot was wearing boots,” Zeigle laughed, “I think it’s pretty much a prank.
“A lady called in and said ‘You probably think I’m nuts, but I’m not … I have not been drinking.’ She reported seeing a Bigfoot or someone dressed in an ape suit on Highway 63 near Stark Road,” Zeigle said. “We sent a couple officers up there and what they found was a set of foot tracks going from the road to the timberline and back to the road and they also found a long, black hair.” He affirmed that there have been no sightings since then.
But the story takes a curious turn from there.
According to another reported sighting obtained by the Record, a Wausau man, who wishes to remain unnamed, and his nephew were snowmobiling on a trail just southwest of Seeley when they saw something unusual cross the trail.
“I don’t know what I saw, but my nephew and I both saw something very real,” he said. “We only saw legs from the hips down as it was caught in the headlights of our snowmobiles. It stepped out of the woods, walking upright, and stepped across the trail right in front of my nephew who was ahead of me 20-30 feet.
“The legs were long (and) covered with long dark hair,” he continued. “My first thought was it was a drunk walking through the woods after leaving the Sawmill Saloon, but that makes no sense. We were quite a ways west of the Sawmill and there is no trail or crossing anywhere near there for someone to be walking.”
After gunning their snowmobiles past, the two turned around to explore the area and find tracks. But they had not marked the spot with a landmark and were unsuccessful at finding any sign when they returned to the area.
“We saw these legs for only a very brief moment, but again, it was very real,” he added.
Following up on the sighting, a number of possible theories have been revealed. Cindy Ferraro of the Sawmill Saloon said that one potential explanation is that something was roused when the managed portion of the Uhrenholdt Memorial Forest south of Highway OO was cleaned up a few months ago. She said a friend who lives in the Seeley Hills area has reported unusual behavior coming from her dogs lately; they seem to be agitated by something out of the ordinary.
At this point, the only confirmed sighting was debunked by Sawyer County deputies; the rest is just the talk of the town.Will LaBreche
Web Editor/Staff Writer/Photographer
Sawyer County Record, Hayward, WI
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
Bigfoot! My favorite topic.
January 3rd in Wisconsin strikes me as an odd, cold time of the year for pranks. Then again, aren’t college students on hiatus at that time?
I wonder why Bigfoot has been reported to cross in front of a vehicle, snowmobile etc.? I feel the general consensus is that Bigfoot is reclusive. I doubt Bigfoot is deaf so why appear in the open in front of these noisy things. On the other hand Bigfoot seems to ignore and not be alarmed by the vehicles so maybe it is avoid humans but if humans are on a horse or vehicle just ignore?
I know deer will cross a road with oncoming traffic so maybe Bigfoot does the same thing?
I also wonder how many Bigfoot cross a road immediately after a vehicle passes and are never noticed. 🙂
I think the different behavior of the dogs is certainly worth noting especially considering the snow mobile riders report of a Bigfoot sighting in the area.
I don’t purport to be a genius, but if you’re snowmobiling, one would believe it’s on a snow covered trail during the winter with snow covering the entire environment.
Why would they not be able to find the spot were this incident occurred, should there not be tracks were this occurred?
I know when I walk in the snow I leave tracks.
Could it be they’re the ones that left the bar after having a few too many.
hey everyone wow another interesting article about a new wisconsin sasquatch sighting which does seem very interesting indeed. in my opinion winter being almost over it forceing these creatures to be seen more while they look for various food resources in forests swamps. thanks bill green 🙂
So what happened to the black hair? Has it been collected? Will it be turned to a lab for DNA analysis? Will we ever hear anything else about it?
“We saw these legs for only a very brief moment, but again, it was very real,” he added. Unless the winter there is different this year, I understand that legs would be the last thing to see. The creature would be mostly in the snow. Not saying it wasn’t, just a little fishy that’s all.
Yes, where is the hair? Give us the hair! I bet we’ll never hear about the hair again.
As far as the “legs” crossing the path, its winter and its dark and they they see a fleeting glimpse in their headlights. Depending on how the light hit this object and whether or not the snowmobilers had a brewsky or two (is it safe to ride in the woods at night?) Could it not have been the back end of a bear they saw? I’ve caught quick glimpses of critters in poor light and thought they were bigger or something different from what they were. Then when I got a second, longer look it wasn’t exactly what I thought. We are subject to optical illusions in certain conditions.
Now if those guys had turned around and found the tracks, which it should have been fairly easy to spot a large trackway going across the path the story could have gone differently. I’m sorry but glimpses of something that seems odd don’t particularly impress me. Prolonged or repeated sightings of something odd especially by multiple witnesses are more noteworthy. And the physical evidence is the true make it or break it for what was seen. Where is that hair again?
To bad snow mobiles don’t come with higher high-beams. It would have been nice to see the rest of that crosser.
Here’s a notion. Why do the big guys always seem to be popping out of the bushes near lone cars, or snowmobiles, way out in the middle of nowhere? (An acute awareness of their controversial existence, plus a cruel sense of humor – excluded. ;)) Could it be related to the same reason that, when I ride along on my ol’ Spanish pony, way off in some grassy, alpine meadow, we always seem to acquire an entourage of assorted species of birds. We have even picked up a young, gray fox, tagging along in our wake, hoping for the chance mouse, startled by our passing, to break cover.
In late winter, as the foraging gets tougher, could BF be making use of the occasional mechanized passer-by in the same instinctual fashion, to flush out game that would otherwise remain hidden?
Just a thought.
I live in Hayward, and the temperatures in the past few weeks have been subzero in the night and single digits in the daytime with very little sun. One thing you learn very quickly, that unless its a Packer game, you don’t go out and spend any length of time just to play a prank. Another interesting item that isn’t mentioned but could be relevant is that west of the Sawmill Saloon (where the sightings took place) lies the Namekagon River, which is frozen. A very odd place to wander around.
Also, snowmobile trails around here are both groomed and used by hundreds of sleds a day, so it would be very easy to not know exactly where something happened unless you had a GPS and marked it, or could remember the proper landmarks.
That being said, this is Wisconsin and I’ve noticed some very strange winter-wear being displayed. This includes some very long fur coats along with fur hats.
I agree with Bill Green
I ALSO agree with Bill Green.
Probably fake, but it could also be real.
ANN UNKNOWN—You have a point, there. Could have been foraging.
Can’t make any conclusions from this info, but would think the last thing anybody in rural Wisconsin would want is attention and/or ridicule from others in these smaller communities where word travels fast. Don’t think that’s in their nature. Seems those of us who have had are own encounters feel much less of a need to debunk or make a rush to judgment when these stories are aired or printed.
I’m inclined to go with either the bear or beer theory on this one, but as for small communities, pulling off a good prank on someone is usually worth a few free beers and some good laughs, for quite a long time.