Update: Yowie Video
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 4th, 2006
An update from the SquatchDetective organization:
I’ve included a good quality black and white screen capture that shows the creature before it spins and runs away.
I feel I should alert you to some possible "skeletons in the closet" I’ve uncovered during my investigations into Marco Nero that would flame the skeptic’s criticisms of this video:
1. Marco Nero has a wide variety of TV and film credits including substantial work in the scientific genre, most notably, Star Wars III. His complete portfolio is listed in his profile at his pBase gallery.
2. Earlier this year, Marco submitted a UFO sighting report detailing several incidents with the most recent being at 10:43pm on 17-Dec-2005 when he and 8 other witnesses saw a formation of objects in the night sky at a height which they were reflecting sunlight (approx. 50-60 miles) when he fired his 110mW green laser at the objects and saw the formation react. Go to Australian UFO sightings and read the 5th post down on the web page for Marco’s report.
3. Today I sent an ultimatum message by both PM and email to Marco Nero asking whether he now has reason to believe the video was a prank or if he still believes it is the real deal. I identified myself as a Sasquatch film investigator and provided Steve Kull’s name and email address as someone he should send an original copy of the video along with any other supporting information (such as the names and statements from the other witnesses, etc.) that he thinks would help in the investigation.
Craig Woolheater
Co-founder of Cryptomundo in 2005.
I have appeared in or contributed to the following TV programs, documentaries and films:
OLN's Mysterious Encounters: "Caddo Critter", Southern Fried Bigfoot, Travel Channel's Weird Travels: "Bigfoot", History Channel's MonsterQuest: "Swamp Stalker", The Wild Man of the Navidad, Destination America's Monsters and Mysteries in America: Texas Terror - Lake Worth Monster, Animal Planet's Finding Bigfoot: Return to Boggy Creek and Beast of the Bayou.
It looks very distinctly like a Wookiee to me. Though not like any of the ones used for Revenge of the Sith.
I still can’t make out anything distinct. Is that whitish oval a mouth or an eye, or maybe an ear? It’s like the “two angry men” some see in the Canadian flag.
I would be surprised if you hear back from him. Makes you wonder with some of the work he seems to have been involved with why he would want to hoax something for another 15 mins of fame. I mean Star Wars 3 that is major on anyones resume. So why do something like this.
hey craig good morning thanks for the new update about this interesting yowie filmfoootage. but more research needs to be done to the creature in the filmfootage. please keep me posted. oh by the way was there any resent yowie sightings in this area before this filmfootage was taken, thanks bill đ
its bull.
I have seen a couple things on the Discovery Channel and SCI-FI Channel and it seems like the one common thing about the Yowie is it is very I guess the word dangerous or violent towards anyone that has ever came in contact with it. One show in particular I seen the guys looking for him flat out did not want to harm him but they had some very big GUNS they said all the reports they had Investigated he is not friendly at all.
Has anyone else ever heard this about the Yowie?? If true this video would not make sense. But maybe I misunderstood something or heard it wrong or took the wrong way???
… and the giants keep tumbling … (let me point out I came backwards from the Johor announcement to here!)
I keep making the wookie sound in my head, and out loud. How would you spell that? LOL đ
My coworkers probably think I’ve lost it!
Happy Friday everyone.
This is sad… Too many hoaxes! People need lives!
I can’t say much more other than that is my opinion because the footage was poor and that screencapture doesn’t help me much unless you can point stuff out.
In the video though, the people didn’t sound too enthused or interested. Or even surprised! I would be like:
“Oh my God! What was that? Let’s go look for it!” not “Oh. I wonder what that was… Hmm…. Oh, back to my lazer.”
Why on earth, (and what a coincidence!) was he playing with a lazer anyway? And in the forest at that exact time! I know few grown men who play with lazer lights…
Just my opinion: Its a pitiful hoax. The lighting was poor, the quality worse, and the costume… bad. The enthusiasm was what set my mind in motion though; no surprise.
I still say the P/G film was the real deal. Having the film myself, I can tell it’s real.
“Why on earth, (and what a coincidence!) was he playing with a lazer anyway? And in the forest at that exact time! I know few grown men who play with lazer lights⊔
The guy that posted it on youtube has loads of videos of high powered lazers burning stuff and the like, they probably just thought it would be funny to stick a guy in a wookiee costume in one of them. Its fairly clear by their reactions they knew it was there.
Probably didnt expect the crypto community to descend on them.
Ah well, so it’s a good thing I couldn’t get the video to work.
Had to look at the face a few seconds to figure out what was what. The ‘white oval appears to be the mouth area, making the nose reminisent of old time werewolf coustumes.
One Eyed Cat, with the white oval as “mouth” I think I can finally see a “face”… it reminds me of Bert Lahr decked out as the Cowardly Lion.
I really haven’t come to a final conclusion on this one yet…….
This is a remarkable video. Thank you Craig for sharing it.
Watching the original untouched version on Google video lets you see what little the 3 witnesses saw at the time it happened. Perhaps only the cameraman looking in the viewfinder could see what was being captured on the video and even that was precious little. They were out filming tests of the high-power laser device on a dark, freezing, starry night in the mountains.
It wasn’t until one of the laser enthusiast’s peers enhanced a copy of the video sent to him (the version now hosted on YouTube) that even the videographer had an opportunity to see more of what he actually captured on video.
Seeing that there is now a copyright label posted on the original video at Google video tells me that someone knows this video might be valuable.
More information is needed to be able to investigate this video properly; such as, an understanding of the layout of the ridge where the group was standing, how long had they been test filming the laser light before what was seen on the video took place, the wind direction at the time (did the figure stalk the group from downwind the way a wild animal would?), interviews with the people whose voices are heard on the tape to find out what they observed (saw, heard, smelled, etc.) at the time, and good daylight photographs of the scene of the video to see the terrain and vegetation. Such an investigation will require the cooperation of the videographer and someone visiting the scene of the video.
Ha^_^! Definately not. This is obviously a hoax, though. They may have ©ed it because they know reproductions may prove it false.
No confidence in this from me.
Oh guys, come on! Its just a prank!
So much so that in the YouTube enhanced version of the clip, you can even spot the same color patterns of the Chewbacca mask! (Itâs darker in the snout and on top of the head, and lighter in the forehead and the âchinâ). I wish I could upload some Chewie scans for you to see and compare.
Jayman, if you havenât seen the face yet, go to the original post about this video, and look for Scarfeâs comment. Youâll find a link to a screen capture where he labeled the âfaceâ (he made a very good job!).
It looks like Chewy to me. To twblack I have read that the Yowie are not very nice toward people. I have read some reports that say they are down right dangerous.
It gonna be pretty hard to hoax anything today and get away with it…
Look out hoaxers… you gonna get busted!!
GET LOOSE, HOMIES! Every time I see this shot, I got into HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER!!!
This is a RUBE! event!
Its funny how I showed my 10yr old nephew this clip. Ironically the exact words that came out of his mouth were “it looks like chewy!” I’m dead serious… he actually said that.
Personally, I thought the people were a little nonchalant about everything. I really wish people would stop with the hoaxes… for me, it really seems like they just hinder and make more unnecessary work for the researchers.
Ditto on the hoax thinking .
It looks like a squirrel in a tree, like the ones I see all the time!!
Thanks for referencing my post, Karrde.
If I were a betting man, I would bet 100% that this is is a Wookie costume. The facial expression in the lightened colour video never changes indicating to me that it is a static mask.
Firstly, the black and white version of this frame of footage, doesn’t do the original footage justice. In this field of nitpicking physical evidence, including photos and video footage, colour or lack of colour is of extreme importance.
Secondly, the colour version shows a distinct yellow ambience to the left eye. Why is this of any interest you may ask? In the Blue Mountains of New South Wales that general locale was known by the early settlers there as the place of ‘ol yellow eyes’. A number of Australian researchers including myself, in such Yowie hotspots, have shone our torches or headlights of our cars into the bush and illuminated the large eyes of an unidentified creature with ambient yellow eyes. (Before you ask, yes, the process of logical elimination & investigation was applied with no luck.) The general consensus is these creatures eyes may ‘glow’ or ‘reflect’ a reddish colour, so for this guy to have produced a hoax incorporating the colour yellow for the eye shine, he’s certainly done some homework, or he’s not hoaxing.
Thirdly, the way the creature was portrayed facing into the tree before ‘spotted’, is another little known yowie mannerism noted by some Australian researchers with first hand experience in this field.
Like others here, I also have attempted to PM the cameraman, and whether it is because he was swamped by such PMs, has no personal interest in the field & shuns attention, or for some other dubious reason, I too have had no response from the man.