The Cats of the Chase
Posted by: Nick Redfern on May 7th, 2012
Britain’s Sunday Mercury newspaper highlights the new book from Peter McCue – Zones of Strangeness – which includes a great deal of insightful data on the widely reported sightings of “big cats” within the woods of England’s Cannock Chase, a veritable hot-spot of high-strangeness. Indeed, over the last few decades sightings have been made of wallabies, wild-boar, huge snakes, werewolf- and Bigfoot-type creatures, giant birds, and phantom black dogs in those mysterious woods.
But, without doubt, it’s the curious cats of the Chase that gain the most attention. And, as the Mercury’s Mike Lockley notes regarding Peter McCue’s book: “The most bizarre account was provided by a Miss S. Thomas, of Hednesford. She told how events soon turned from good to bad after she took in a kitten she found on Cannock Chase. ‘It looked as if it had been dumped. We took pity on it and took it home, she said. It grew quickly and was soon larger than a domestic cat. It didn’t lie down like a domestic cat and instead of purring normally, it sort of growled. Eventually it attacked my daughter while she was asleep, leaving her with a nasty cut. We took the cat to live outside, but it soon disappeared.'”
Here’s the link to the complete, 2-page article, and here’s where you can purchase your very own copy of Peter McCue’s Zones of Strangeness.
Nick Redfern
Punk music fan, Tennents Super and Carlsberg Special Brew beer fan, horror film fan, chocolate fan, like to wear black clothes, like to stay up late. Work as a writer.