Arcturus Cryptozoology Book Sale
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 19th, 2007
You know if you want autographed copies of my books, you can email me at [email protected] and I’ll tell you what I have on hand (such as the 2007 edition of Mysterious America or the few hardbounds left).
But Bob Girard is always a good source of older titles. Here’s a list he’s just sent out. Contact him directly, and let him know that Loren sent you his way….
PHONE: 772-398-0796 FAX: 772-337-1701 E-MAIL: [email protected]
OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: Latest Mid-Month (Nov. 2007) ~ Cryptooology
12. Filler, Aaron G. THE UPRIGHT APE: A NEW ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES. Career Pr., 2007. HC, 288pp. The author comes to the startling conclusion that, from the point of view of posture, apes evolved from humans-which makes human evolution a much longer process than presently envisioned by science. $24.95
13. Meldrum, Jeff. SASQUATCH: WHERE LEGEND MEETS SCIENCE. Tor, 2007. HC, 297pp. This book becomes an instant modern rallying point for the serious cryptozoologist, and it is to be hoped that Meldrum is someday able to solve the problem–for that is clearly what he wants most to do. Fine bigfoot book, you really wanna grab a hardcover before they’re gone, $27.95
15. Newton, Michael. STRANGE INDIANA MONSTERS. Schiffer, 2006. Trade soft, 127pp. Everything from kangaroos to phantom cats to Bigfoot and beyond can be found in Indiana. All you have to do is look…..or read. $12.95
16. Redfern, Nick. MEMOIRS OF A MONSTER HUNTER: A FIVE-YEAR JOURNEY IN SEARCH OF THE UNKNOWN. New Page, 2007. Trade soft, 253pp. Nick Redfern has been single-handedly keeping Ufology and UFO literature from collapsing altogether with his growing literary output. In this latest volume you can enjoy his personal highlight reel and you can hope that he keeps on journeying and recording his adventures forever. $14.95
17. Steiger. MONSTERS AMONG US. Galde Pr., 2007. Trade soft, 228pp, reprint of 1982 original. New, $14.95
18. Sergent, Donnie, and Wamsley, Jeff. MOTHMAN: THE FACTS BEHIND THE LEGEND. Mark S. Phillips, 2002. Lg. softbound, 164pp. Super dossier with many local newspaper clippings related to the Mothman panic of 1967. We let this run out of stock long ago, but now’s the time to bring it back for a reprise. $19.95
19. Sheppard-Wolford, Sali. VALLEY OF THE SKOOKUM. Pine Woods Pr., 2006. Trade soft, 285pp. “A four-year story of ongoing encounters between the author and a group of Bigfoot that played in her yard and thunderously walked by her house in the dead of night.” Other chapters describe her spirit journeys with her Indian Guide, and investigation of other nearby phenomena, including a UFO crash in which the newspaper accounts seem to have disappeared. $18.00.
20. Wamsley, Jeff. MOTHMAN: BEHIND THE RED EYES. THE COMPLETE INVESTIGATIVE LIBRARY. Mothman Press, 2005. Lg. softbound, 160pp. Everything you need to know about the area, the features, Mothman, the witnesses, and the aftermath. Great piece of small-town Americana, and Autographed by Author, too!! $19.95
21. (DVD). SASQUATCH SCIENCE: SEARCHING FOR BIGFOOT. UFOTV, 2006. 2 DVDs, 150 mins running time. Features Jeffrey Meldrum, John Bindernagel, Gordon Strasenburgh and John Green. Great new entry for your cryptozoology section!! $39.95
22. Barber, Richard, and Riches, Anne. A DICITONARY OF FABULOUS BEASTS. Macmillan, 1971. HC, 167pp, entries drawn from old bestiaries. Good +, in slightly damaged dj, $20.00
23. Binns, Ronald. THE LOCH NESS MYSTERY SOLVED. Prometheus, 1984. HC, 1st Am. Ed., VG in sl. Torn dj, $18.00
24. Bord, Hanet & Colin. THE BIGFOOT CASEBOOK. Stackpole, 1982. HC, 1st ed., 254pp, VG, dj, $25.00
25. _____. SAME. Stackpole, 1982. Trade softbound, good used copy, $8.00
26. Burton, Maurice. THE ELUSIVE MONSTER: A RE-EXAMINATION OF THE PROBLEM OF LOCH NESS. Rupert Davis, 1961. HC, 1st ed., 176pp, paper yellowing a bit, still a very good copy of a book which is far more elusive than the monster. $100.00
27. Carrington, Richard. MERMAIDS AND MASTODONS. Reinhart, 1957. HC, 1st ed., 251pp, good, top edge dusty, piece of rear jacket missing at upper corner. $20.00
29. Corliss, William R., compiler. INCREDIBLE LIFE: A HANDBOOK OF BIOLOGICAL MYSTERIES. Sourcebook Proj., 1981. HC, 1st ed., 1016pp, mammoth and great, VG in dj, $65.00
30. Dinsdale, Tim. MONSTER HUNT. Acropolis, 1972. HC, 1st Am. Ed., 2nd prtg, 295pp, dusty, small stain to top edge, good reader, no jacket. Reprint of “The Leviathans.” $10.00
31. Eberhart, George M. MYSTERIOUS CREATURES: A GUIDE TO CRYPTOZOOLOGY. ABC-Clio, 2002. HC, 2 vols, xlvii, 364; xix, 365-722. Pictorial boards, not issued with jacket. Over 1000 entries and over 60 illustrations,$185.00.
32. Ellis, Richard. MONSTERS OF THE SEA: THE HISTORY, NATURAL HISTORY AND MYTHOLOGY OF THE OCEANS’ MOST FANTASTIC CREATURES. Knopf, 1996. HC, 3rd prtg, 429pp, big section on sea serpents, plus other marine monsters. VG, dj, $20.00
33. Florescu, Radu, and McNally, Raymond T. DRACULA: A BIOGRAPHY OF VLAD THE IMPALER, 1431-1476. Hawthorn, 1973. HC, 1st prtg, 239pp, VG, dj, $15.00
34. Glut, Donald F. TRUE VAMPIRES OF HISTORY. H-C Publishers, 1971. HC, 1st ed., 191pp, dj nibbled along front flap, about 2″, just touching the cloth, else VG copy in dj. $12.00
35. Gould, Charles. MYTHICAL MONSTERS. W. H. Allen, 1886. HC, 1st ed., 407pp. Much on dragons and sea serpents. This would be a good copy if the mice hadn’t gotten to it and nibbled along the cloth of the bottom edge, especially on the rear cover. If you can live with that (it’s not terrible), and with a couple other punctures or digs to cloth, you’ve got a first edition of a scarce book. $100.00
36. Green, John. ON THE TRACK OF THE SASQUATCH. The Author, 1968. Lg. bklt, 78pp, ex S.I.T.U. library, good, bit dusty. $20.00
37. _____. ON THE TRACK OF THE SASQUATCH BOOK 1. Cheam, 1980. Lg. bklt, 64pp, “1980s edition,” very good, $15.00
38. _____. ON THE TRAIL OF THE SASQUATCH BOOK 2. Cheam, 1980, lg. bklt, 64pp, “1980s Edition.” Good, some rubbing to cover, $15.00
39. Hall, Mark A. THUNDERBIRDS! THE LIVING LEGEND OF GIANT BIRDS. The Author, 1988. Softbound, 100pp, 1st ed. Signed by Author. Very good copy, scarce thus, $35.00
40. Hill, Douglas. THE HISTORY OF GHOSTS, VAMPIRES & WEREWOLVES. Castle, 1970. HC, 121pp, good in rubbed jacket, for younger readers, $8.00
41. Hislop, Burtram. FROM APEMAN TO ‘ANGEL.’ Vantage, 1982. HC, 1st ed., 287pp, oriented more toward evolution of man than to ape-men or bigfeet. VG, dj, $15.00
42. Izzard, Ralph. AMOMINABLE SNOWMAN. Doubleday, 1955. HC, 1st ed., 250pp, reader, worn, no jacket, $15.00
43. Mackal, Roy. SEARCHING FOR HIDDEN ANIMALS. Doubleday, 1980. HC, 1st ed., 294pp, VG, dj, $30.00
44. _____. THE MONSTERS OF LOCH NESS. Swallow Press, 1976. HC, 2nd prtg, good, torn dj, $25.00
45. (Ambroise Pare) Pallister, Janis, trans. ON MONSTERS AND MARVELS. Univ. of Chicago, 1982. HC, 224pp, illus. with woodcuts from the 16th century original. VG, dj, $20.00
46. Patterson, Roger. DO ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN OF AMERICA REALLY EXIST? Franklin Pr., 1966. HC, 1st ed., 169pp. Rare hardcover edition, with softbound cover pasted onto front board. Good + copy, $100.00
47. Pollard, John. WOLVES AND WEREWOLVES. R. Hale, 1964. HC, 1st ed., 173pp, the folklore thereof. Good +, dj, $20.00
48. Pyle, Robert M. WHERE BIGFOOT WALKS. H-M., 1995. HC, 1st prtg, 338pp, VG, dj, $20.00
49. Rommel, Kenneth M Jr. OPERATIION ANIMAL MUTILATION: REPORT OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT, STATE OF NEW MEXICO. NM Criminal Justice Dept., 1980. Lg. softbound, 2nd prtg, 297pp. Inscribed by Author, to “Nancy,” very good copy, rare signed. $175.00
50. Sanderson, Ivan T. ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN: LEGEND COME TO LIFE. Chilton, 1961. HC, 1st ed., 525pp, A good first edition copy in a jacket which has a long tear on rear panel. $45.00
51. _____. SAME. Another copy, Adventures Unltd, trade soft, new, 16.95
52. Summers, Montague. THE VAMPIRE IN EUROPE. Dutton, 1929. HC, 1st Am. Ed., 330pp. Frontispiece separated from binding, top edge splashed with something, not a disaster, and there is nibbling to spine base. No dj. Good study copy of a medium-priced edition, $20.00
53. _____. THE VAMPIRE: HIS KITH AND KIN. Kegan, Paul, Trench & Trubner, 1928. HC, 1st ed., 356pp, reader, wet at top, doesn’t show too much on page edges, but is noticeable to plates. Cloth visibly bleached at top, front & rear, from damp. Good reader, $20.00
54. Tchernine, Odette. THE YETI. Spearman, 1970. HC, 1st ed. 184pp, VG, VG jacket, $26.00
55. _____. SAME. HC, 1st Am. Ed., titled In Pursuit of the Abominable Snowman. Vg, DJ, $24
56. Underwood, peter. THE VAMPIRE’S BEDSIDE COMPANION. Leslie Frewin, 1975. HC, 1st ed., vampire fact & fiction. Good in VG jacket, $12.00
57. Wasson, Barbara. SASQUATCH APPARITIONS. The Author, 1979. Trade soft, 174pp. “A Critique On The Pacific Northwest Hominoid.” Good + copy, Signed by Author, scarce, $40.
58. Wright, Dudley. VAMPIRES AND VAMIRISM. Rider, 1924. HC, 1st ed., 220pp, front hinge split halfway up, rear hinge 2/3 of the way, good working copy, $20.00
59. Wylie, Kenneth. BIGFOOT: A PERSONAL INQUIRY INTO A PHENOMENON. Viking, 1980. HC, 1st ed., 268pp, VG in fine brodarted dj, $22.00
60. Dinsdale, Tim. LOCH NESS MONSTER. Chilton, 1962. HC, 1st Am. Ed., 248pp, dusty, no dj, still good copy, $14.00
61. Eisler, Robert. MAN INTO WOLF: AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF SADISM, MASOCHISM AND LYCANTHROPY. Phil. Lib., 1952. HC, 1st ed., 286pp, good, no jacket, $18.00
62. Adams, Samuel;. CATTLE MUTILATIONS: AN ELUSIVE PREY. Pentland Press, 2003. Trade soft, 86pp, fine, $14.95
63. Bauer, Henry. THE ENIGMA OF LOCH NESS. 1988, qual. soft, 1st prtg thus, 243pp, VG, $12.
64.. Bendick, Jeanne. THE MYSTERY OF THE LOCH NESS MONSTER. Xerox Edu., 1976. Softbound, 2nd prtg, 128pp, kids’ book, fair, various creases, small stains, etc. $2.00
65. Costello, Peter. IN SEARCH OF LAKE MONSTERS. Garnstone, ’74. HC, 1st ed., fore-edge has been banged by something, leaving a light rumple in the first 49 pages, else VG, dj, $20.00
66. Napier, John. BIGFOOT. THE YETI AND SASQUATCH IN MYTH AND REALITY. Reader’s Union, 1974. HC, UK book club copy, VG, dj, $12.00
67. Ley, Willy. SALAMANDERS AND OTHER WONDERS. Viking, 1955. HC, 1st ed., 293pp, superior first edition copy, fine in fine jacket. $40.00
CRYPTOZOOLOGY: A handful of newly-arrived titles.
69. Landsburg. IN SEARCH OF MYTHS & MONSTERS. Corgi, ’77, UK edition, edgeworn, $6
70. Witchell. THE LOCH NESS STORY. Penguin, ’75, spine crease, good, $3.00
HC, ex-library copy, good reader in dj, $5.00
AMERICA. Paraview Pocket, 2003. Trade soft, 278p, remainder mark,
73. Coleman, L. MYSTERIOUS AMERICA. 1983, softbound, orig. ed., worn,
74. Corliss, Wm. R., compiler. BIOLOGICAL ANOMALIES: BIRDS.
Sourcebook Proj., 1998. HC, 479pp, new, not issued with dj, $27.95
75. Dinsdale, Tim. THE LEVIATHANS. RKP, 1966. HC, 1st ed, reader, x-library, poor but intact, in color reproduction of jacket. $12.00
76. Ellis, Richard. MONSTERS OF THE SEA. Knopf, ’94, HC, signed copy,
VG, dj, $25.00
77. Garden, Nancy. WEREWOLVES. Bantam, ’77, softbound, 110p, kids,
good, $4.00
78. _____. VAMPIRES. Bantam, ’77, trade soft, 110pp, soft, kids, good, $4
79. Godfrey, Linda S. THE BEAST OF BRAY ROAD. Prairie Oak Pr.,
2003. Trade soft, 177pp, new, $16.95
80. _____. HUNTING THE AMERICAN WEREWOLF. Trails Bks, 2006.
Trade soft, 319pp, new, $18.95
81. Guttila, Peter. THE BIGFOOT FILES. Timeless Voyager, 2003, trade soft, new, $21.95
82. Harrison. SEA SERPENTS AND LAKE MONSTERS OF THE BRITISH ISLES. 2001, HC, last new copy left, $20.00
83. Healy, Tony, and Cropper, Paul. THE YOWIE. Anomalist Bks, 2006. Trade softbound, large format (7 x 10), 336pp, 120pp. This is the definitive study of Australia’s Bigfoot-the Yowie, featuring 120 illustrations, and a case catalog of sightings dating from 1789 to the present. An absolute must for the cryptozoologist in the family, as well as for anyone with a Fortean library! A steal at $19.95
84. Holiday, F. W. THE DRAGON AND THE DISC. S&J, 1973, HC, reader, ex-lib., fair, dj, $10
85. Hoyt, Olga. LUST FOR BLOOD: THE CONSUMING STORY OF VAMPIRES. Stein & Day, 1984. HC, 245pp, VG in jacket, $15.00
86. Konstantinos. VAMPIRES: THE OCCULT TRUTH. Llewellyn, 2000, later prtg, new, $4.00
87. Krantz, Grover s. BIGFOOT SASQUATCH EVIDENCE. Hancock House, 1999. Trade soft, 348pp, new, but corner badly banged, good reader, $7.50
88. Leiterman, Robert. THE BIGFOOT MYSTERY: THE ADVENTURE BEGINS. Fiction, soft, $3
89. Lishka, G. DARKNESS IS LIGHT ENOUGH. Galde, ’96, soft, 212pp,
personal acc’t, $2
90. Mackal, Roy. THE MONSTERS OF LOCH NESS. Swallow, 1976. HC,
2nd prtg, 401pp, VG in dj, frayed along top edge. $20.00
91. MacLellan, G. SACRED ANIMALS. Capall Bann, 1997. Qual. soft,
173pp, new, $6.00
Rupert Hart-Davis, 1972. HC, 259pp, good+ inVG jacket, $18.00
93. McCloy, James F. and Miller, Ray Jr. PHANTOM OF THE PINES. Mid
dle Atlantic Pr., 1998. Trade soft, 166pp, new, re Jersey Devil, $11.95
94. Meredith. SEARCH AT LOCH NESS. Quadrangle, 1977. HC, VG, dj,
96. Messner, Reinhold. MY QUEST FOR THE YETI. St. Martin’s, 2000.
HC, 169p , new, dj $5
HC, 374pp, fair, dj, mythology, $20.00
98. Murphy, Christopher L. MEET THE SASQUATCH. Hancock House,
2004. Lg. softbound, 240pp, front cover roughed up, not serious, great
99. O’Donnell, Elliott. WERWOLVES. Methuen, 1912. HC, 12mo, 1st ed.,
292pp. Light foxing to page edges, spine dulled, else a good + first
edition copy of this seldom-seen work. $95.00
The author, 1987. Bklt, 32pp, over 200 references to MD bigfoot en
counters. New, $5.00
101. Redfern, NicK. THREE MEN SEEKING MONSTERS. 2004. Trade
soft, 264pp, new, remainder mark, $9.95
102. Ricciuti, E.R. KILLERS OF THE SEAS. Walker, ’73, HC, 1st am. Ed., 308p, piranhas, sharks, blowfish, all kinds of toxic & dangerous sea creatures. VG, dj, $4
103. Steenburgh. IN SEARCH OF GIANTS: BIGFOOT SASQUATCH ENCOUNTERS. Hancock House, 2000. Qual. soft, 256pp, new, $12.95
104. Thompson, C.J.S. THE MYSTERY & LORE OF MONSTERS. University, ’68, soft, reprint, 256pp, worn, spine creases, $4.00
105. Wright, Dudley. THE BOOK OF VAMPIRES. 1973, HC, reprint, lacks flyleaf, else good, $8
106. Dinsdale. MONSTER HUNT. Acropolis, ’72, HC, 295pp, fair in poor jacket, $10.00
107. Baumann. BIGFOOT: AMERICA’S ABSM. Worn, kids, $1.00
108. Byrne. THE SEARCH FOR BIGFOOT. $2.00
109. Cohen. BIGFOOT. Kids, $2.00
111. Cornell. THE MONSTER OF LOCH NESS. Kids, $2.00
112. Costello. IN SEARCH OF LAKE MONSTERS. Fine, $6.00; good, $4.00
114. Guennette. THE MYSTERIOUS MONSTERS. $4.00
115. Holiday. THE GREAT ORM OF LOCH NESS. $3.00
116. Hunter & Dahinden. SASQUATCH. $4.00
117. Hurwood. VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES & GHOULS. $4.00
118. _____. VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES & OTHER DEMONS. Kids, poor,
119. Kagan & Summers. MUTE EVIDENCE. Bantam, ’84, VG, nice, $25
120. Landsburg. IN SEARCH OF MYTHS & MONSTERS. $4.00
121. McNally. A CLUTCH OF VAMPIRES. $5.00
122. Napier. BIGFOOT. $2.00
123. Norman, Eric. THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN. Award, ’69, VG, $12
124. Smith, Warren. SECRET ORIGINS OF BIGFOOT. Scarce, $10.00
125. _____. STRANGE ABOMINABLE SNOWMEN. Worn, $6.00
126. Soule. THE MYSTERY MONSTERS. Poor, $1.00
127. Steiger. MONSTERS AMONG US. Fine, $5.00
128. Witchell. THE LOCH NESS STORY. $1.00
129. LOCH NESS NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE. 12 issues, can’t tell which 12, as they are un-numbered and undated. Around 16-18 pages each. Stapled wraps. $80.00 the lot
130. NORTH AMERICAN BIOFORTEAN REVIEW. Vol 1: 1 and 2, 1999. And Vol 2:3, Dec. 2000 About 30-40pp pages each, stapled. Short articles & reviews of the literature. $25.00 the lot
131. SHADOWS. Nos. 1-6. NOs. 1 & 3 have 3-ring holes, others are fine. $15.00 the lot
132. CHAMP CHANNELS. Vol 1:1 and 2, and Vol 2:1. 1983. $10.00 the lot
133. CREATURE CHRONICLES. No. 6, Spring 1983. $3.00
134. SHADOWS. Nos. 1-6. NOs. 1 & 3 have 3-ring holes, others are fine. $15.00 the lot
135. CHAMP CHANNELS. Vol 1:1 and 2, and Vol 2:1. 1983. $10.00 the lot
136. CRYPTOZOOLOGY REVIEW. Vol 3: 2, 3. $5.00 each
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Wow! That is a pretty impressive selection of books Loren. Thanks for sharing them with us. You may just be getting an e-mail from me. I wouldn’t mind an autographed copy of the new
2007 edition of Mysterious America. That would be nice. Christmas is coming up. I’ll have to say something to the little woman. That book would make a nice stocking stuffer.
I will try to collect most of those books.
Some day.