New Bigfoot Theory Statement
Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 15th, 2008
Click on the photograph above to show, from left to right: (1) M. K. Davis; (2) behind Davis, unknown male; (3) with closed eyes, Davis film backer Pat Holdbrook; (4) with baseball cap, Skeptical Inquirer editor Ben Radford; (5) behind Radford, sitting, in sunglasses, MonsterQuest’s Doug Hajicek, (6) next to Haijcek, unknown male, (7) standing, in yellow shirt, Bigfoot author Chris Murphy, and (8, 9, and so forth) people on the extreme right, plus in the foreground and background, all unidentified. Photo courtesy of Bigfoot song writer Tom Yamarone, who took them at a 2006 Bigfoot conference in Idaho.
Hello Loren.
I would like to make a statement regarding the recent actions of Scott Marlowe.
I do not think that there is any basis for this. I accept the sentiments of this community, and I have ceased all public scrutiny of this film.
No more theory or conjecture will be forthcoming from me on it.
It was not my intentions for such to be anything other than private.
Regards, M.K.Davis June 15, 2008 11:15:52 AM EDT
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Good. You had your year or so in the spotlight, now go away and leave the field to more sane researchers.
With all due respect Mr. Davis, your decision to go silent is just a tad late. I have always had great reservations about your massacre theory. If what you say is true and Patterson and his party killed several of these creatures, then upon seeing them to be more human like than ape, secured a backhoe and buried them why would they return several days later only to shoot at a non-threatening, retreating ‘human like’ creature? It defies logic. As for the stumble caused by a high powered rifle shot to the thigh? I suppose its just a coincidence that Patty’s first step with her right leg was as she turned her head toward Pettersons camera. Could it be that she stepped in a depression in an uneven river bed? Why after the ‘shot’ does she not so much as flinch, stumble, grasp the wound or in any way acknowlege such a ‘traumatic’ injury? We all need a rest from this wild, unsubstantiated attention getting rubbish.
“I do not think that there is any basis for this. I accept the sentiments of this community, and I have ceased all public scrutiny of this film. ”
Mr. Davis has already put it into the public arena with more than a little effort. Scrutiny will not stop because he says so.
Mr. Davis may be trying to say HE will no longer be putting his speculation forth.
Timing is rather important Mr. Davis. You should consider your statements and actions before you seek as large an audience as you can achieve and then broadcast them.
Retreating from your position at this point is meaningless.
Your statement is still lacking in a public apology to those your actions have caused harm. It is the absolute least you should do.
Your acceptance of sentiments is suspect. In my opinion you sought to create controversy to sell a product but lacked the wisdom to understand the group you hoped to sell to would be deeply offended by your actions and the backlash would have a negative effect on sales. I am not offended by cheap insincere salesman tactics. I am deeply offended at the innuendo, character assassination and emotional distress your actions have caused real people. People are important Mr. Davis. Treat them with care in the future if you can find anyone to listen to you again.
“No more theory or conjecture will be forthcoming from me on it. ”
Too little too late. A better statement would be…..”No more theory or conjecture will be forthcoming from me.”
“It was not my intentions for such to be anything other than private.”
Then what was the whole point of your recent public prop supported lecture? Your statements and actions are in fact contradicting each other.
You seem to have a great deal of trouble communicating what you DO want to say. Very tiresome and implausible reading what you did not say or did not mean. Don’t worry about it though. I truly believe the vast majority who read this blog understand you quite clearly. Your real problem is you
have been very well understood.
In case you missed the tone of this message you are less welcome than General Sherman at Atlanta.
A lot of wasted energy from nut jobs that could be better used to actually research the Sasquatch, aka Bigfoot. There has literally been thousands of reports since 1967, so the only way mk’s theory could be possible is if patty the surviving bigfoot had over 1000 babies since then that roam the world. Not likely. Let’s get back to real investigative work and let the screwballs set in the corner and get their heads fixed, while real researchers and investigators get to work.
Marlon Davis has been raked over the coals by the BF community for his theories. Nothing I could add in defense or criticism would change this fact and the writers above say it quite well.
However, Marlon’s statements above clearly indicate his opinion of Scott Marlowe’s letter to the DA in Humboldt County CA. His letter if acted upon by the DA would pose a major problem to our community at large and specifically to Marlon Davis.
Therefore I will contact the DA and officially put the kibosh on his letter before it arrives. We’ve had enough bad publicity. My best,
Larry Lesh
If the work and opinion of someone like Mr. Davis can so completely shatter ovenight the validity of the P-G film as evidence of the existence of Bigfoot, then we might have to ask ourselves this: Was the P-G film such a strong evidence to begin with?
Hmmm…I don’t think the validity of the P-G film has been shattered, rather what is now being called into question is the integrity of Mr. Davis (and the others involved in this strange theory) based upon all of the revelations over the last few weeks.
In fact, I’m going to venture that the film itself stands as it has prior to the bizzare Bigfoot Massacre theory.
Red Pill writes:
“If the work and opinion of someone like Mr. Davis can so completely shatter ovenight the validity of the P-G film as evidence of the existence of Bigfoot, then we might have to ask ourselves this: Was the P-G film such a strong evidence to begin with?”
This is one of the most warped and illogical statements/questions I’ve seen, sorry, expressed thusfar in critiquing this matter.
Who says that the “validity of the P-G film” has been undermined? What is being questioned is what M. K. Davis says he sees in the film, the enhanced frames that he has worked on. Not the footage itself.
What has been discovered is that the Rorschach of the P-G film has resulted in observations that are being questioned and have less validity, not the Rorschach (in this case the footage) itself.
Also, the bait and switch is in play too. M. K. Davis’ beautiful stabilization was praised, so when he came along with other enhancements, at first everyone was caught with their guard down. But the more and more theories, speculations, ponytails, braids, white skin, and killing scenarios that were “seen,” the more questions began to be revealed.
Let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater Red Pill.
Exactly vampchick21 & Loren; I, like you, do not believe that the validity of the P-G film has been shattered or discredited by the speculations of Mr. Davis, as some people might fear. Because if some folks do fear that, then they really don’t feel the P-G to be such a strong evidence to begin with.
Let me be clear about this: We should really not fear that MK Davis’ claims will undermine the importance of the P-G film; after all these tall tales of wild shootings and murder concealments are long forgotten, the P-G film will stand as it is: an intriguing film that seems to show the existence of an unknown hominoid creature. Nothing more, nothing less.
I once wrote that Mr. Davis was at risk of becoming the Richard Hoagland of cryptozoology; seems my prediction was rather accurate.
A sincere thank you to Mr. Davis for the enhancement work on the film. It was great and very needed. Your speculations on what happened were blown up and disagreed upon. As I learned, be careful what you say to the press as it can and has blown back your way. Your theories are just that, yours. I, as well as a lot, disagree with it. Freedom of the press has its responsibilities, use them wisely.
Once again, thank you.
Well, it’s a start.
At this point I’d say let’s just get on with things and try to but this whole business behind us, but I get the feeling that this is going to lurk around for a while. Things got just a little out of hand. I hope this is a sincere statement, and I am remaining optimistic that we can move on. It sure is late for Davis to be making this statement, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s over and done. Although, it might be appropriate for some apologies to be issued as well.
I hope this sends a message to others who would try to grandstand, sensationalize, and sidestep normal scientific procedure. I really would like to see cryptozoology become a more legitimate, respectable field and not a three ring circus. In my opinion, that means not tolerating the sort of behavior we have seen here thus far. So far this had been a good example of what NOT to do if you are looking into or speculating on a new avenue of research. Hopefully new theories in the future will be treated more carefully and with some scientific respect and integrity.
I want to believe that this will really be an end to the conjecture and the whole dog and pony show.
Bottom Line: It was a goofy theory with no proof or legitimacy…just a nutty idea that went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to far before it got shut down.
Sheesh…can we get back to finding BF please…
this is a very itnteresting new statement by mk davis, but this whole situation or mess is starting to turn into a nightmare of sorts. like i said before i dont think any sane judge of any kind wouldnt take this case first reason is becouse this filmfootage is 44 yrs old now — second reason is alot people will hurt by this in the sasquatch & cryptozoology comunity etc. this situation is definetly not over at all. thanks bill green
Good morning Cryptos
There are no winners in this sordid affair. We have lost even more credibility, assuming we had much if any left.
Mr. Bob Gimlin, is the recipient of unnecessary stress no heart patient should have to endure.
M K Davis is leaving sasquatchery, under a cloud of derision despite his best efforts.
John Johnsen’s reputation as a filmmaker is questioned and ridiculed.
Another case of nonsense and innuendo prevailing over common sense and veracity. Good faith investigation and “research” suffers yet another loss to the forces of dark and dubious agendas. JMHO
live and let live
ole bub and the dawgs
Mr. Davis,