Destination Truth: What For Year 3?
Posted by: Loren Coleman on December 9th, 2008
On September 14, 2007, I wrote here that I had found “Destination Truth” to be “an on-target, serious, contemporary, fun, adventurous effort to show ‘living cryptozoology.'”
Yesterday, I was happy to hear that the series has gotten the greenlight for Season Three.
Josh Gates, the host of SciFi TV’s series “Destination Truth,” came by to talk to me. He listened to my illustrated presentation, which I was giving on the Queen Mary on Monday. I found him to be a darn nice guy, with a fast friendly smile, quick wit, and certainly a instant popularity among the milling crowd filing in to hear my sea serpents, Bigfoot, and general cryptozoology talk.
Before Josh and I knew it, there was a line of people winding through the hall to meet him and have their photos taken with the star of the popular show, although that wasn’t his objective for the visit.
People attending the Darkness Radio conference, set so close to Hollywood, were treated with the extra surprise of rubbing shoulders with “stars,” sometimes openly, often not, such as with Josh’s visit. For example, Dean Haglund, one of the three actors playing the intelligent guys in “The X-Files” and “The Lone Gunmen” series was in attendance too. “The Lone Gunmen” by the way, was ahead of its time, in incredible thematic ways, and the concept should have been given more than one season by Fox to find its audience. It has a legendary pilot episode in which it predicts the flight of an airline jet into one of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, with shocking 9/11 precursor footage – here & here. Unfortunately, it was placed up opposite a show it never had a chance against, “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?”
Other less visible people but none the less powerful players in the movies and television game dropped by also, including the richly successful HBO producer Alex Ryan (who is a friend and co-owner of a production company with James Gandolfini, who played Tony Soprano). Alex was there to see my talk and have lunch with me.
Back to “Destination Truth.”
I have a survey question for you readers. Do you like the half-hour segment format for each of the “Destination Truth” episodes? As you know, during each hour-long program, “Destination Truth” journeys to two exotic locations. The exception was their one 60-minute treatment of the story of the show’s discovery of the Yeti tracks in Nepal (photos above).
So, have your say, please. I’m not interested in a critical analysis of the program, except around the one specific point of its length. What do you think of their retaining the 30/30 in one show concept, or seeing more hour-long programs? If you were the series’ executive producer, what would you pick for the new season of “Destination Truth”?
Also, what new locations would be on your wish list? Where would you like to see them take their new cryptozoology adventures?
Thank you for recording your insights via the comment section below. Hollywood is reading this!
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Ahhh, the Lone Gunmen. It was a good show that was trying to find traction in an impossible time slot. It had great potential. Fox has a history of killing shows that are just beginning to draw an audience. Think about a network that killed Firefly and Arrested Development but keeps American Dad on the air. You just have to wonder sometimes.
Josh Gates has an instantly likable swagger to his television persona. It’s difficult to pull that off without appearing arrogant. I really like his program even though some of his destinations seem a bit too contrived. There must be a way they can convince Rider to be a bit more courageous. In a reality show it kills the buzz when one of the stars begins to whine about the investigation being too scary.
I’ve never seen the show, since I don’t think you can get sci-fi in Canada yet, but a show I watch with a similar layout is “Intervention”, even though that show jumps back and forth between the two subjects. Sometimes Intervention does a whole episode on one person’s intervention, but usually sticks to 2 since there’s not enough material or the subjects aren’t interesting enough to base the whole show around. I think this Destination Truth should stick to 2 locations normally, that way they can squeeze in as much content as they can, but do a few one hour locations a season. They don’t have to make them special events or anything, just choose the ones that seem the most interesting. Is this show on DVD yet? I’d like to czech it out.
Greetings All!
Sounds like an interesting program. I have never seen it, and tried to search it out on my spiffy U-verse search feature, but could not find it! Is it on hiatus, or is there more than one channel using “SciFi” as a name? The one on my system shows such as “Star Trek: Enterprise”, “Stargate”, and several shows which would be right up “Destination Truth”‘s alley. Overnight, they list a seemingly popular show called “Paid Program”! (Which I also have not seen!) Is this the right channel?
Thanks Loren! I’ve always really enjoyed Josh’s show. He seems like the kind of guy you’d want to hang out with, and would always have some great stories to tell.
As for the show, I think while the two half-hour long segments works for getting more creative with their diverse animal selections… it makes their journey seem painfully short and rushed. Half the time it seems that they spend more time traveling to the destination than researching in the wild. The longer the exploration, the longer the show I guess… but to be fair, I can really see how they may not have any interesting footage to stretch to an hour in some of these cases.
As for what I’d like to see? Let’s send them up to Canada to the Bigfoot Cabin during berry season! 🙂 Also, I’d love to see them go back to places where they had “successful” expeditions and do more thorough research. It really seems in those cases that they celebrate the possibility of finding something then head home right away rather than stick around for more proof.
Thanks guys! Keep up the great work!
I really like the 30/30 format, alot of documentaries seem to show the same footage over and over, and repeat the same things over and over and they get frustration and stale MonsterQuest is a good example of that, If MonsterQuest did only a half hour on a monster they would be forced to use fresher material and be more concise about their information.
As long as they are smart enough to have an hour long segment when they find something that will be great. In case they are reading I also wouldnt mind seeing them rehashing a few of the more interesting episodes, My one complaint is they dont seem to have enough time in any location.
Great show otherwise.
Given the show’s current format of flying thousands of miles for a one night stand in some remote backwater, hoping that the local creature feature will choose that one moment to make its appearance, then I think a half-hour covering each fast-paced, colorful mini-adventure is quite adequate.
But, since they have a capable crew, tons of gear, available funding and a world full of mysteries to explore, an expanded format might reap greater success. Perhaps two or three one-hour expeditions per season, highlighting the shorter hit & runs?
I love the show and especially Josh. He’s the kind of guy you’d want to watch your back when you’re in the jungle and entertain you when you’re in the village. I like that he doesn’t take himself too seriously in his search for answers. I’d prefer a whole hour be spent on one item, but only if that one showed promise in the filming–sort of like how “Ghost Hunters” does their show. Some subjects because of popularity or intrigue need more time–like anything Bigfoot. My two pick’s for him to do: NW or Canadian Bigfoot–please–more Bigfoot creatures! And, I’d like to see him look for the Tasmanian Tiger.
Destination Truth is a great program. 30/30 is fine when the don’t find anything but when they do find something, an hour program should be done just on the findings.
Africa- living dinosaurs!
Vietnam – the new population of the rare snub nosed monkey.
For those who can’t see it regularly, there’s quite a few episodes on YouTube, here.
You just have to browse through the others.
I love the show, but I feel like the 30/30 makes it feel like they barely spend anytime out in the field. It would be great for them to spend more then one night in the field at some locations. Especially where they get good hits like in Nepal. I’d love to see them go back there for a longer period. And also go to Canada for a few days. Those episodes hopefully will warrant an hour special. But I like the 30/30.
Destination Truth is one of my favorite shows, I’m very happy to hear it has been picked up for another season! I think that the team should be allowed to spend more time in the field if possible, which I suppose means that hour long episodes may be more appropriate. The more footage/evidence they find, the more air time can be used up! I do enjoy the current two location format though, I think it helps to keep the general audience interested which obviously gets us more episodes and seasons. Josh Gates is also great for that. He does an awesome job as host. Wish I could have been there to meet you guys!
Come to Northeast Texas or Southeastern Oklahoma for a sasquatch hunt. Even the Piney Woods of East Texas, they are out here. Come and film it.
FossilHunter – that sounds like the right channel, there is only one Sci-Fi channel that I know of, and shows like Star Trek are certainly on the list of regular programs. However, the “Paid Program” that you mentioned is just infomercials, unless you need a Bowflex or some useless junk, don’t bother.
I like the 30/30 split at times, but at other times I feel like they should have stayed with one subject for the whole hour and left the other subject out completely. I can’t give a specific example right of hand, but there have been several instances where the first segment was boring, and had no possibility of producing results, and there was absolutely nothing at all interesting about it. Then the second segment would be just the opposite, a very interesting expedition where certain points that should have been elaborated on were quickly passed over for the sake of time. So in the end: One segment was a total waste, and the second segment was cheapened by over-editing to fit into an allotted time. My opinion, if it isn’t interesting, don’t show it, scrap it and don’t waste our time. If it is interesting, then it should be interesting enough to fill an hour with.
I look forward to every Destination Truth episode. Sci-Fi Channel replays the shows on their website after it first airs and keeps it online for a couple of weeks.
Josh is great because not only does he take the subject matter seriously, he also has a knack to bring out a bit the comedy of it all…all work and no play…Josh gives it just enough of both to make it fun. I’d go camping with that guy any day.
As far as the 30/30 format for Destination Truth. I’d rather see more 60min segments IF they have footage to go with it. If you have a trip that went bust…make that a 15min segment and give the rest to the better story. I’m not rigid to one format…I want to see something that works without playing the same footage over and over again.
I can’t wait for the next season…I like the exotic locations…but aren’t there more local things they could search for? Bigfoot, Mothman, exotic Cats…
The show should definitely switch to an hour format. The half-hour segments are too fragmented, and it seems that Josh and his team spend most of their time just getting to the location and only 1 day of research before jetting back to the US. If they hope to find any animal it will take more time than that.
My suggestions for the next season would be to search for more supposedly extinct animal such as:
– tasmanian tiger, dodo, megalania, atlas bear, barbary lion, wooly mammoths in Alaska, river dolphins in China, etc. (any other suggestions Loren?)
and maybe more historical/mythological items such as – where Genghis Khan is buried, how old is the Sphinx really?, King Solomons’ Gold Mines, Atlantis, lost tribes of Israel, etc.
Gates does a great job as host. But the show itself doesn’t hold a candle to MonsterQuest. I’d like to see Destination Truth at least try to be more scientific in how they go about things.
Yowie, tasmanian tiger, marsupial lion, giant ground sloth, honest politician, ourang pendek, ivory-billed woodpecker, surviving giant salamanders in the U.S., for starters.
I love the show and was hooked when Josh folloed the splashing noises into an enclosed caveafter that I set it up to record the season. I have always thought they should go with the full 60 minutes for each topic and spend more time in each location. I am actually amazed at how many hits they get on things that look promising since they are in each location for only one night. It also amazes me that they never follow up on anything promising or have repeat shows. If the got to the locations during the day they could do some more ground work and check the area out instead of blindly wandering about at night. I like the technology they use but I would like to get an idea of what the area looks like during daylight. Some of the creatures I remember the locals saying were sighted during the daytime and the Destination Truth team was still out only at night looking for them.
I like panda farmers comment about them going to the cabin in Canada during berry season. Josh would not be in the house hiding when there is possibly bigfoot activity going on.
The last thing I wanted to mention is I like that Ryder (and sometimes others on the crew) panics at times. It adds a bit of reality. If everyone was just running off after everything and there was no fear I would start to suspect that this was all staged. As it is I feel more drawn into the show and realize that they are in remote areas where there are enough normal things that can kill a person let alone actually finding the crypto critter they are searching for!
First off…Josh is a charismatic host. That said, I would love to see something on midwest napes. I’m from Indiana, and while we don’t have the numbers of sasquatch-like bipedal creatures here that some states do, it would be cool to see maybe something based in perhaps Ohio. My understanding is that there are numerous continued encounters and sightings there every year. In all though i’m Sasquatch obsessed so anything on the big fellow would be very much appreciated.
I would love Josh and company to get permission and do some research at the Skinwalker Ranch. The NIDS claim that nothing has been going on for years, but my friends tell me that the strange activity is still going strong.
Program length will always be determined by first, the overall interest in the subject, then secondly, the quality of the anecdotes or information collected. Ratings must always be the top priority of any good TV producer.
That said, for subject matter I would vote for more episodes on recently “believed” extinct animals like the tasmanian tiger, pink-headed duck, ivory-billed woodpecker or even the Steller sea cow.
Number one on my list, however, would be a trip to Lake Iliamna, Alaska. With Gates and group taking me and Matt Bille along with them!
I’ve seen every episode, and enjoy the show. Make the episdoes 60mins each for every expedition. in the 30/30 format they go through extraordinary lengths to get to these locations and then spend one day and leave. What a complete waste of time and resources. Then since they’ve only stayed one day they only have enough footage for 30mins. Stay much longer and make these 60mins. You just might end up finding more interesting footage to show, hell you’re already there, why not stay a few more days at the minimum.
Destination Truth is the greatest cryptozoology show ever! I think that if there is a really cool investigation (like that giant Icelandic lake worm or the haunted mosque) they should go into a one hour episode. For other ones that aren’t such a big deal, the 30 minute plan is fine. Also, why haven’t they come to Wisconsin to search for the manwolf?
I think the 30/30 format is fine. Like twoly, I think follow-up episodes on the expeditions that they get the most evidence on is a really good idea.
Hey, I happen to LIKE “American Dad”!!! 🙂
Not as gloriously snarky as “Family Guy,” but on its own terms, pretty good!
Yes, the “Lone Gunmen” series is sorely missed. Too bad.
I would love to see Gates investigate Loch Morar in Scotland—home of the world-famous Morag, the OTHER famous lake monster in Scotland. Unless he has already. I haven’t seen all the episodes.
DT is on top of my DVR schedule. Although most expeditions don’t turn up what they’re looking for, his crew does manage to catch some unexplained occurrences on camera (even if unrelated to what they’re looking for. IE UFO in Papau NG, bottle of milk knocked over in African hut (out of no where)
I want to see DT go back down under for an extended stay in yowie land. There were rocks thrown at them, flir images of an adult and child bipedal something, in the trees. DT seemed a bit ill equipped on this particular stay in that remote region. Nonetheless Josh Gates is one of the gifted few who can interact with all kinds of indigenous people from all over the world, and make it funny without being demeaning or arrogant.
Destination Truth is probably my favorite show on television. I really like the 30/30 format of the show, it’d be nice in some locations to have more time, but on the other hand the format allows you to get a little back story, the locations, the investigation, and finally to the results in a timely fashion, so that way if they don’t find much you don’t have the feeling of “wow, I spent an hour watching this for THAT?”. I also like getting two topics per show.
sschaper – good one! Almost slipped by!
ty loren
I like the show alot, that and the ghost hunters shows. I don’t mind the 30 minute segments if maybe once in a while they will spend more time on some things. I really would have liked a longer Nepal yeti search, especially with the clarifications on habitat they presented.
Maybe a trip over to Whitehorse to chase down some Hairy People? Lots of sightings the last few years.
The 30 minutes are just wright. The fast pace the and comedy stile are what makes this show good. Its the entertainment factor of DT that makes people watch it. What other reason there could be, as usually nothing is found? That’s why monsterquest is going down, its just boring to listen a hour to some scientists and in the end there is nothing. (Which isn’t something special if investigating cryptos) I personally like the show very much and it always fascinated my (from a filmmakers point of view). What I read on the DT forums, there seems to be some people that have an issue with Ryder, but I think a “Ryder” is needed. It pulls you much more into the thrill of the adventures if she goes whiny, than Josh’s HO HO HO. It makes you feel there is something strange that the camera cant/doesnt show. Its creepy, its good, its an additional channel of communication.
A “Ryder” is also pleasant to the eye and the masculine adventurer stereotype is enforced with someone “contrary” to “protect” (i.e. Indiana Jones). This stereotype is specially important as I think the SciFi channel attracts more male viewers, with just average formal education = lots of machos.
DT can’t get much better.
IMO, if it weren’t for Josh, there wouldn’t be a show. He’s interesting and (you’re right) has a quick wit that keeps the proceedings lively. We tune in to see him as much as watch their journeys. The 30/30 concept is fine unless they come upon some extraordinary find that begs for more. I think they should decide that on an ad hoc basis. If they do a full hour, they should advertise it appropriately. (Ratings, you know). As far as places to go there’s Lake Van in Turkey, dinosaurs in Africa and South America, giant spiders in Australia and Africa, etc. I agree with the idea of a few follow-up episodes where they’ve uncovered some very unusual evidence (lake creatures in particular). Sci-Fi could also couple him with Jason and Grant on an episode (Gilliland’s Ranch?). Talk about ratings possibilities.
I think it should be kind of like Ghost Hunters is, if not much is going on just have it be half an hour that way we can get the local lore and all that good stuff but we wouldn’t have an extra half hour when nothing is going on, on the flip if there are things happening give it a whole hour. I wish they had spent more time on the Iceland episodes. I thought both were really interesting and I would like to see them further investigate the creatures from both of the Iceland episodes. I also think that any time spent investigating cryptids in the Amazon is time well spent. But don’t forget about Sasquatches in northern Minnesota or Plessie in lake Pepin….
I’ve never heard of anything in Lake Pepin, which is part of the Mississippi River. . .
Good point on Gates’ ability to relate to the locals. That is a special gift, not just for TV for for all sorts of research and other activities.
With all the people I know who vacation in the Boundary Waters, I’ve never heard of any bigfoot sightings, or even awareness that there have been bigfoot sightings. With the phenomenon of campfire tales, I find that odd, if that is a real phenomenon up there, and not merely one of the explanations for the iceman.
I love the show ‘Destination Truth’! However, I think it would be better if they would extend each episode to one hour per investigation. (Quite possibly, if only for the reason to stay at a location for a longer amount of time.) It seems that just as the show is getting into something interesting, they pack up and leave.
I feel the cryptids that are investigated are rare and new. Some I have never even heard of. Maybe they could look for some good old fashioned common ones. And they could also use some new equipment.
All in all, they have done a great job. I love the humor and all the traveling clips and trying the local cuisine each time.
Amen to Chris Orrick!
If MonsterQuest doesn’t pick up on the Lake Iliamna idea, DT should do it. You have everything you could want for a documentary: Native legends and reports going back centuries, a good record of modern sightings, an “original” monster (that is, a fish or fishlike beast that seems unrelated to other “lake monster” stories), and spectacular scenery. The environmental controversy over the development of this remote area for a gold mine adds interest and urgency.
Not only that, but the University of Washington has had two research facilities on the lake for a number of years, which means lots of inexpensive interviews with pointy heads for any US west-coast based TV crew.
DT/MonsterQuest, this is one cryptid that begs for examination in that it could actually end with some immediate resolution depending on the technology used. And take Matt with you because of his expertise, and me too, because I pushed the idea first.
Btw, for those not familiar, Lake Iliamna is the largest lake in Alaska, covering an area about the same size as the entire state of Connecticut. It’s really big. The most popular opinion is the sightings are of of unusually large land-locked white stugeon. Except there are no records of sturgeon ever being caught in the lake, so naturally, there are many other theories.
Chris, you’re quoting me on the comparison to the state of Connecticut. I meant to say “Rhode Island,” and have been disowning “Connecticut” ever since I typed in in my last book. Nobody’s perfect.
A lake the size of Rhode Island (about a thousand square miles) is still a heck of a big lake, and it’s downright weird that Iliamna does not even appear on some lists of America’s largest lakes. That’s about as remote as you can get. If I had to bet serious cash on just one “lake monster” being a real creature, this would be it.
Alternate idea: if the DT guys don’t feel like being eaten alive by the insects of Alaska, I’d like to see a show put serious money and effort into the Queensland tiger-cat, or yarri. I don’t think that show has been done, and a good-sized predator with a tantalizing chance of existing (either today or until a few decades ago) always makes for a great TV subject.
Definitely the hour format. I prefer when they spend a decent amount of time somewhere.
As for locations, there’s a supposed water critter in Venezuela. Also Pteranodons in Mexico, and Central America. Yowie in Australia. Go squiding off New Zealand. Mammoths in Alaska. Also giant cuttlefish off of Jamaica. Tazelwurm in Switzerland. and something local. Murray Monster in the Carolinas. Giant Sharks off the West Coast of Africa….there you go.
I’m all for one hour episode per subject. As for destinations, I’d like to see them go (back) to the Congo and spend more time investigating there, for many reasons including Mokele-mbembe, but particularly Giant Spiders. West Virgina for (the) Mothman. Megalania in New Guinea. Almas in the Caucasus and/or Mongolia. And to round out the list, Mono Grande (and/or De Loys’ Ape) in South America, although De Loys’ Ape has been widely discredited it is still interesting enough to investigate the possibility of another primate species in the Americas.
Rhode Island is small. Makes finding something in Lake Iliamna all the easier. 🙂
About the Queensland tiger-cat, or yarri. A few years ago I saw a documentary about the introduction of cane toads to north-eastern Australia. A total ecological disaster.
Cropper and Healy speculated that poisoned bait left out for dingos may have spelled the end for the yarri. Well, cane toads certainly didn’t help either. If they’re still around they are one tough bunch of survivors.
DT is one of the best shows of its type I have seen. Josh and his wit (as well as his interaction s with his crew-Ryder, Jarrod etc) make it very enjoyable to watch and he always finds something interesting to hunt down. Many of the cyptids he goes after I have never heard of, but of course I would have if I had spent more time on Cryptomundo.
I would love to see his team discover something! I would like to see them go back to the places they had solid unexplainable physical evidence and build on what they found. Bring in different equipment and try different things. The Monster Quest teams have some great ideas to add to the great ones Josh and crew use. The ropen episode comes to mind as well as the area he got his famous castings from. As with all these type shows its maddening how relatively little time they spend there before time runs out. So…return trips to the places with the strongest evidence from previous shows. And I would love to have them to go to Oz and chase the Thylacine. One thought though, on many of the shows, the crew is isolated in dangerous conditions. I do pray they stay safe no matter what they chase after!
Going to 60 minutes only helps if they stay at a place more than one night. Never saw a team travel 3000 miles for a one-night stand. I love the show and locations chosen. What I don’t like is that they don’t spend more than one night looking for something. Like anything, sometimes you just have to wait.
I look forward to this show simply because I enjoy Josh Gates sharp wit and courage in his search for the unknown. I think he’s amazing and makes the show whether something is found or not. I do agree they should return to some of the more promising locations. Ryder can get on my nerves at times and should maybe stay at base camp more often than running through the jungles and such. I think it is a well thought out show that viewers may not understand how dangerous and uncomfortable these trips can be. I give all the cast and crew credit for doing thier jobs to entertain those of us who wish we could be there to experience it for ourselves. I would really like to see future shows that include some locations Ghost Hunters got amazing hits at for some more ghostly phenomena. The castle ruins in Scotland where they got what they thought was a picture of an elf and heard strange noises would be a nice camp site for the Destination Truth crew to set up camp. I do like the idea of an hour long show but if they have a good one it should concentrate on a single phenomena instead of two.