Georgia Body Update

Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 5th, 2008

You won’t see too much from me here any longer on the alleged Bigfoot body from the Georgia gentlemen, until an actual body is produced.

Following their burning of my Bigfoot! book (after it previously was apparently being used as a reference work), it became obvious it was counter-productive to report on them.

But for the sake of keeping you informed, here are various so-called developments in their ongoing melodrama.


They have removed from the internet all of their previous videos, and are floating a recent one around that gives these two “facts”:

~ bigfttrkrs are now associated with Tom Biscardi (who may be guiding them); and

~ they supposedly gave a DNA sample from the alleged body they have to Biscardi.

Additionally, as pointed out to me by many people over the last few days,

…their website has been revised to say…in small print:

For entertainment purposes only.

You can conclude for yourself what that means.

Loren Coleman About Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.

16 Responses to “Georgia Body Update”

  1. captiannemo responds:

    Oh! Brother!

  2. drjon responds:


    I guess it’s turned out to be Habeas Copros.

  3. masterbarber responds:

    The first blog to reveal the “disclaimer” on the BF Tracker site was this one.

    On Kulls show, Dyer mentioned a lawyer by the name of Lee Sexton, who is probably one of the best criminal defense/trial lawyers in Georgia. I think these two clowns are getting advice from Lee and their other attorney Monroe Ferguson. Also, a gag order has been issued so don’t expect Kulls or Biscardi to comment on this any further until the “legal issue” has been resolved. I happen to believe there is a lawsuit in progress.

  4. graybear responds:

    Actually, these idiots aren’t all that entertaining.

  5. planettom responds:

    I agree with Graybear, I’m not entertained. Moving on….

  6. DontCryBigfoot responds:

    Something else about the “gag” order, not only are they “gagging” themselves, but they’re also requesting that anyone who’s put up videos making fun of the bftrackers to remove thiers as well, a few people have removed videos at thier request and then put them right back up after they heard about this “gag order”….. I don’t blame these folks at all, as it seems Biscardi is trying to make the whole thing just go away and be forgotten….. well he knew the horse was lame before he hitched his buggy to it!

  7. PhotoExpert responds:

    Although in their own minds, they think they are foxy, they have been soooooo transparent since the beginning of their hoax that it was easy to see where they were going.

    I agree, their 15 minutes of fame has expired. Now it is just a matter of watching it play out to fruition and us saying, we told you so.

    End of story!

  8. cryptozkid responds:

    Wow, was actually thinking that they did have a body, but now I don’t know. Disclaimer: This post is just for entertainment.

  9. DavidFullam responds:

    “Actually, these idiots aren’t all that entertaining.”

    Exactly. Truer words have never been spoken.

  10. greywolf responds:

    Well like I said at the beginning I thought it was a lot of BULL. If Tom Biscardi has joined them wow the great SHOW BOATERS have joined forces in the HOAX of the year…..Lord: help them for they know not what they do.

  11. DontCryBigfoot responds:

    Now they’re resorting to bullying people with legal threats!!!!

    My name is Ray V and I am reaching out to you on behalf of Tom Biscardi and Searchingforbigfoot Inc. Mr.Biscardi came across the video you posted and asked me to contact you about it. He did not appreciate his name appearing on the video or being labeled a liar and a hoaxer. If at all possible can you please remove your videos .He has successfully won several lawsuits when his name and character were threatened. It is called libel {slander}. It is a type of defamation with very real consequences. This is not a threat, just something to be aware of. People on the Internet feel that free speech means they can say anything. This is not a free speech situation. This is a direct attack on a hard working mans character,credibility and livelihood. It is understood that your original intent was to discredit what you felt was a hoax on the behalf of Bigfoot,but since then, the situation has taken a dramatic turn and come into a new light. It is asked of you to remove all material involving the above mentioned and wait patiently. If you feel in 6 weeks time that this is nothing but smoke and lies then you would be free and most certainly in your right to unleash as much bad press and destructive videos as your heart desires. If you want to discuss this further send me your number. I am trying to spare you grief.
    I don’t know if you are a researcher,believer or just someone playing a prank, but part of the actual business agreement {merge} was for all negative press and media {including videos} to be eliminated before any further transactions took place. When dealing with investors and big money someone’s credibility is thoroughly examined. In short those who choose to continue to slander the Biscardi name are obstructing the progression of this latest find. Note that Bigfoot Tracker has merged with SearchingforBigfoot,therefore all slanderous media {press,video,Internet,radio and television} are to be considered direct attacks on Biscardi Enterprises. From July 27th of 2008 and from here on in,all material that reflects the Biscardi name in a questionable way without warrant are to be addressed and handed over to Thomas Biscardi’s Legal Team. This is not a joke. Please respond back before the end of the day.
    Thank You
    Waiting for your response
    Ray V
    Searching for Bigfoot Inc

  12. ShefZ28 responds:

    From my take on things. Biscardi threatens his own name and character. I don’t see why he hasn’t sued himself yet.

  13. gridbug responds:



  14. Greg102 responds:

    I will stand by my OPINION that this “body” is not a real unidentified bipedal large primate that we view as sasquatch. Their latest photos posted on their website are laughable at best. I just hope these guys aren’t foolish enough to have dragged a human specimen back to their freezer. Now that would be REAL NEWS!

  15. Artist responds:

    Great Louise’s Underthings!!
    I can’t handle all this tension!!
    O JEB, why have you left us?
    You could have made sense of all this…

  16. Lupus responds:

    I realize I’ve said I wouldn’t comment on this anymore, but… I’m betting ”dr. Van Buren” is in that fridge… that or his retarded cousin. Mark my words…

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