Biscardi Bigfoot Broadcast Believability Blasted
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 4th, 2008
Steve Kulls, Founder/CEO of Squatch Detective has requested his “release” be withdrawn, July 7, 2008.
You may contact Steve Kulls at™ Hotline: (641) 715 – 3900 extension: 43599#
for clarifications on his reasoning behind this withdrawal. The website address, email address, and phone number are all public information listed on his website, and not private information.
Please note, the request was from Steve Kulls, no one else.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Good morning Cryptos….
Thanks to Steve and Miss Becky for clarifying the circumstances of the Catskills investigation. Common sense and respect should be the cornerstone of investigation…JMHO
Unwarranted and often erroneous bombastic bluster catering to media attention serves no one but the scoftics…meanwhile legitimate researchers/habituators and the Big Folks are painted with a brush of derisive sound bytes…JMHO
live and let live…
ole bub and the dawgs
And I, DWA, CEO, CFO and Chief Funhog of Squatchskeptic (RealType) Ltd., do hereby solemnly swear to continue to be of two minds about this sh[enanigans].
I, and my company, would love to see scientific confirmation of the sasquatch. Since, however, I (and my company) are not totally sure that this isn’t just a selfish wish on my (and my company’s) part, I (a.m.c.) will continue to sit on the fence, root for some squatchers to make fools of themselves, for some to cover themselves with dignity (go TBRC!), and for the beast to lie low and continue testing the wind. And stay free, of us and our nets and darts and collars and cams. But, just for our sake, make just enough occasional mistakes to keep us all on edge and interested.
(Personally, I (a.m.c) would just love to see really cool artist’s conceptions and trail cam photos. That may honestly be enough for me (a.m.c.) )
Until a Wal-Mart is proposed in key squatch habitat. Then I (a.m.c.) will have to make a choice:
(1) clandestinely arm the Sasquatch Resistance;
(2) quietly root for the seizing of gears of The Global Economic Juggernaut; or
(3) conduct a Sasquatch Saigon-Style Airlift (S.S-S.A) with the fleet of old Hueys I (a. especially m.c.) just bought from Ted Turner.
Who has a surprise coming for us all! Stay tuned… 😉
And Happy Fourth of July, celebrating, well, quite a long period of Sasquatch Independence (although – owing to one very sloppy fossil record – the anniversary date may be a tad off).
Hello Everyone,
Mr. Kulls and Ms. Sawyer are Smart, honest and professional. You can trust them to give educated and experienced opinions of reported sightings. Mr. Biscardi can sometimes be over enthusiastic when it comes to being in the media spotlight, but he is very passionate about solving the mystery. Please remember Tom and his team are out there giving a great effort daily.
John Cartwright
Good statement, Mr. Kulls —S. Kulls, Man what a cool name!! 😉
John, I am not disputing that at all. People may think this is me “outing” Tom Biscardi, I am not. I still consider him and the SFB as good friends. And they do bust their rumps trying to seek out evidence, and would be amiss if I’d fail to note, they are the only ones out there on a 24/7 basis, and it is their occupation as opposed to avocation. However I and my organization is always been about the truth in matters. And we felt that some clarification was much needed here.
When I receive numerous calls and messages each day, including from the press corps, and have to explain to them this, it was necessary to issue the statement. This media frenzy was exacerbated a bit by the Fox New Broadcast.
This is not about taking flack, this is about revealing to the world, that I stand behind my mission statement.
I will still stand by the events of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Kentucky and Alabama as being the absolute truth. I never used the “l” word, because it was not such, but it was not accurate and could be construed as misleading.
A reveal of the SFB website will also basically yield the same facts as I have issued in my statement.
I will also state with unequivocally that Fox News is downright deceptive in their practices of “ambush”. First they led all to believe Tom Biscardi was in New York when he called in. He was not.
The negative press received by putting “Greg” in his place was much over dramatized.
I think we all knew where he was trying to steer the report. Again, as with the Matt Moneymaker ambush, it was the agenda of Fox News to make fun of the mystery as a whole, instead of reporting on the story as they lead guest to believe. The hosts comments afterwards was very telling, “Well I believe they’re all hoaxes.”
The Ken and Barbie comment was a reference to being fake. You see some got it. And it was dead on when it comes to their “Fair & Balanced” Coverage of the phenomena
I am truly thankful for the experiences they’ve given me over the last two years. And despite having a difference of opinion in this release, I believe we can overcome it.
Of course I knew that was not your intention. It was just my attempt to show support for everyone involved in this media fiasco. Steve Kulls will always be about getting to the truth behind this mystery.
I pray that one day you will be able to vindicate witnesses like myself.
Steve is a man of his word. He calls it as he sees it. I’ve known Steve for a few years and I’ve always known him to be a straight shooter to no matter who he is dealing with. Unfortunately things can and are easily turned around when you are dealing with the press and you sometimes have to issue statements like Steve did to correct the situation and those following it. Look at how quickly this got blown out of proportion, just as everything else has as of late. I think many folks do much more damage control than is necessary because of people misunderstanding what is said or taking things out of context. Keep up the great objective truthful reporting Steve. I stand by you and your work!
I would also like to clarify, that SFB did not come to NY for no reason, while we were doubtful of the evidence that was uncovered in the second visit, we were all in agreement that a more thorough investigation was warranted with some of the higher end equipment, SFBI carries.
Any sighting, if there is even the possibility of something should be investigated thoroughly, or at least the old “college try.”
Again I reiterate that the words used on the broadcast were, not a lie, just not accurate as the family had been calling SFB on a regular basis.
I would not necessarily call this thread, “Believability Blasted”, but more rather a “Media Report Clarification.”
And finally, it is come to my attention that some feel that because I have stated, I stand for the truth, that I was implying something devious about SFBi. That is not the case, just merely stating my Mission Statement, don’t think into too much.
The press release was for clarification not for malicious reasons, and that I’d also like to make clear.
Oh my dear…
“CEO”, “Vice President of Media Relations”, “News releases” lol! DWA, I get it too and find it very funny if not in fact bizzare he, he.
Uhm, why don’t we find the “hairy guy” before we start “Companies” or what ever you refer to them lol! But I guess after looking for a time, it is better to give yourself a title 🙂
And you’ve done what to further Bigfoot research Vance???
Steve Kulls, Founder/CEO of has requested his “release” be withdrawn, July 7, 2008.
It has been, but this slot for the posting will remain and so will the comments.