Bigfoot Grifters: “Everyone Knew We Were Lying.”
Posted by: Loren Coleman on August 21st, 2008
Roy Dillon: You talk the lingo. What’s your pitch?
Myra Langtry: The long end, big con.
Roy Dillon: Nobody does that single-o.
Myra Langtry: I was teamed ten years with the best in the business, Cole Langley.
Roy Dillon: I’ve heard the name.
Myra Langtry: It was beautiful! And getting better all the time.
Roy Dillon: Is that right?
Myra Langtry: It is, Roy. It’s where you should be. What do you bring in, $300, $400 a week? We used money like that for tips!
~ The Grifters (1990)
The men confessed to Channel 2 they bought a costume off the Internet and filled it with possum roadkill and slaughterhouse leftovers….
“It’s just a big hoax, a big joke,” said car salesman Rick Dyer. Dyer told Channel 2 he never intended to put it across as the real deal. “It’s Bigfoot. Bigfoot doesn’t exist,” he said….
Channel 2’s Mark Winne asked, “Did you start thinking, ‘Oops, I’m lying, this isn’t just a joke?'”
Dyer said, “Well, we told 10 different stories. Everyone knew we were lying.”
~ WBS-TV – Atlanta.
Cole: Gloucester, we are talking about breaking the law here. I just want to make sure you understand that. No one is going to get hurt, but the law is going to be broken.
Hebbing: Laws are made to be broken, aren’t they?
~ The Grifters (1990)
“On his YouTube videos, [Matt Whitton] said he has dreamed about being a Bigfoot researcher since he was kid.” ~ Matt Moneymaker, BFRO, August 15, 2008.
Matt Whitton, a Clayton County police officer…, tells Channel 2 Action News, “I don’t believe it does affect my credibility at all because this is Bigfoot. It would be one thing if I came out and said that I had something else that is tangible and real but right now as far as I’m concerned there is no real Bigfoot.”
~ WBS-TV – Atlanta.
Louise Coleman: If I didn’t know you better, I’d swear you had some class! ~ The Sting (1973).
Chief Jeff Turner with the Clayton County Police Department said he didn’t find it funny. Turner fired Whitton from the Clayton County Police Department. “He lied on national TV so a defense attorney now could say, ‘How do we know you’re not lying now?'” said Turner.
~ WBS-TV – Atlanta.
Kid Twist: Dukey, if this thing blows up, the Feds will be the least of our problems. ~ The Sting (1973).
“He [Tom Biscardi] was involved in a similar hoax a few years back,” said Agent Dan Ryan with the Palo Alto (Calif.) Police Department.
– The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, August 20, 2008.
Cartoons used with the permission of their creator, Dave Lowe Design.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Great stuff here!
Rickmat will be forever known as “RUBBER FOOT.”
The entire event, from start to finish, has been a cartoon!
I am curious how this will affect Matt Whitton’s ability to get another job…
Maybe Loren will calendar this and do a “where are they now” segment in a few years..
I’m torn as to whether they, as Loren thinks, were led on and got out of their depth or if they think that being famous hoaxers will be a meal ticket in a world where you can become a celebrity for achieving very little. Maybe they see great notoriety for themselves and an Alien Autopsy-style movie deal about their great hoax with the royalties setting them up for life… the difference is that the Alien Autopsy fooled some leading UFOlogists and UFO organisations, got lots of favourable media coverage and went on to run for years, making it a great hoax. The Georgia body fooled nobody, was mocked by the media and was over in a few weeks, which doesn’t make it a great hoax.
I’m surprised at the laziness of some news outlets in repeating the “Bisacrdi was an unwitting victim” version of events without investigating its inconsistencies, but I suppose that for them it’s not a big story. As for the hoaxers doing no harm as it’s only Bigfoot and Bigfoot doesn’t exist… if anything underlined their lack of intelligence and imagination, it’s that reasoning. There’s plenty of evidence suggesting that it might exist. The harm is that there could be an endangered great ape out there that could need protection that it’s now much less likely to get.
this is a very interesting new update article regarding the ga body hoax sitiuation. thats the most funnist cartoon picture of nessie & sasquatch sitting on a couch laughing at this situation can ya blame them this way overboard now indeed funny & still interesting. thanks bill green updates as they continue 🙂
There’s a new post at that says these new interviews are all part of a grand plan to take the heat off so they can finish selling the bigfoot to somebody???
Mojo, I <3 the ‘Rubberfoot’ name. We could also name it ‘Manbearopossum’, for the “DNA samples” results 😉
Only thing now to sort out, is how to give Mr. Biscardi the collective crypto-community cold shoulder.
thanks, red_pill_junkie, for reminding me about “Manbearopossum.” 🙂
I think those GA guys thought that they could mix human and possum DNA and get something totally new and unrecognized. Why else would they use possum DNA? And I wonder who was the donor for the human DNA? What a bunch of goofballs.
Can somebody please go and TP their houses?
Ya know, just as a bit of a joke an’ all.
Even if most knew they were lying they continuously denied it and repeatedly said they were NOT lying. And they asked for(and took) money. Fraud.
In this case i’m proud to say “i told ya so…”
BTW- Welcome back Loren. Good to see CMDO again!
I will admit, I am not big on cartoons. However, I have to agree with Bill Green on this one. This is one of the best cartoons I have seen.
I think they have a future in politics. All successful
politicians lie.
I have to wonder if this will not only effect Whitton’s ability to get a job, but his past cases. If he testified in the past, then would a defence lawyer state Whitton is a known liar and hoaxer and evidence from Whitton be disregarded on a retrial? For pending cases, would the prosecution refrain from submitting evidence which is associated with whitton?
You also have to wonder about someone who is too hurt to do his job for several weeks, but has the time and strength to go “bigfoot hunting” or hiking and market his exploits and merchandise. I would imagine he was getting compensation when on sick leave.
Whitton clearly was not thinking only about resuming his career in law enjorcement, but the problems it may create on any work he has done in the past for the police force.
As mentioned before, who would hire him? How employable is he after all of this?
Dear Mr. Coleman,
I would like to take a moment and send out a thank you to you and your organization and the many dedicated organizations out there performing honest hard work in the proving and protecting of any new species of animal that may exist amongst us.
My name is Ken Gentry and I founded a caving club located in the central Sierra Nevada’s some11 years ago and am very proud to have organized more than 100 expediditions, whether caving or search related and fully understand the complexities of taking on the responsibilities for these adventures so I fully respect the work you and your fellow researchers are doing. We have also been fortunate enough to have two separate private cryptozoological research groups invite us to assist in their endeavors. Please remember we are not cryptozoologists just merely guides.
However for our group this has been the most unusual caving season since we began our club. With that being said, we also got very caught up with the recent events that unfolded out of Georgia, going so far as to have a B.B.Q. on the 15th, the day of the revealing of the body. In spite of the big disappointment for some and old news to others, we had a great night with representatives of both groups we are working with along with some cavers and family and decided to have a yearly celebration of our potential new forest friends.
My wife insists that this should not be held on this on the date of the false release, and she’s a keeper so we feel it should be held on or near the date of the most important cryptozoological find in history. So if we could indulge you we would love to have you or your fellow subscriber’s input on this, and remember we are cavers so you don’t have to take it easy on us {we will B.B.Q. in the snow}.
In closing I must add that the reason we recontacted a local BF research group is because of an encounter we had on a recent three-day expedition to find a large tree. I would love to give you the full trip report if you are interested. Keep up the great work and I hope you get the rest you requested from one of your recent posts.
Sincerely Ken Gentry, Mother Earth Underground
Now that I have a blueprint maybe I can make 50K as well. Someone have Tom’s phone number.