Malaysia Reads Your Comments
Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 6th, 2006
New Straits Times
Book Has Bigfoot Pictures
Sunday, 07 May 2006
By R. Sittamparam
JOHOR BARU: A book on the Johor Bigfoot, said to include exclusive photographs of the elusive creature, has caused a stir among cryptozoologists around the world.
The book authored by local writers and researchers, including the man in the thick of Bigfoot research in Johor, Vincent Chow, is set to be released in the next few months.
Chow said yesterday he had seen the Bigfoot photographs, which belonged to an individual. He added the individual wished to remain anonymous for the time being. "The owner of the photographs has only agreed to allow them to be used in our book. All I can say is that the photographs are convincing and all visible signs point towards the possibility that the Johor Bigfoot could be a variant of the Homo erectus species of hominids (creature resembling humans), thought to have gone extinct some 50,000 years ago or that it is an unknown hominid."
Loren Coleman, a leading cryptozoologist, in his website, opened a discussion on Thursday on the new book and received a flood of comments from the international community of cryptozoologists and Bigfoot enthusiasts.
Coleman, who has authored several books on the Bigfoot subject, said Chow’s revelation that the photographs showed the creature’s genitalia, could be proof of the creature’s sexual dimorphism.
"When Vincent Chow’s book shows the Bigfoot photographs, I will shout a hearty ‘congratulations’ to him. Yes, as he says, many will have the last laugh on this one. I will be especially happy for all the (Bigfoot) eyewitnesses who have had to tolerate ridicule merely for reporting what they saw."
Coleman said the reality of a living fossil existing, such as Homo erectus, would be earth-shattering.
"If Chow’s findings pan out, look for some revolutionary new thoughts within anthropology, palaeoanthropology, hominology and cryptozoology. As Chow has told me, what he is talking about are ‘photographs of the real McCoys’.
"I am happy to announce I will be one of the contributors to his book."
Photograph taken by Joseph Citro, used by permission.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Congratulations to the Malaysian Bigfoot/Mawa research efforts….and thanks to Loren Coleman, Craig Woolheater, Rick Noll, John Kirk and all the fine folks whose reasoned comments make this Blog successful…
seeing is believing….
ole bub, Sheba and Rocky
hey everyone wow great update at least malaysia researchers do look at cryptomundo which is a wonderful blog. please keep me informed ok. bill 🙂
I don’t want to be cynical, but since this may be a discovery even greater than Homo florensis, or all of us are led into a big joke, we have to look closely into Vincent’s source of information.
At an interview with Bloomberg on Mar 30, Vincent Chow has said that finding evidence of Bigfoot in Malaysia will be challenging, given the size of the rainforests. The Endau Rompin national park, where the Johor government plans to focus its search, is the size of neighboring Singapore, he said.
It will be like “looking for a needle in a haystack,” Chow said. “If you want to do this kind of research, it
must be long term.”
The comments from Vincent that the photographs of 3 “Homo erectus”, a matured male, female and juvenile
actually belong to a group who had spent 11 years protecting the creatures seem to remind me of the group from Johor Wildlife Protection Society who claimed one member has been studying this colony for 6 years and even have images locked up in their safe.
These are comments about the group who claimed to have studied the colony and which Vincent have in fact based some of his descriptions:
February 18, 2006 19:43 PM
Society Claims To Have Scientific Evidence Of Bigfoot Colony
JOHOR BAHARU, Feb 18 (Bernama) — The Johor Wildlife Protection Society said it has “scientific evidence” to prove the existence of Bigfoot whose reported sightings recently in the Johor jungles have excited the world’s media.
Not just one Bigfoot but a whole colony of the giant, hairy creatures which the society named “Orang Lenggor” (Lenggor People) as one was spotted in an area by that name
A member of the society had studied the creatures for six years and interacted directly with the colony.
“The adult creatures are between 10 and 12 feet tall while their children are 6 to 7 footers. Seventy per cent
of the Orang Lenggor have a human appearance but the rest resemble apes,” he said.
Relating the background to the society’s study of the creatures, he said a member of the society, who was a logger, came across Bigfoot when the creature encroached into the logging company’s base camp to look for
Since that incident, the member began to study the creatures and went close to their colony.
Tay said the creatures, despite their size and rough appearance, were timid and showed no aggression to humans who approached them.
The “Orang Lenggor” had a covering of black hair on their bodies when they were young but the hair gradually turned brown as they grew older, he said.
“They like to eat fish and fruits they gather in the jungles, including durian. They also have a liking for river water that contains dissolved salt and would walk for miles to get it,” he added.
February 22, 2006 18:47 PM
Bigfoot In Johor Believed To Be From Perak
JOHOR BAHARU, Feb 22 (Bernama) — A colony of “Bigfoot” believed to be roaming the jungles of Johor is said to have moved there from the jungles around Gerik in Perak, according to a source. (Gerik is near the border with Thailand, whereas current sightings is closer to Singapore, see maphere.
The source said the colony, now numbering about 40, had originated as a group of 17 and had moved away due to three main reasons — the skirmishes between soldiers and communist guerrillas in the early 70s,
construction of the East-West Highway and the building of a dam.
In its search for a new habitat, the colony had moved southwards and reached Pahang before getting to
Johor, the source told Bernama, here Wednesday.
When the colony was first detected in the jungles of Johor in the 70s, there were only 15 members, the source said, adding that two members are believed to have died or got separated from the group and set up their own colonies or groups.
The source said the older members of the Bigfoot then were in their 20s, adding that it was believed that
Bigfoot there were now in their 50s to 60s. Over the years, the source said, their number grew to about 40, made up of three families.
“The 40 comprised adults and young ones, as well as males and females,” the source said.
Asked why the Bigfoot did not move northwards to the jungles of southern Thailand, the source said the jungles there were unsuitable for them.
The main diet of the Bigfoot comprised fish from the rivers and wild fruits.
Loren, can you provide any more information about your contribution to the book? Previously, you mentioned you’d be writing the preface. May I ask why you’d agree to write a preface to a book like this, where it appears you haven’t seen much (if any) of the information that will be presented? Or, have you, in fact, seen/read more than you’ve previously alluded?
Fair Point Mr Coleman, It is after all you and the others involved with you and this site that are the world renowned experts. Its also a good point about not losing enthusiasm, after all there would probably be a lot less people interested in Cryptozoology if everyone lost interest after the first long wait for proof or questionable sighting! Let’s just hope for the best! As I said before i’m sure it will be interesting either way.
Good morning Cryptos….I’m unable to login to the BFRO/War blog….so I’ll make my comments here….
Let’s not forget who the real beneficiaries of our collective efforts should be….we should verify, validate, preserve and protect these magnificent beings…IMHO
I humbly offer…two class A sightings and a few Class B events…so I’m certainly no expert…my sightings and the ridicule I’ve endured for decades validate my comments….this is about the Mawa/Bigfoot/Sasquatch…. it’s not about us….
Loren, Rick, John and Craig have worked tirelessly pursuing their books, research, projects and blogs….with their own funds….BFRO was the first and certainly one of the best…the politics of groups will always agree to disagree….BFRO appears to have lost some of their best and brightest somewhere along the way….becoming a going concern….may have contributed to that…a sense of humor wouldn’t hurt…
The Malaysian reserchers asked Loren to preface their book…credentials or not…thats quite an honor…
Regarding the TBRC….I’ve met some of the TBRC folks…. they took the time and the effort to investigate my Oklahoma sighting…thoroughly…when no one else bothered…
This is not about tit for tat….it’s about these wondrous creatures and how we help them survive and prosper…the scientists will do their science and the authors will write their books…meanwhile we may all relish our collective contribution…regardless how slight…
seeing is believing…all the best…
ole bub, Sheba and Rocky
Perhaps….Loren will dedicate his preface to those who stirred our imaginations….Sanderson, Slick, Greenwell, Dahindren and more…
all the best…
Ole bub, Sheba and Rocky
I forgot to add in one more comment from Vincent he gave to BBC published on Feb 28.
Vincent Chow, of the Malaysian Nature Society, had some photos.
“Based on what we’ve learned, this is the southern end of their migratory route and because the forests have become fragmented they’re rather confined now,” Mr Chow said.
“They move around looking for fruits, sometimes they go looking for them in villages. They’re also looking for a mate and for salt.”
I am going to read any book that Vincent Chow write with a big pinch of salt (no pun intended)
It would sure be amazing if these creatures live to 50-60 years old or longer, when humans before medical science lived to about 40.
Mr. Coleman how can you say you will be part of this book have you seen any of the “HARD” evidence to suggest this is the real thing???? I would think it would do great damage to the cause of proving these things exist if someone such as yourself would be part of a book that proves to be nothing more than fake or hoaxed photos. Please do not take this as a personal attack but a question that should be asked. And yes I hope they are for real!
Loren, please remember Bruce Maccabee & the Gulf Breeze book he wrote a forward to. It destroyed his reputation as an objective researcher, because the whole thing was a hoax.
Different folks assume and presume to know what my preface will say. There is a new skeptics book out, debunking Lake Monsters. I wrote the preface. Will my reputation be destroyed because I call for an open-minded and a balanced inquiry in cryptozoology in that book? I have written a contribution to the new cryptozoology and art book for the Bates Museum of Art’s exhibition on cryptozoology, in which I look at the history of cryptozoology in a Fortean and zoological context. Will my reputation be ruined by that? Oh dear friends, rush not to judgement about mere words on a page not written. I will be reasonable and reasoned, no matter the spurious speculations here, my mutual mates in this madness.
See today’s “Pondering the Mawas Situation” for more about this.
I’m afraid I’ll want to buy this book.
I admit I was surprised to find that your contribution was the forward. Please tell me, is there a code that Cryptozoologists live by as far as sharing their finds with the elite amongst their community, or does everyone find out in due time? I always assumed you’d get a find and say “Hey —insert Cryptozoologist name here—, come looky what I found”.
I’m looking forward to seeing the evidence, or lack thereof in due course.
One of the reasons I was interested in being involved with blogging on Cryptomundo is because I consider this an important motto: “Everyone should find out at the same time.”
Anything I can do to make that happen is why I write.
IF this comes to be the real thing and the evidence shows there is a new/surviving species, are there any suggestions/plans in place as to how these beings will be treated, or what will happen to them?
I mean they can’t exactly be put in a zoo, can they? Will there be a push to stop encroaching on their habitat?
I think the chance of this actually being something is slim, but shouldn’t there be some sort of plan in place? I suppose that could be applied to any crypto-being found.
hi loren & everyone good afternoon so any new updates about malaysia sasquatch creatures such as sightings footprints hair samples etc. please keep me informed ok. bill 🙂