Bigfoot Massacre Hits Magazine
Posted by: Loren Coleman on July 2nd, 2008
The blood of the Bigfoot “massacre theory” will flow from the pages of a magazine later this summer.
Within a month or so, you will be able to read an article’s recounting of the “Bigfoot Massacre” fiasco in TAPS Paramagazine.
The essay will be a 4000-word overview of the entire short history of this “theory,” the “speculation,” and the resulting reactions.
For those historians of Bigfoot and Sasquatch matters, you may wish to look into obtaining a copy (see here) or a subscription (here) beginning with this issue. If you have a book or item that is Bigfoot-related, you might wish to decide to advertise in this issue (here), for it’s going to be one of those rare collectibles in a few short months.
The designer, Lori Ors, has done a remarkable job, capturing the favor and mood of the “killing field” theory, throughout her layout.
Above is the title page of the long article (and, yes, the title was created by the magazine’s editor not the piece’s writer).
Beyond hominology and cryptozoology, this is how this episode is characterization by people outside of our specific field of Bigfoot studies.
Some people little realize the “legs” this story has and the behind-the-scenes developments that are occurring. There are some actual conspiracies within conspiracies of people out to make some big noise (and maybe big bucks still) in the future in support of the “killing field” scenario. The people who are telling me these things claim it is a different group of people than the “you’ll have to wait” crew from this. It all feels like more of the same to me, in terms of promising big, being patient, and probably delivering thinly.
Nevertheless, if the forces who wish to keep this alive – “this” being that there was actually a group of Sasquatch killed before the Patterson-Gimlin footage was taken – and that another shooting really occurred on October 20, 1967 – then I am going to take my time now to record, for balance, the mainstream points of view and the seasoned comments of various people who have challenged the “theory.”
Anyone can choose to ignore this all, hoping it will go away, if you wish. It won’t, and at least from a historic point of view, I wanted to put something in print ~ not just on the internet ~ about it.
“Save The Museum”: Easy-to-use donation buttons are now available here or merely by clicking the blank button below. Thanks everyone!
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Have not posted in a while but c’mon this is getting very old. This is nothing but a theory. The Patty film is real and that is that.
I look forward to reading your article. This whole “massacre” business has me completely flummoxed. As incomprehensible as it is to me, I do think it exposes elements of the bigfoot-research community that are overdue for a correction. Hopefully, the negative attention this whole mess is generating will serve a positive purpose. Hopefully.
OMG !!! If there were bodies at Bluff Creek…don’t you think that SOMEONE would have found them and monopolized on this already, since the location is not really a secret.
Has anyone really looked at the bottom of Patty’s feet? They look like the bottom of a pair of Indian Moccasins?
Just food for thought.
A theory needs no evidence to become “fact”, only repitition. This will, unfortunately, not die a quiet death. It will be repeated and picked up on by others, appearing here and there in future magazines and books that deal with the Bigfoot. I am afraid that the “massacre” lie is here to stay.
As tired of all this as I am, I’m afraid that you’re right, Mr. Coleman. The massacre ‘theory’ has to be dealt with. Rather like some very large pet’s ‘accident’ in the living room, somebody has to scrape it up, sweep it out, disinfect the carpet, and take it all out to the compost pile. We are currently in, and will to some extent always be in, the scraping up phase. It’s truly amazing how a few hallucinatory (or sales oriented) individuals can give so much juicy ammunition to the debunkers in such a short span of time. This debacle will be referred to for decades to come by anyone the least bit hostile to the BF community.
I notice the article is to be entitled “Bluff Creek’s Reputation Massacre,” by Loren Coleman. Give ’em hell.
I’m glad to see this type of peer review. (Though it seems obvious the individuals are not really peers of Loren Coleman).
Nonetheless, a well reasoned response to this matter can hopefully wipe some of the stain away from Bigfoot research.
GREAT SCOTT MARTHA, look at the mess this ridiculous fantasy has created!!
One wonders how many other para-anything fields have had their carefully nurtured credibilities besmirched – nay, torn asunder – by similar wild tales, never to fully dissolve the disturbingly negative residual images left behind by such unsupported delusions and slanderous, intrusive, time and energy-wasting finger-pointing!
Back into the woods, everyone – IT’S SUMMERTIME!
To all. Is there any way to STOP this from happening. I will not buy any of their magazines. if they publish this. We should all boycott this magazine.
I usually never use harsh words towards anyone on this site but M.K. Davis really makes me upset for his story telling about that day in Bluff Creek. He has no proof of what he thinks happened.
This whole thing is a big waste of time. Even M.K. himself. He is nothing but a poor story teller grasping at straws.
This whole thing is very upsetting to the Sasquatch community.
Socalcryptid with a triple “SHEESH”
M.K. Davis has created a monster….one that wears fur and masquerades as sasquatch.
I think boycotting the magazine is the worst thing to do. This story needs to get out there so everyone can see the response, can see that the community is neither embracing the ridiculousness nor accepting it. Trying to bury the magazine is the exact wrong thing to do.
From a sociological perspective, this story needs to be dealt with. It teaches us nothing of value about Sasquatch or cryptozoology, but it does tell us much about how some of the people in this field operate and are driven by their own peculiar perspectives.
I can think of no one better to write such an article than Loren.
PS: the graphic design is excellent, BTW.
I have heard of beating a dead horse with a proverbial stick. It was taken to new heights when a certain group of people took it to new heights and continued to beat a decomposing horse. It now appears, they will not be satisfied until they are beating the ashes of the horse.
What more can I say? I have said all about what can be said in refuting this ludicrous theory. What less can I say? I tried remaining silent and giving these people enough rope to hang themselves on their theory. I thought when Mr. Johnsen posted that he was not going to say anything more on the matter, that in itself was a good start and to my knowledge, he has kept his word here at Cryptomundo. So I do applaud his intentions in keeping his promise. I thought that was the beginning of the end of this theory. Again, my comedic UFO BigFoot theory holds more water than this proposed theory.
Since I can not say any more or any less about this theory and have refuted all their allegations, please feel free to use any of my previous posts on the matter. I am exhausted in rehashing the obvious and that is, this theory is ludicrous and not based on any facts or evidence, just one’s perception of artifacts from digital manipulation and maybe some alterior motives which I have eluded to previously.
I think graybear said it best! He sums it up perfectly in his post here. Nice job graybear.
Again, Loren, just refer to my previous posts and the majority of the posts here over the past few weeks in “giving the other side of the story” or what I like to refer to as “the facts and evidence”. I think the only people posting here that agreed with the theory or took it seriously were those who actually proposed the theory in the first place.
Hopefully a big wind will come by and blow the ashes of the decomposed horse away so there is nothing left for these individuals to beat with a stick. I wonder if the stick they were using to beat the dead horse was the supposed stick Patty was carrying in the PG footage that they imagined? Imaginary stick or not, these fools are still out there pretending and imagining things for some alterior motive. And since Mr. Johnsen never answered any of my original questions, I guess only those who proposed the theory “know” what those alterior motives can be.
I’ve listed them before: DVD sales, making a name for themselves, name recognition, money, etc. These are the only reasons for any valid explanation of this ridiculous massacre theory.
I will say that it is a very good marketing plan for increasing DVD sales, book sales or for name recognition. We have all heard of “viral videos” used in promoting upcoming movies. These people have taken it to a new level. They have used “viral posting” at blogs and forums to accomplish the same thing. If only they had perfected it, then they would have had success. They had limited success and Mr. Johnsen eluded to that when he stated that they sold over 120 DVDs. But that is limited success. But since they marketing plan is working, they just needed to stick to it. Why fix it if it ain’t broke? And this is exactly what is happening.
I hope they sell a ton of DVDs, or books, or get their name out there so it becomes and household name. And maybe, just maybe, that is the wind that is needed to blow the ashes away.
I know I was dead on track when Mr. Johnsen attacked me personally instead of my facts refuting this ludicrous theory. I knew I struck a nerve in my first post on the matter here at Cryptomundo. I could tell by the reaction that I was very close to the truth and why this theory was proposed in the first place. Eventually, I just remained silent for a spell and let them expose themselves. And they did! LOL I do give Mr. Johnsen some credit though. He has promised to remain silent in posting here and to my knowledge, he has kept his promise. So although I did not respect him initially, I do respect him for keeping his word. And I do respect what MK Davis did with the stabilization of the PG Footage. That was a time consuming effort. It did not take rocket science to do that however. It just took time. Anyone having the time and OTC Software could have accomplished that. But really, who has that kind of time to waste or invest? I would not waste or invest my time as he did, because I have better things to do with my free time. It was tedious work and I applaud his efforts at sticking with it. But putting in time does not make him any kind of expert in the field! Seriously, a teenager could have done it with the appropriate software. But I do give MK credit where credit is due. Thanks! But when MK took it to a new level of seeing things like ‘braided hair”, “sticks”, “gunshot wounds”, and “pools of blood”, from digital artifacts through software manipulation, no more credit can be given to him. He has exceeded any perceived authority he has in this field of study. His “perception” became his “facts”, “evidence” and “reality” for a theory. All of which can not be proven and all of which can be easily refuted. This either directly or indirectly discredits the work of Patterson and Gimlin. And to let other individuals in and team up and drive this theory from the world of imagination into the world of fact and reality is a discredit to the world of cryptozoology. It takes cryptozoology from world of science and puts it in the world of fantasy and imagination. The world of cryptozoology was getting traction and started to gain serious attention and respect with the discovery and rediscovery of creatures in recent years. The world of science started taking cryptozoology seriously as science. This theory has stopped the forward momentum. We have lost traction because of this. And I believe, if it does not die, it will once again make cryptozoologists and cryptoenthusiasts, the laughing stock of the scientific community. This is why this is so important of a topic. This is why serious cryptozoologists and experts in the field will not let this theory live and want to put it to rest. This is why the crypto community and readers here at Crytomundo will not let these individuals get away with their fantastical massacre theory or alterior motives. This is why so many here have been so outspoken and have done so with passion. We know the consequences of not speaking out and we know how far we have come as a community. We have come from a laughing stock or fringe element to a psuedoscience to being embraced by the scientific community. This will set us back 50 years if it is allowed to persist. Therefore, we will continue to expose, refute, and put to task, those that wish to discredit the cryptozoological community for their own selfish gains. At that gain comes at a cost. Not to mention the reputations of Mr. Gimlin and others who are honest and ethical men. How sad is that? So it is with joy and passion that we speak out!
The final thought is that the PG Footage is what it is. Take it at face value along with the evidence and testimony of people who were actually there at the time. Don’t put words in Bob Gimlin’s mouth when he looks down at the floor in disbelief. Don’t take artifacts that appear through digital manipulation and are interpretted as fact by MK Davis and others as proof or evidence. And don’t take the alterior motives of others for profit, name recognition or whatever as them believing in what they are actually peddling.
God Bless you Loren and others for having the audacity to stand up to such foolishness and thereby giving the traction needed to cryptotrain, in hopes that cryptozoology does not become a laughing stock once again. Cryptozoology does not deserve that kind of treatment. Apparently, a few individuals think it does. Or why would they continue to persist and push this ludicrous theory based on imagination and perceived evidence?
Well, said Polonius—I mean PhotoExpert 😉
Rillo777–LOL Thank you! I see you are a fan of Hamlet.
To quote Polonius, “To thine own self be true”. And this is why we must have passion and correct theories based of imagination. I like dealing with truth!
And since “brevity is the soul of wit”, I will keep this short and thus honor Polonius.
This is my reaction to this mess. Not that there’s any dearth of reactions.
I will be interested in this article, indeed.
I agree it is wishful thinking that this will go away.
This is good in that it differentiates the true Sasquatch research people from the half-assed illegitimate ones.
This is a good weeding-out. Hopefully good will come from this.
Well, I think getting a non-insane view out there will help things…I do go along with SocalCryptid in principle, however…I am not going to give negative attention to this story any further and I will be very careful in what media forms I give support to concerning this story.
I am with Loren on setting the record straight though too–that does need to be done, but then let it go so that it does not keep resurfacing time and again…I am going to treat this subject like a 3 year old–if it rears its ugly head looking for attention, I will ignore it instead of feeding into it, and thereby giving it strength to keep on pouting:)
I really don’t see any long term harm to cryptozoology out of this…it’s one of those marginal things that rears its ugly head from time to time–if the debunkers have nothing better to do than grasp onto it everytime new BF news comes about, they will dig their own hole there too…there is a large enough community within cryptozoology that rolled their eyes at this goofiness from the get go, and from then on—let alone supported the foolishness.
I don’t give this theory any creedence or weight, and am just rolling my eyes one more time and moving on.
As I said, kick some butt Loren and then leave em be.
I’ve never bought Taps Paramagazine before but I do intend to get a copy of this issue.
Please pass the stick while I beat this dead horse some more. I agree with those who say we should move on and not help perpetuate this lunacy.
Loren making a statement via an article is quite a different horse (pun intended, sorry). Respectable people rebutting this massacre story will help considerably. I encourage all readers to also buy the magazine. It is like voting for what you believe and against what you do not.
It is very good that this article will be published.
The topic has already risen a debate and now it will move into more public areas which means it will be revised even more by a larger group of people.
My personal opinion is that the idea of a massacre is a bit unreal.
I also feel that the growing acceptance of cryptozoology as a science, both in public and professional areas might be damaged by this very strong thesis. I want to emphasise science here because, as we all know, it is fully sciential to search for unknown frogs and insects but not for a bipedal humanlike cryptid. Therefore it is of greatest importance that the debate goes public.