Meldrum on Anthropoidipes Tracks
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 7th, 2007
Since Jeff Meldrum has written an important paper on the Anthropoidipes ameriborealis (Sasquatch) tracks, I thought folks might enjoy this mini-lecture by him about their footprints:
Due to the fact the opening of the Canadian Discovery Channel video above is about the 2005 Manitoba video, it should be shown here to complete the circle. The description by the individual who viewed it seemed a bit over-compelling. While I think it is important to study this video and work needs to be done to see it enhanced, I’m not sure I would make all the claims that the viewer quoted above initially did:
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Thanks for that Loren! I’ve never heard Meldrum speak before. I appreciate the way he avoided the media trap of talking about “belief” and instead stuck to the science. Good show!
Great article, Loren. I liked Meldrum ever since I saw him in the show BEST EVIDENCE some months back. I agree with Scarfe above also. GREAT presentation!
Great interview by Jeff. He tells it like it is. His comments about belief are absolutelyon the money. I myself believe that the evidence to date, tells me that the existence of these animals are not only possible, but very probable. But for one do truly believe, I think a person would have to see one up close. Close enough so that there is no possibility of misidentification. Everybody remember the movie The Bear? The scene where that big ol Grizzly is just ROARING in that guy’s face. Now imagine if that were a 700-1000 lb. 7-10 ft BigFoot screaming in your face. I think that would make believers out of most people.
Thank you Mr. Coleman for introducing Dr. Meldrum to all of us who never had a chance to meet him. I’ve heard a lot about him recently and i have no doubt that he is a solid reference when talking about the big hairy guy. This interview makes it clear.
Also, as it was previously mentionned in a previous post, the pixels moving in that Manitoba footage are… just pixels. I can’t understand why people are claiming this video is exceptionnal. Still another blobsquatch to me… But as Mr. Bill Green will probably say (no pun intended!), we need to have an enhanced copy of this one. Otherwise it’s useless.
I watched the History channel’s Monster search –I think that is what it was called any how Jeff and a crew went to a cabin in upper Canada were a BF had torn up the cabin so the owner had put aboard by the door with galvanized screws in it . The critter supposedly stepped on the board and Jeff got samples of flesh and blood and hair. Was a good show but to research the critter it is going to take another crew a second trip mostlikely for longer than a weekend..
Jeff is one of the best.
To hear him speak as a scientist and even though is likely ridiculed at times by his peers, he is one brave man with the proper background to comment his views on such an elusive creature.
Jeff, you will one day be proven correct on your views and scientific work. The day will come….
Good luck and god speed.
Good morning Cryptos…
A few questions…
Two days after the airing of the second Monsterquest episode, “Sasquatch Attack” where Dr. Meldrum et al, reveal astounding preliminary DNA analysis results…and no one mentions their findings? Where is the moral outrage regarding the use of DNA traps, which is the clutter chatter of the forums?
Their initial findings, the subject DNA has only one chromosonal pair bond different from human DNA…compared to thirty four for a Chimp. A milestone in Sasquatchery research with fundamental legal ramifications for “Pro Kill” folks, and no one has any comments?
One more day til Jefferson…certainly it will be discussed at the conference.
live and let live…
ole bub and the dawgs
I would like, if someone could, to post the exact dialogue/narrative from the Monsterquest segement that talks to the DNA analysis that Ole Bub mentions.
If you could, please post it here. I want to read this. As it was described.
Considering these segments were filmed/videotaped at least several months ago, there would’ve been an article in NATURE journal about the DNA analysis.
And there hasn’t been. (And that should be telling you something, people.)
(And don’t go telling me it takes months and months–NATURE has quick-moving publication on items of world and current interest–this would fall into the current interest category– as well as of interest to a general readership. If allegedly the guys had this information, they could contact the editor at NATURE (he has e-mail) and tell him what they have. They (the NATURE editors) would move on that quickly, I would tell you–if this information truly and actually exists/existed. It could be put in as a news item, as a preliminary finding.)
So right now, I am VERY skeptical.
Fantastical claims (and this is one, in my view) require fantastical evidence. And it better have a super air-tight chain of evidence provenance, and it had better have been examined by a licensed DNA laboratory center (such as used by police/FBI forensics). And they better talk about the error probability, and so on.
They bring up this claim, they better not mess around.
As for Jeffrey’s latest paper publication, it’s alright. Nothing new. It repeats what is basically in the “Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science” book.
My two cents.
I didn’t see the “Monsterquest” episode that old bub mentions, so I too am curious about this talk of astounding DNA discoveries. What is going on there? Like greenmartian2007, I would have thought that such an earth shattering revelation of evidence would have found some sort of scientific publication by now. I would have thought that I’d at least have heard about it. A DNA analysis of the type apparently boasted about would be very compelling evidence and most likely not scoffed at by the scientific community. What is the deal with this whole DNA episode?
I watched Monster Quest. It was put together very well. Old Bub is correct in what he stated about the DNA results on the program.
Perhaps Dr. Meldrum is unlike many in this field. Perhaps he prefers to have all of his data together before presenting it. It was a giant step to present the DNA on Monster Quest.
Perhaps one of the most amazing and astounding finds thus far when referring to Sasquatch.
I am encouraged by the first couple of episodes in the new History Channel series Monster Quest; by including serious researchers such as Dr Jeff Meldrum hopefully this show will differ from recent tongue in cheek efforts on other cable networks.
I know that financially it would be difficult but what is needed is a long term expedition. One would think that if they could have stood at that cabin in Northern Ontario for more than a day or two Sasquatch may have done more to introduce himself than toss rocks.
mystery_man, I have watched that episode and finally there is DNA from a tissue sample that was analyzed. It shows that there is one chromosonal difference like OLE BUB says above. Only one variation. I too am wondering why this has not been highly publiciized. I hope you can watch this episode sometime. It was put together well. The History channel aires Monster Quest On wednesday nights. Also repeated on friday night. Oh, the one variation in the DNA is primate. This was their conclusion. Also the blood pattern on the screw board that the owner of the cabin put on the front porch revealed a foot pattern about 17 inches. Again, I wish you could see this episode because I want to hear your comments. I do have this recorded on my DVR.
Good luck with your search.
Oh boy. Sorry m_m, it’s late in the evening. Dr. Nelson used the blood sample that he got the DNA from. I think they may reveal the tissue and other samples on a future show.