New Sea Anemones Walk
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 27th, 2007
One of the new anemones. Photo courtesy of Stephen Jewett.
A couple newly discovered species don’t talk but they apparently “walk!”
Unlike most sea anemones that attach themselves to the sea floor, two possibly new species found in the waters surrounding the Aleutian Islands near Alaska can swim and walk. The employment this mode of travel when feeding, it appears.
Scientists discovered the anemones as well as a new species of kelp as part of a two-year scientific survey of the waters around the Aleutians.
“Since the underwater world of the Aleutian Islands has been studied so little, new species are being discovered, even today,” said Stephen Jewett, a marine biologist at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and the dive expedition leader.
The researchers are consulting experts to verify the Aleutian anemones are in fact new species, but the consensus so far is that they are.
(Xinhuanet, November 26, 2007; Science Daily, November 2, 2007)
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Neat! Thanks for the article, Loren. Fascinating stuff!
Most warm water anemones ‘walk’ to secure a spot with the proper amount of sunlight and water movement. In fact, most species I have raised in my reef tanks will move around to find a comfortable spot. Are these new species unique because they are cold water animals and ‘walk’?
Medieval- Maybe the term “walk” has to do with the type of locomotion rather than the locomotion itself? I may be wrong, but don’t the types of warm water anemones you are talking about kind of “slide” their way along? Maybe these new species don’t just move around, but actually produce a form of movement similar to taking steps, or “walking”? I am kind of curious about what is meant by “walk” myself. I’m thinking they mean a very specific type of movement rather than just the ability to move.
I can only go from my first hand observations. I too would like a clarification of “walk”. Warm water anemones are very slow in their movement in order to stay attached to the reef and not be pulled away by the current…though, larger species will sometimes drift in the open water.
Neat! I hope there’s a video that shows the locomotion of these anemonae available soon!
Hmmm. I find “walk” to be a curious description. I always thought anemonae slithered liked a sea slug does, except slower. Maybe this new species does a kind of motion like an inch worm or something like that. Very cool looking though. I miss my fish tanks.
Great discovery, Loren!!!
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