New BC Sasquatch Cast
Posted by: Loren Coleman on September 24th, 2008
Here are some details, including a unique tie to Bob Titmus:
Following the footsteps of giants
Published: September 23, 2008 11:00 PM
Local Sasquatch hunter Larry Sommerfield’s convinced he’s in possession of a cast of a footprint of the often-sought but seldom-seen creature.He’s reluctant to reveal how he came into possession of the 16-inch long cast except to say it was made in mid-August from a footprint found in a gravel pit just east of the Kitselas First Nation’s Gitaus subdivision east of Terrace on Hwy16.
“You can see … it has four toes. More likely a Sasquatch footprint has five toes, but I’ve also seen three in Thornhill Park, at the fairgrounds,” said Sommerfield last week.
At 16 inches long and 10.5 inches wide, the footprint probably belongs to a creature that weighs around 1,000 pounds and stands at least 10 feet high, he adds.
“I’ve seen footprints as long as 18 inches. The longest was 18 and a half inches. It also had five toes,” Sommerfield continues.
This particular cast was made by pouring expoxy into the depression made the foot. Some of the hard-setting liquid spilled so Sommerfield says he took a grinder to the end product to chew away at the surplus.
Sommerfield has looked for the Sasquatch, also called Bigfoot in other parts of North America, for years, acquiring both stories passed down by others over the years and contacts around the continent.
At one time, he said he had a specimen of Sasquatch droppings recovered from a hillside overlooking the city.
This isn’t the first time Sasquatch footprints have been found in the area.
Some of the earliest and best footprints Sasquatch were found in the Skeena Valley in 1976. The tracks — about a dozen of them 15.5 inches long and 6.5 inches wide — were found by some children near a slough in the Terrace area. According to researchers they had a walking stride of just over seven feet.
A Sasquatch researcher named Bob Titmus lived in the area at the time and made plaster casts from the footprints that were left in the hard clay.
There have also been sightings of the creature in the area. In 2000 a New Aiyansh man, a skeptic by nature, spotted something
At eight o’clock in the morning — in broad daylight — “Mark” was getting ready for work. As he looked out his back window towards a forested area that borders his and his neighbour’s property, he saw a man walking toward his house.
The first thing he recalls is that the man was wearing a shirt the same dark colour as his pants. There happened to be road construction underway just beyond his property and he assumed that it was one of the workers dressed in overalls.
The man was average height, maybe 5’5”, walking upright just like a normal person would. But when the man got closer, 200 feet from the man’s window, he realised that what he saw was neither human or animal. The creature came into the clearing between his house and his neighbour’s and searched out for a branch on one of the trees.
“I just thought it was a person. It’s arm went down to the branch and pulled the branch down and I saw that his arm was hairy,” he said.
“I saw the hair very clearly it was really kind of freaky.”
Sasquatch creatures have different names among different First Nations of the region. The Haida call it Gogit, the Kwakiutl call it Bukwas and Bowis is the name given by Tsimshian.
The Bowis was said to look like small gorilla that lived in the bush. It was known to steal food, throw rocks and whoop or shriek at night.
Source: Terrace Standard.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Why are all of the toes the same size?
There’s no arch, heel, or ball either.
The fact that he even admits to grinding on it, and that he won’t give any real details is just plain silly.
This is a fake.
Absolute fake and footprint casts like this make the otherwise interesting subject a laughing stock to many if not most readers of this site.
Cashel/OceansBlue: Not so fast. Although I do get these points:
1) The toes are a bit come on, now.
2) He DOCTORED IT? (Although it does sound as if he took off overspillage, which is hard to fault.)
3) All the cloak/dagger BS, about a cast ferpetesake.
Guess what I’m saying is that the guy himself isn’t the issue, and I try to look past the people to the evidence. Practically everyone in this field is an amateur, and they almost uniformly can’t deal well with evidence. Some of them act like they’re hoarding the Holy Grail, even though without scientific followup a same-size pile of forest duff is worth as much. If the evidence looked more like other tracks I’ve seen (which it doesn’t) I’d cut a bit more slack here.
I try to filter out the circus surrounding the sasquatch, and just look at the evidence presented.
Although sometimes, believe me, it’s hard.
No arch? Not an issue; the most intelligent speculation on possible sas foot structure says it doesn’t even have one. Four toes? Could be an incomplete track; a harmless, common mutation; or the occupational hazard of being wild and barefoot. Heel? Heels of most tracks seem a lot narrower than that one, and the heel in general considerably narrower than across the ball of the foot.
Toes like those? Um, well, you gotta show me before I’ll buy that.
Let’s just say that I’m not mounting an expedition to find what made that.
Back in the mid-70s, researcher Bob Chance tracked 19-inch, 3-toed prints (“kinda like a big swim-fin”) all over northern MD and southern PA, while across the Susquehanna River in Delaware 4-toed prints were found, so these aren’t all that strange.
I agree, no natural variations to the foot, toes are all the same, no arch. Kinda reminds you of a cartoon character’s footprint!
I’ll have to agree with DWA, it does look questionable, but you can’t throw it out solely based on a photo alone. I had similar thoughts regarding the 4 toes, it could simply be a partial print, but at the same time I wonder if that’s really possible given the depth of the impression and the definition of the rest of the track, but maybe the other toe landed on a rock or some solid vegetation, etc, so still a question mark there. As far as the heel is concerned, I think I can see (very faintly) an outline of the ball/heel in the photo, but I’m not sure. Hard to tell from a photo of a cast of a track.
One more thing I forgot to mention in my above post – Even though the print itself raises some questions because of its appearance, you have to consider (or I do, you don’t necessarily have to) all the other recent evidence that has came from this area as of late. The “New BC Sasquatch Sighting” thread is a good example. I thought that was a great eye-witness account that was followed up with a field investigation and yielded some potentially great evidence. While the track itself wasn’t great, I was really impressed with the eyewitness account of the events and her description of the sas and the physical references she used to demonstrate the height of the sas. That’s just my take on these recent sightings.
Worst. Footcast. Ever.
Not to mention that the guy in the picture is smirking.