New BC Sasquatch Sightings
Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 1st, 2008
The outbreak of encounters in the Pacific Northwest continues, with reports of a new one the day before Halloween.
Researcher Brian Vike is communicating that new Sasquatch sightings have taken place in British Columbia.
Vike writes that he “took a telephone call at 9:15 a.m. on October 31, 2008 from a nice lady who resides in Moricetown on a Indian reserve. She gave me the contact information for a witness who had a large Sasquatch walk right in-front of her on October 30, 2008.”
In the midst of several sightings taking place in the area since September 2008, Vike notes that “recently on the same reserve, a Sasquatch was seen looking through the window of someone’s home…[and]…another Sasquatch was observed standing in a field.”
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
The wild fruit and berry season here in Canada was pretty poor this year; too much rain. Is there a correlation between a poor growing season and an increase in sightings? Is there something out of the ordinary this year, or is it a highly localised change that is causing the increase in sightings in B.C.? Ontario saw a couple of sightings in the usual area: northern Superior-Nipigon.
I still think a good strategy would be to scout an extensive canoe route in northern Ontario (starting Lake Nipigon area, then head north and west to the Manitoba border), set wildlife camera posts with bait (apples, vegetables etc.), then retrace a month later and pick-up the cameras. Same strategy as the trappers use on their traplines.
I’d like to see some more detailed accounts posted here, but this is interesting. I too wonder what might be the cause of some of these spikes in sightings. Is it some environmental influence such as the fruit and berry shortage that Chris H. mentioned? Is it the strain starting to show on an animal whose habitat is being ever further encroached upon by humans? Is it just Halloween tomfoolery?
I’ve always considered British Colombia to be a prime habitat for potential sasquatch, so I’ll be following closely any more details that pop up.
It may be that Bigfoot is in a migration due to the season change with food ripening at differing time.
MAN, I wish someone would just shoot one already..
Understand your impatience. But then I wonder how many of them we’d see standing in fields. 😀
Chris.H. :
Capital idea! Ideas like this are what make me wonder why primatologists do mundane stuff like count marmosets when they could be having some real fun.
Oh. Money.
Sheesh. If we pulled the funding of any number of studies I read about the findings of which don’t seem to me to have any bearing on our happiness, knowledge or beer supply, we could fund one like this. The lucky researcher, I’m sure, would be happy to provide his own gear.
Then again. Why not find an expedition, there seem to be a hundred or more of them every day, running some remote Canadian route, and ask them if they’d like to take this on as part of the adventure? Then have another one come behind them to “clean up” the cameras? Then…you get my point.
Time to discard the box here, ya think?
I love Chris H’s strategy a lot, having done some canoeing in BC before. BF or not it would be a fantastic time through marvelous landscape.
Good sighting.
I agree with Mystery_Man. I’ll be eagerly monitoring this. I wish to visit that area one day anyway.
Canoe is the only way to go! Cover lots of territory, (use bushplane drops of equipment when necessary to cover more territory) then set-up cameras and move on to the next drop with another party to follow in a couple of weeks; and then another in a couple of weeks after that on an established route. It’d be very economical as far as ‘expeditions’ go and would cover a lot of remote area with a more methodical approach. Besides, everyone loves canoeing! Many expeditions visit an area once a year, often at the best time of year for camping which conversely may also be the worst time of year for Sasquatch. Anyone with geo-cacheing experience would be very useful!
I think Chris hit the nail on the head. Bigfoot researchers should duplicate the actions of trappers but using cameras instead of traps in areas like northern Ontario and Manitoba.
Maybe what we need is someone like Richard Branson or one of the internet multimillionaires to fund such a project.
TV like MonsterQuest may or may not be able to run something season-long, then make it into one show, even though their work with giant humbold squid was very much along the right direction I’d like to see them go.
Chris H; excellent concepts there regarding using canoes, at least in summer and autumn. However it’s not the only way, and am reiminded by the lifestyles of the first nations people of the North and their relationship with the land and the seasons. We tend to think that the cold of winter is when people hunker down, unable to travel, but in the north boreal forests, the taiga and tundra, it was the opposite. Summer meant camping where there was lots of wood for smoking fish and keeping down the mosquitoes and bears. The aboriginal people of the boreal north know that when the landscape is frozen and under some snow that their sleds permit them unequalled access to the land; no bears, no bugs, no brush…and every river becomes an icy, almost friction free highway. In no other pre-civilized culture did individuals and their families routinely travelled the distances that the people of the sled and dog did. Then was the time to travel and meet up with their fellow clans and tribes. Most of our concepts of the north are the creation of people who have failed to recognize the superior adaptations the people of the north have been making and preserving for many many generations. Eskimo clever as it’s sometimes referred to, and cleverness all around would be advised in pursuit of the kind of evidence being sought regarding BF anywhere.
I agree. I think Chris H. has a fabulous idea in using canoes in the search. In my opinion, any Bigfoot expedition should be as quiet and non intrusive as possible if it is to have any chance at all of producing results. Rather that noisy groups of us smelly humans trudging around the forest, I can completely visualize a smaller, highly scientific expedition silently sliding down rivers through prime sasquatch habitat. It is a very good concept. Nice work, Chris H. Hopefully someone will try that out.
Thanks! I really believe that the way to learn more is to observe more. As you say, mystery_man, travelling by canoe is very quiet and unobtrusive, and you can cover a lot of territory.
I’ve been thinking it’d be great if there was an online group of people who could discuss and select a good, 5-10 day canoe route through likely territory…that would be the first challenge: where exactly is ‘likely’ territory that can also be accessed fairly easily?
Wonder if BF was out trick-or-treating? Was he carrying one of those little plastic punkins with the handle?