Scorpions On Planes
Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 10th, 2007
Two incidents in one week. Two scorpions on two separate planes. The news is coming in so rapidly this week, I shared this one directly with Chad Arment’s Strange Ark, a good site for you to know about anyway. Read more fully about the scorpions on the planes, here.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
The sequel to “Snakes On Planes” maybe?
Believe it or not, there is actually an illicit trade in scorpions as pets. I am not suprised that from time to time, one might get loose from its hiding place and run amok. It is odd that both of the incidents mentioned happened within such a short time span, but that could just be coincidence. Or maybe these were two parts of one shipment by the same inept smugglers? Imagine all of the scorpions that are captured and smuggled in without anyone ever being none the wiser. They find all kinds of exotic animals hidden in the oddest places on planes.
Also, it is possible that these creatures could have hitched a ride. I just read an article recently about a pair of jeans shipped from China that had a scorpion lurking in them. It would help if I knew where these two flights originated from.