Skeptic Says You Are Stupid
Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 31st, 2007
A site calling itself “Action Skeptics” shares, well, let’s say, a hostile view of cryptozoology within Akusai’s blog of May 31, 2007.
Clearly, this blogger does not mince words.
The subtitle for the site is, “Annoying stupid people, one woo at a time.”
I don’t feel too stupid too often, although giving this Akusai a second read and posting his “insights” on Cryptomundo may be my stupidest act for today.
Anyway, I know a good deal of Bigfoot and cryptozoology skeptics and researchers are readers of Cryptomundo. I was wondering if the general consensus of skeptics out there falls in the direction of Akusai’s rant, or merely is his the ravings of someone trying to get a little screen time?
As I began reading, I thought, okay, I’ll give this person a break. Akusai seemed to be having one of those guilt-ridden, fallen youthful-cryptozoologist-in-training moments; he seems shocked that he would have had some passionate moments about Sasquath. Therefore, I told myself, now he is writing about having spasms of regrets for being interested in such thing. That’s understandable. We have take personal journeys of doubt about what involves us, one way or the other.
“As a kid,” Akusai reveals, his “flights of fancy seriously entertained ideas of Bigfeets [sic], aliens, ghosties, Jersey Devils, and world-spanning conspiracies of silence.”
Of course, one could question how deeply and seriously he was interested in these topics, for his choices in reading about these subjects were weak and without depth. The guy tells us that he looks over to his present “bottom shelf of” his “living room bookcase” to find they are “accordingly full of titles like The Mammoth Encyclopedia of the Unsolved, Mysteries of the Unknown, and The X-Files Guide to the Unexplained volumes one and two.”
First of all, I’d be embarrassed to even admit those were the sources of my readings, even youthful ones, about the unexplained. Then secondly, I would question why those books hadn’t been sold in a yard sale by now. But I become sidetracked by his awful collection of books.
Akusai saves his most hostile assaults, it seems, not for himself, but for the authors of such books and their readers, to wit:
Certainly the subject matter of books like these is both a result of and a contributor to scientific illiteracy. The people who “research” and write the books are ignorant of proper scientific methodology and so have ridiculously low standards when evaluating evidence for their pet claims. They often assume what they wish to prove and will simply never be convinced that their stance is incorrect. Like the best of pseudoscientists, though, they can mix it up with enough scientific-sounding parlance that the casual reader, himself ignorant of real science, becomes even more ignorant. Books like Mysteries of the Unexplained stand in the center of a really nasty setup involving people who don’t know about science and people who spread their ignorance of it like plague rats. – Akusai
But, come on, Akusai, how do you really feel?
Titles such as that seem to be a shameless attempt to exploit scientific illiteracy, and indeed a basic lack of reasoning skills. Most people, owing perhaps to Sherlock Holmes and/or CSI, think that anytime there is a claim that lacks evidence for its veracity, a mystery is afoot.
Combine this with a complete ignorance of the many magestic [sic] enigmas that comprise most every field of modern science and you have a mind ready to purchase a book on giant ape-men who don’t hunt, die, defecate, or otherwise have any noticeable effect on their ecosystem. Marketing empty, unsupported nonsense as “mysterious” is a shrewd move in a culture filled with folks who have never even heard the phrases “null hypothesis” or “burden of proof.” – Akusai
Here’s how the blog ends – talking about the majority of you here, apparently:
There’s nothing mysterious or unexplained about cryptozoology. There’s just a bunch of amateurs tromping about the woods looking for a creature that they assume exists based on some of the worst proof imaginable….They see mysteries where there are none and sell that ignorance to others at fifteen bucks a pop.
Just because Bill says something and lacks evidence for it doesn’t mean that Bill’s claim is mysterious. Most of the time, I think you’ll find that it just means that Bill is full of sh*t. – Akusai, “Questioning the Unknown,” Action Skeptics, May 31, 2007.
I have no idea of the real person behind the name “Akusai,” but he describes himself, in the usual hidden fashion you find on the internet, as “Gender: Male; Occupation: Professional Layabout: Location: Indiana: United States.”
Also, he says this about himself: “Possessor of a worthless philosophy degree, among other things. Tireless warrior for right against stupid. Prankster extraordinaire. Giant geek. Ninja. And Pirate. Strange, huh?”
His other blog is about video games.
Any reactions to Akusai’s “cryptozoology” statements?
(*Please moderate your comments for profanity, as this is a kid-friendly site.)
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
He has a right to his opinion although most serious cryto’s never just assume something exists and require proof just like the big kids. I think just because he believed every crypto story that came down the pipe at one time (probably last year) that anyone entertaining such things feels the same.
You see Akusai, there’s this thing called a fence and most of us are planted firmly on top.
Let “Akusai” say it for himself: “Gender: Male – Occupation: Professional Layabout – Possessor of a worthless philosophy degree – Tireless warrior for right against stupid – Prankster extraordinaire – Giant geek – Ninja – Pirate.”
And his opinions? “There’s nothing mysterious or unexplained about cryptozoology. There’s just a bunch of amateurs tromping about the woods looking for… giant ape-men who don’t hunt, die, defecate, or otherwise have any noticeable effect on their ecosystem.”
And his other blog is about video games?
In what way does this clown deserve ANY comment?
He`s not a very Happy Man.
All science is a quest to understand the unknown. Since when does curiosity about mysterious animals fall into the category stupidity? Where would the human race be if it were not for our curiosity? If he looks down on cryptozoology, he doesn’t have to pay any attention to it. Let him pursue his “legitimate” science, because if cryptozoology is not science it will never do anything of consequence and he has nothing to worry about.
I couldnt have said it better myself fuzzy.
He has issues with that which he does not undersand or even chooses to try to understand. The close minded will undermind the world, but he is entitled to his stated opinion no matter how underated it may be. Unfortuntaly, its thoes kind of people who will likly be out tromping in the woods and stumble upon the groundbreaking evidance that is needed and will do nothing about it because their minds cant handle that what they are seeing is actually happing.
Oh and by the by, some of us out there who DO belive in Cryptostuff did go to collage and were in the field of modern sicence, I myself, was a bio-genetics major in collage (still working on that degree though).
Hey Acuse-U-say or whatever your name is, I have personally found their tracks in Pike National Forest in Colorado and my brother and cousin have found them in Oregon. That is an imprint on the eco-system if I ever heard of one. Back off of the bitter pills. BTW-Cryptogoji, I didn’t go to “collage” (it’s spelled College), but I agree with your post.Wink
He left out “parent’s basement” from location…
Personally, I think people who read too much into certain religions are misguided, no matter how much “proof” appears… but I’m certainly not going to say that their personal experiences, stories, or emotional reactions are “wrong” or “stupid” or have no worth.
Even if our collective experiences turn out to be a bunch of hogwash (weather God, ghosts, aliens, or Bigfoot)… I certainly can say the subject matter of this “hobby” has given me hours of enjoyment spending time with friends in the woods, many excellent stories to share with strangers, interesting tourist stops along the road, pages of wonderful books to read, and countless hours of childhood memories watching documentaries late into the morning with my sister and mother.
stupid? maybe… but worthless? hardly.
This is nothing new. This guy just has the cajones to say it bluntly. ALL the so-called “critical thinker” skeptics spew this same sort of pig-tripe all the time; they’re much more coy about it, but they’re just as arrogant.
But it’s okay, because I think HE (and anyone else who thinks this way) is stupid. In my mind, someone who thinks this way is no smarter than a sack full of hammers and what little mind they have is as tightly closed as the doors of Fort Knox.
A mind is a terrible thing.
I would go into a long, drawn out rant several paragraphs long on how I disagree with this person and think they are wrong, but it would just be a waste of my time. Maybe he is more sensible with his reviews of video games. Don’t know, don’t care.
I guess I’m a little surprised that a self professed geek wouldn’t have SOME interest in “monsters.” Being a playtester for board games for a nationally known gaming company, you really don’t meet too many skeptics in that group, let alone outright close mindedness.
He’s probably a hoaxer whose video or picture wasn’t taken seriously, and now he’s hurt and wants to cause damage another way. Or else he was a believer and then stopped because he couldn’t take the criticism.
Wow. Thanks for closing THAT book.
Someone should tell him hey, we were KIDDING. The Great Pumpkin is REAL.
Cheers ’em right up.
My own suppositions about this person are as follows: He’s specifically stating he’s a ‘ninja’, and a ‘pirate’ as well as a ‘huge geek’. To me this speaks of someone who’s so gloriously impressed with his own coolness and superiority that everyone else, especially those who don’t agree with his views, is stupid, uncool, and lesser than he.
Sceptic (proper English spelling) myself, I suppose. Nothing wrong with a healthy does of sceptiscism. But this offering of Akusai should not be dignified with an acknowledgemet from a serious minded site.
Sceptic with a strong disagreement, sound counter-argument and alternative hypothesis? Welcome, friend.
Anally retentive foul-mouthed gainsayer?
Get a girlfriend and leave us alone.
Sorry, me again, but just seen jchips blog!
that’s not being skeptical….that’s being judgmental and misinformed.
He assumes that we are all a bunch of ‘bubbas’ running around looking for UFOs and strange creatures and trying to make a fast buck off it. You know…the stereotype.
A skeptic, in my mind, is ultimately open minded but not willing to accept things without asking the tough questions…looking for firm answers. to be a skeptic it is not your place to pass judgement based on stereotypes and your own beliefs and opinions.
Skepticism is not a bad thing. It’s probably the best characteristic anyone in any field of study can have. It’s one thing to have an interest in something but THEN someone assumes you ‘believe’ in it only because you are curious.
I’ll save my diatribe about the differences of ‘believing’ vs ‘knowing’ for another post. Unlike the ‘skeptic’ mentioned in this post I have no doubts that you are intelligent enough to know what I’m saying.
Just remember, at one point in time the popular ‘belief’ was that the world was flat…how ridiculous is that now?
I’m still laughing at the “ninja” bit. That really says it all.
A self-professed skeptic who is professing to be something that doesn’t exist? Hilarity.
(And don’t cite Steven Hayes as proof of the existence of ninjas… he’s merely another Ray Wallace.)
Just my two cents.
True, this blogger isn’t giving cryptozoology fans much benefit of the doubt (seems a bit unfair to me, since he once found the topic compelling himself), but his main ire seems to be reserved for the publishers of cheap, exploitative, misleading books—the very books Loren characterizes as so “awful”
Frankly, it is pretty ordinary for publishers (and TV producers!) to churn out essentially dishonest treatments of paranormal topics. This happens because, as this blogger suggests, book publishers care about moving units, not solving mysteries.
The more outcry about that slipshod state of affairs, the better off we’ll all be—the public, skeptics, and proponents alike.
Great, another loudmouth to give us videogame players a bad name. I give him points for not posting some fake Suitsquatch crap on YouTube, but I have to deduct twice as many points for his being from Indiana.
Right on the mark Fuzzy!
I have read a couple of the books he mentions (x files not included) and there is mystery there. There are things we do not understand, no matter what side of any issue we look in from. If this person is unhappy with his life, I would suggest getting off the games, computer and t.v. and getting a degree that will do something for him. Get outside and do something that could be considered exercise, so he will be tired at night and won’t worry about those of us who do take these things seriously. Maybe a girlfriend would help too. I have always felt sorry for any skeptic on any subject. If this realm is so not worth your time, then stop wasting your time.
Pfffssst… If it weren’t for our curiosity of the unknown we wouldn’t ever discover anything new!! We’d just be going round in circles chasin our own tails.
Some people just make it their jobs to purely discredit a certain potential field of discovery. It’s just not a balanced statement, it’s just ploughing in regardless with opinionated ignorance
shumway10973: I take issue with one thing you say:
“I have always felt sorry for any skeptic on any subject.”
Not me. A number of people here – things-in-the-woods, mystery_man, springheeledjack come to mind but there are others, oh right, DWA, he’s one – are skeptics. We tend to use that-other-s-word to describe people like this.
For whom, yeah, I feel REALLY sorry. Particularly since I among others get the strong smell that he wasn’t like this once upon a time.
The folks I see taking crypto seriously seem to me to be having fun. It’s a quest, you know? The folks I feel REALLY sorry for are, um, this guy and others like him and those on the opposite end, those who “desperately want to believe.” Skeptics look for evidence and suss good from bad. It’s FUN. And the exemplars of the proponents – Krantz and Meldrum and Bindernagel, funny how their names keep coming up, and I could add Rick Noll and Daris Swindler and keep on going for awhile – have a very strong skeptical bent.
Um, as for this guy? Everything else in your post, man, could be framed (maybe we could just substitute that-other-s-word in the sentence above) and sent to this guy. As sort of, I dunno, a coming-out present.
Now I will say this. Dwelling on something like this, from one of the most anonymous of the anonymous, well, it doesn’t reflect well on crypto. As a field, I mean. Who cares? You think George Schaller stays up at night looking for negative press online? It’s about the critters, not about guys like this.
ddh1969 – “He assumes that we are all a bunch of ‘bubbas’ running around looking for UFOs and strange creatures…”
Had a hog named ‘Bubba” oncet – had a wooden leg.
Caught the Elm Blight and died back in ought-32.
Well, it’s so much easier to diss other peoples opinions and interests based on a shallow understanding, than it is to get out there, get your brain in gear and formulate your own…
Professional Layabout, indeed
And if this level of thought is the result of a philosophy degree then it certainly was worthless, wasn’t it?
Of course, if the intention was to get a group of people riled up enough to react (‘Hey – I’m making an impression in the virtual world. I have worth. I exist as a real person’)… Well, it’s worked to a certain extent. We’re even being polite about it… 😉
Yes, dunk_the_biscuit, polite to a point. I wonder has he said anything else about us in his blog since he got us all riled up??
This is my first comment. He just seems like a very sad and angry man. After reading some of his other blogs I just feel sorry for him. It really sad that he hasn’t else better to do than criticize other people. I don’t criticize him for sitting around and blogging about video games (he has an informative one about fallout 3 LOL).
cryptogoji: no he hasn’t said anything else.