New Wounded Knee Sightings
Posted by: Loren Coleman on January 27th, 2007
The Oglala Sioux Pine Ridge Reservation was the site last year of several close encounters with what appeared to be a large Bigfoot (often called “Big Man”). There’s news from sources at Wounded Knee, a few miles from Pine Ridge, that a new wave of activity has begun.
It is my understanding there have been finds of footprints in freshly fallen snow, and at least five sightings describing a 7-8 ft tall, thick hairy man with no face and long hair as it would sway with the wind.
One reported Bigfoot took a special interest in a pole yard light at night, being seen near it, looking up and going round and round it. Dogs being disturbed is common again, and a Bigfoot’s scream has been heard in association with the sightings.
I will release more details as they come in, but my sources are requiring deep confidentiality – at this time – because of their positions in the community.
Loren Coleman
Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct).
Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015.
Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Hello, Loren,
Do you know if any audio recordings are being used there? Is there any concerted attempt to document what is happening?
Any news on the stove pipe guy? Good update, the stories from Pine Ridge were really interesting. Don’t they have cameras?
The deeper evidence may be available with some patience. I really am not able to release more information at this time (so as to protect my sources), but I wanted to let people know that activity has been higher lately.
As far as I know, no audio recordings are being “used” by locals to have the Big Man/Bigfoot come into the area. The hominoids are doing that on their own, and making vocalizations without any enhancements on the part of humans.
As far as cameras, about 90% of the Pine Ridge Reservation police units have video cameras. But these are fixed on the dash to record traffic stops. Several tribal policemen carry their own handi-cams. But to use them means having a sighting right in front of them. And the chance to chase after the creature to get the needed videos.
As far as private individuals on the Pine Ridge Reservation having cameras – forget it. Pine Ridge is the poorest area in the country. With the yearly per capita income being $3,500. And at this time of the year an unemployment figure of 85%. A luxury is food, not spending over 1/3 of your monthly income on a $100 digital camera.
To give a perspective on the area, is this not the location of the FBI/AIM clashes of the 70’s?
Ever since these sightings have been reported, I’ve visited a lot of sights to get a perspective of the terrain, vegetation cover and “lay of the land” in this area. Google satellite imagery and Ogalla Souix websites present an area with plenty of wooded cover and vegetation choked creek beds for a Bigfoot to hide in. This area isn’t treeless praire we see in photos from Custer’s day.
These reports are very interesting, I hope they bring us closer to a capture. There is of course a paranormal element to this, which can’t really be avoided given the deeply spiritual significance of this area to all Native Americans. Here’s hoping that they share any secrets they have of this mysterious creature with us Philistines.
hey loren & everyone wow this is a great new update about pine ridge sasquatch encounters, im glad researchers there are keeping a eye out on those forests areas. i realy injoy the above replys as well. thanks bill
Seeing the giant, the big man, means some bad things are coming down, now or soon. The big man is not bad, but he is a warning to the Indian people, that bad stuff is coming. They saw him there about the time of the Wounded Knee incident. I think you can also read about it in “Lame Deer: Seeker of Visions” and maybe “Fools Crow” too, but this is pretty well known in reservation communities. The big man is not seen as an animal, but as a kind of spirit. He is a sign of the times.
That can put to rest any notions of hibernation. The warm spell the central States had earlier this winter is past.
Yes, Wounded Knee is the site of the slaughter by the army. They fired two Hotchkiss automatic cannon with explosive rounds down into the encampment of basically prisoners who had had their firearms taken away just previously (always a bad sign of future intentions). IIRC, they had at least a 2″ bore, from the ones I saw as a boy at Ft. Laramie in Wyoming.
Cameras and recorders? Please! These people are lucky to have food on the table. My aunt worked as a counselor for years in a nearby reservation. Not everybody has the luxury of these items and if they did they surely would’nt share with the white man who has destroys everything he gets his hands on.
Yes I am surprised to see the local law enforcement is apparently equipped with cameras.
The massacre at Wounded Knee took place on 29 December, 1890. One of the first to die was Chief Bigfoot of the Miniconjou Sioux. Any connection to these “Bigfoot” sightings and Chief Bigfoot?
I’m not trying to be flippant, but I wonder if the reports are more paranormal than based in reality.
Gotta say this: I think it’s going to be very hard to determine what the heck is going on at this rez.
Unless somebody with tons of money steps in, and hands the money to qualified people to go look.
Confirming an unknown species, of any size, requires time, people and equipment. The rez cops are cops. They’re not zoologists; they have other things going on. The sightings here are getting pretty much the same short shrift sightings have always gotten. Because they are not proof; they have to be followed up on; and right now the time money and inclination are not there.
An additional factor that can’t be discounted is that the First Nations seem not to have the incredulity factor mainstream American society harbors about things like this. They know that it’s a bit of a big deal, but not so much of one that everybody’s going to suspend their lives to Find The Monster. To them it really isn’t one.
It’s just another critter. OK, maybe a bit more. Which, if you think about it, is the way we ought to treat all of our critters, if we want to keep them.
I grew on a large cattle ranch about 90 miles south east of Pine Ridge. The article is not mentioning the Niobrara River valleys that run for a 150 miles running east to west about 50 miles south of pine ridge. These are really dense canyons with heavy evergreen cover. The scary “stuff” that my Grandfather and his brothers used to see down in those canyons, late at night cat-fishing on the river, was legendary in our family. It is pretty common place knowledge that bigfoot is there. You have to remember that it is o.k. to talk about the occasional stray elk, or brown bear that may have wondered down from Wyoming or the Black Hills. But to mention a giant Ape-like creature would mean instant ridicule. I have seen this creature cross the highway in front of me late at night coming home. One summer night my brother was chased by one when he stopped to take a leak alongside highway 20 between Ainsworth and Valentine Nebraska. If you’re not familiar with the area, you should know that some of these ranches are a couple hundred thousand acres. You can drive for miles between ranches. This is a very sparsely populated part of the U.S. There are warm springs that bubble up out of the ground in some of these isolated canyons creating a very temperate climate in even the harshest of winters.
I now live in Oregon, and you should know, that the loggers don’t want anyone to know what they see in the woods for fear that the government will turn the forest into another “Spotted Owl incident”. They are afraid that the forest will be closed down to protect an endangered species. I know when they have some of their timber meetings, they will specifically discuss not talking about sightings. It is all strictly closed mouthed. The loggers know not talk about anything they see.
I am a Native Canadian from Southern Alberta and am quite familliar with the Bigfoot sightings that occur on or near Reserves (Reservations). In accordance with what LanceFoster says his presence usually correlates with a prime event about to take place, those who know understand. as long as He stays near our people as he has for the last 100 years he will be protected, our people have an innate knowledge of him as we do of many, perhaps can be classified “Cryptids” and understand it as a fact of life and something mentioned as being an event to be conscious of rather than marvel at the physical sighting of Him. We have absolutely no desire to photograph Him, capture Him, study Him, not that it would even be possible, but stranger things have happened. Any secrets that we have of him will likely remain that way for to even hear them would mean nothing without the physical backdrop of having lived and sharing oyu blood with the people who have lived here for thousands of years. to understand a world where what would be considered “supernatural”, “paranormal” is as real as picking up a cup or coffee would take far more than a simple photo or even to feel His fur, but in essence that’s what attracts such things to an untrained eye isn’t it? the mystery of it all? as long as He remains at arms length He will be OK, Our people will be OK, every’s happy. as DWA pointed out we should keep the animals regardless of their “value” to science protected. oh and Joppa, you’re right, Chief Bigfoot and Bigfoot are the same, the exact same thing, it took decades but you figured it out, we’ll bring him out with his hands up…..
mrotis: I’d give a lot for the “commonplace knowledge.” 🙂
But having been in that area I can vouch: ANYTHING big that wanted to avoid people would have found a very good place to do so. Much of it may be fenced. But fences aren’t such a big thing for most wild animals. And there ain’t much in the way of humans inside – or outside – those fences. I tend to go to remote places, and I’ve seen few quieter than that one.
And as far as loggers in Oregon: now why the heck am I not one bit surprised?
Since Craig and Loren have provided a venue that some other First Nations people have commented on I will tell you all a story from my youth.
I asked an Elder what he knew of the ‘Apes’. He sneered a bit and said he ‘had never heard of any apes around here.’ I persisted and he finally told me that the Sasquatch were not apes or animals, rather they were an ancient race of men. They are covered with hair, I pointed out. They are covered with fur, he corrected. I figured he was being cranky and dropped the discussion. After a time he said ‘In the old days before the White man came, our people (we are Carriers) were nomads. We followed the food, hunting in small, family groups. It was a hard life. We had no time for carving or weaving like the coast peoples. In fact we raided them. We were marauders. Our men would come down from the mountains at night. They dressed in skins with the fur turned out. They would whoop and holler from the edge of the woods, flinging rocks onto the roofs of the long houses in the village. The coastal people, always wary of the woods, would come running out and see the men of our people. Sometimes they would flee in their boats, leaving foodstores for plunder. We disguised ourselves as Sasquatches? I asked, surprised that I had never heard of this, before. No, I was told, the Sasquatch people only wore furs in the winter in the old days. How do you know? I demanded. We used to trade with them, he said, in the old days. ‘I guess you knew Paul Bunyon,too, in the old days,’ I said.
‘They spoke Skookum,’ the old man continued, ignoring me.’Not well, mind you, but they could point and grunt like anyone and that is all you need for trading. ‘What did they trade?’ I asked slyly, hoping to trap him. Furs! he said, they traded raw animal hides that we could finish tanning. We traded them dried fish for the hides. I have never seen them at any of the gatherings, is it because no one speaks Skookum, any more? I asked. No, we saw less of them after the Small pox went through. We’d see them, but they wouldn’t parlay. After the Spanish flu we didn’t see them at all for a while. When they came again they wore skins like raiders and scowled at anyone they met. We are not friends with them any more.
That is how I heard it thirty years ago.
After searching the area aerially on GoogleEarth, I find it interesting that Sasquatch is such a part of the everyday life up there that they’ve actually got a ‘Big Foot Trail’ that leads from I-18 to Wounded Knee.
If Sasquatch is so prevalent in this area, why aren’t there more photos from this region? Or videos? Why does Oregon/Northern California continue to get all of the attention?
Not about Sasquatch. The use of the name “Big Foot” for a trail would be a reference to the Chief Big Foot (or sometimes Bigfoot) killed at Wounded Knee by the US military.
The Bigfoot Trail is the trail that Chief Bigfoot and his people followed when they tried to make it to Pine Ridge Agency before the Army caught up to them. It is a sacred trail, one that my people follow every December to remember the ones who died trying to flee the white man. It is a long and hard road to follow, especially in the middle of the winter. We ride horses and camp outside, just like the old days, so we don’t forget the sacrifice of our ancestors.
the continued references in eyewitness accounts and the police woman’s radio transmission all note the subject’s affinity for twirling around a light pole. check out the ‘skunk ape’ video from kansas city. the black figure ahead of the camerawoman places its left hand on a tree trunk and ‘twirls’ around to the far side of the tree before coming back out into the footpath to face her directly, at which point she stops the tape and skedaddles. any more news on these res sightings since early in the year?