Archive for the “Alien Big Cats”

Maine’s Dog Killer cont.

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 18th, 2005

Investigative reporter Mark LaFlamme continues his inquiries into Maine’s mystery beast with a new article published in the November 18, 2005, Lewiston Sun-Journal. Widespread interest and comments have been generated through LaFlamme’s initial article which was then mentioned in my earlier blog here, and that Cryptomundo comment was noted in David Pescovitz’s Boing Boing column. […]

Read: Maine’s Dog Killer cont. »

Indispensable Cryptozoological Tool

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 17th, 2005

What might be one of the most indespensable tools for a cryptozoologist to own that is easily available to most investigators? What are we to do about that old cliche, “Oh, if I only had a camera with me when I saw that thing.” Mark Rollins, a New England environmental health and safety manager, has […]

Read: Indispensable Cryptozoological Tool »

Maine’s Dog-Killing “Hyena”

Posted by: Loren Coleman on November 16th, 2005

Whatever hates dogs in central Maine is back. It kills, it slices dogs’ throats, and it terrorizes the citizenry. Creepiest of all, eyewitnesses say it looks like a hyena! During the summer of 2004, Lewiston Sun-Journal reporter Mark LaFlamme covered the story of a strange creature that was killing dogs. "It began in mid-August [2004]," […]

Read: Maine’s Dog-Killing “Hyena” »

Black Cat is Kitty Cat?

Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 27th, 2005

In a breaking news story out of Australia, a Talangi researcher named Bernie Mace (who told the media there that he’s been researching mystery cat reports for thirty years), is quoted as having a new theory. Mace earlier had said the black cat that Melbourne deer hunter Kurt Engel shot in June 2005 was a […]

Read: Black Cat is Kitty Cat? »

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